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402nd Debrief: 3rd December 1944
Attack on trains and rail facilities in Krefeld armed with 6x500lb bombs

With little AAA resistance encountered over the target area, the squadron dutifully attacked and naturalised the primary objective. Shortly thereafter, red leader and red two spotted an FW-190A8 with lights on to the NE, presumably in the pattern for Krefeld airfield. Both pilots landed hits on a head on attack, which was met with return fire. With the enemy aircraft now trailing grey smoke, red leader swiftly lined up behind and shot it down in flames. No other enemy aircraft were encountered.

Forming up over target area, we headed due south to look for targets of opportunity in nearby Mönchengladbach. Further train and rail facilities with assorted ground targets and AAA were encountered and also swiftly dispatched. With further ground targets spotted to the West and South West, the squadron split into fighting pairs and racked up an impressive tally of AAA and artillery near the front-line. 

Apart from a slightly hairy moment for red two, nearly losing consciousness due to oxygen starvation (and red three for a heart-stopping near collision as a result!) - all pilots and aircraft returned home safe.

Well done chaps, great team work and a decent haul of ground targets destroyed.
A particular shout out to red four with 13x AAA/Artillery destroyed - well done that man! 

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Plenty of air to air excitement for the 485th this time and no pilots lost. Good show ! We were tasked with an air patrol to the North of Koln and so took extra ammo and 2x500lb just in case. As it happened we all dumped the bombs early on as we came across six FW190A before reaching the front lines. A head on assault from those fiendish Fokkers was avoided and we shared in the delights of shooting them all down. Mr Rox used his aircraft to heavily damage one of them as shown. He survived a crash landing I am pleased to say. Both Artage and Tonar were also forced to land at forward airbases mercifully unharmed. Artage had thrashed his engines to failure, I can only put this down to mounting frustrations caused by not being recognised and accounted for during the 485 briefing due to an admin error ? 

We were rather dispersed after this initial encounter and Capt Rea suddenly found himself being assaulted by a Whoop of FW190Ds.

All hands to the rescue resulting in the Fokkers being sent earthward.
Shortly after this encounter had terminated we received a call from Mr Tonar who was trying to emergency land at Venlo stating that there were Bf110s in the area threatening to spoil his day. A quick regroup and 30km descending sprint to his location found one (soon to be team killed) 110 and frightened the rest away.

With fuel to spare we decided to pick off a few AAA units before returning home for a well earned rub down with the Radio Times.

Funflak landed at a forward airbase, not through any necessity but to visit a “special friend” 💕

Excellent wing man work from Reggie in difficult circumstances and a fine performance (as always), from Capt Rea. Tonar, Artage and Rox should be back at home base by lunchtime today , just in time for matinee card school ......

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410 BG. 2 pilots, 2nd lt Major Major and 2nd lt David Crosby flew straight to the target area, as we didnt have a flight plan,and searched for targets. We flew low level and located several groups of enemy forces. We then proceeded to drop bombs on them scoring 7 hits each. Not wishing to get shot at more than we needed to, we headed home and made safe landings at our home field.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Mission Date 03/12/44

402nd FS - Road & Rail Strike, Krefeld

485th FS - Fighter Sweep, Mönchengladbach-Cologne Sector

410th BG - Infantry Position Attack, Geldern



370th FG

402nd FS: (Courtesy of Capt. Sean O'Sullivan)


With little AAA resistance encountered over the target area, the squadron dutifully attacked and naturalised the primary objective. Shortly thereafter, red leader and red two spotted an FW-190A8 with lights on to the NE, presumably in the pattern for Krefeld airfield. Both pilots landed hits on a head on attack, which was met with return fire. With the enemy aircraft now trailing grey smoke, red leader swiftly lined up behind and shot it down in flames. No other enemy aircraft were encountered.

Forming up over target area, we headed due south to look for targets of opportunity in nearby Mönchengladbach. Further train and rail facilities with assorted ground targets and AAA were encountered and also swiftly dispatched. With further ground targets spotted to the West and South West, the squadron split into fighting pairs and racked up an impressive tally of AAA and artillery near the front-line. 

Apart from a slightly hairy moment for red two, nearly losing consciousness due to oxygen starvation (and red three for a heart-stopping near collision as a result!) - all pilots and aircraft returned home safe.

Well done chaps, great team work and a decent haul of ground targets destroyed.
A particular shout out to red four with 13x AAA/Artillery destroyed - well done that man! 

Group COs note: An incredible total of 44 ground targets destroyed in a single mission! Superlative work 402nd!

402nd Sqn Log 03-12-44 a.PNG

402nd Sqn Log 03-12-44 b.PNG

402nd Sqn Log 03-12-44 c.PNG

402nd Sqn Log 03-12-44 d.PNG

402nd Sqn Log 03-12-44 e.PNG


485th FS: (Courtesy of Maj. Mick Payne-Less)


Plenty of air to air excitement for the 485th this time and no pilots lost. Good show ! We were tasked with an air patrol to the North of Koln and so took extra ammo and 2x500lb just in case. As it happened we all dumped the bombs early on as we came across six FW190A before reaching the front lines. A head on assault from those fiendish Fokkers was avoided and we shared in the delights of shooting them all down. Mr Rox used his aircraft to heavily damage one of them as shown. He survived a crash landing I am pleased to say. Both Artage and Tonar were also forced to land at forward airbases mercifully unharmed. Artage had thrashed his engines to failure, I can only put this down to mounting frustrations caused by not being recognised and accounted for during the 485 briefing due to an admin error ? 

We were rather dispersed after this initial encounter and Capt Rea suddenly found himself being assaulted by a Whoop of FW190Ds.

All hands to the rescue resulting in the Fokkers being sent earthward.
Shortly after this encounter had terminated we received a call from Mr Tonar who was trying to emergency land at Venlo stating that there were Bf110s in the area threatening to spoil his day. A quick regroup and 30km descending sprint to his location found one (soon to be team killed) 110 and frightened the rest away.

With fuel to spare we decided to pick off a few AAA units before returning home for a well earned rub down with the Radio Times.

Funflak landed at a forward airbase, not through any necessity but to visit a “special friend” 💕

Excellent wing man work from Reggie in difficult circumstances and a fine performance (as always), from Capt Rea. Tonar, Artage and Rox should be back at home base by lunchtime today , just in time for matinee card school ......


Group COs note: Well done 485th! Not just mud movers after all, eh? Excellent haul gents. Though, Major Payne-Less, let's have your boys revise some of their engine management procedures for next time...

485th Sqn Log 03-12-44 a.PNG

485th Sqn Log 03-12-44 b.PNG

485th Sqn Log 03-12-44 c.PNG

485th Sqn Log 03-12-44 d.PNG


410th BG (Courtesy of 2nd Lt. David Crosby)



2 pilots, 2nd lt Major Major and 2nd lt David Crosby flew straight to the target area, as we didnt have a flight plan,and searched for targets. We flew low level and located several groups of enemy forces. We then proceeded to drop bombs on them scoring 7 hits each. Not wishing to get shot at more than we needed to, we headed home and made safe landings at our home field.


410th Sqn Log 03-12-44 a.PNG

410th Sqn Log 03-12-44 b.PNG


  • Thanks 2
  • 1. DDz Quorum

370th FG

Awards and Promotions:

Captain Sean O'Sullivan is awarded the Bronze Star.

BluBears Bronze Star 03-12-44.PNG


Captain Kevin Fruitbat is awarded the Purple Heart.

Fruitbat's Purple Heart 06-12-44.PNG


2nd Lieutenant Tony Bowen is awarded the Purple Heart. 

Tbone's Purple Heart 06-12-44.PNG


2nd Lieutenant Dennis Falcon is awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (posthumously).



No changes.



402nd Roster 06-12-44.PNG

485th Roster 06-12-44.PNG


410th BG

Awards and Promotions:

2nd Lt. Major Major is awarded the Bronze Star.

Deltas Bronze Star 03-12-44.PNG



No changes.



410th Roster 06-12-44.PNG

  • Thanks 1
20 hours ago, Painless said:

What have you got to do to get a gong around here? 🤣😂😳

Buy the farm it seems!

  • Confused 1

Hey All, terribly sorry, but not going to be able to make it tonight. Bets of luck, a thousand apologies 😟

  • Sad 2
  • 1. DDz Quorum

Very eventful sortie today 485th ! Set off as a four ship flight along with the 402nd on a combined Sqn air patrol mission over the front lines north of Zulpich. 2x500lb bombs were carried by all to suppress flak for 410th bomber Sqn if needed. From 15,000ft  before we reached the front lines, what turned out to be a single Ju88 was spotted. Since the armorers had forgotten to load 2nd Lt Lucas Rockwell’s aircraft with bombs and the refuelling chaps had only given Capt Rea half full tanks, I sent them in as a bombless pair to despatch said Bosh bastard whilst 2nd Lt Artisan Well and myself kept our eggs for later. HOWEVER, to the south was spotted a loveliness of FW D9s at around angels 15 so all bombs dumped and in we go. Capt Rea and 2nd Lt Rockwell had to climb to join us so things were a little lop sided and......well..... Well was overwhelmed and we think he took damage to his elevator which lead to an unrecoverable dive into oblivion. It’s a shame because he was a very deep, well rounded chap.

Anyway, we dispatched the D9s with some excellent work from Rockwell and Rea, continued on our patrol all the while keeping in touch with the 402nd boys and the 410th chaps who were also busy inflicting harm and misery as required. 
On the return northern leg of our patrol we descended to look for ground targets of opportunity and found plenty. 25 plus were destroyed between us in what can only be described as an ordered frenzy of aggression.... brought a tear to my eye it did.

Capt Rea dead stick landed, out of fuel, at a forward airfield without a problem and Rockwell and myself landed at home base in time to join 402nd’s afternoon whisky and knitting bonanza. 

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

I had planned to be with you all, laid around all afternoon watching tv.. I'm slipping, sorry. 

  • Confused 1

402nd Debrief: 6th December 1944
A reconnoitre of the Zülpich area armed with 2x500lb bombs

A mixed mission for sure and not without incident sadly. We flew as white and blue flights to 485th's red flight, in a show of force to jerry.
As we reached cruise altitude blue one was seen to nose down violently by blue two and despite his frantic calls, never recovered from the steep dive. Suspected catastrophic control failure and the subsequent extreme negative G the likely cause of pilot incapacitation. 2lt Roger Over joined 402 only a few missions ago, but he quickly became a favourite of all in the squadron, especially for 'that trick' in the mess hall involving a chalice, 20mm cannon shell and a pair of nylons. How he managed it, we will now sadly never know. Blue skies young man!

Blue two formed up with white flight to resume as a fighting four. Shortly after 485 engaged with the Ju88 and whilst orbiting awaiting their new position, we answered the call to engage fighters to the South. A busy furball ensued, with our Tempest escort also getting stuck in. A number of 190 D9s were shot down or damaged in the engagement with no loss to our own. At this point white three reported possible control damage to his aircraft so opted to RTB; this later turned out to be a dodgy window causing buffeting - after giving it a bash he headed East again and joined the rest of 402.

After a period of searching the sky and an aborted engagement on what turned out to be friendly aircraft, we looked for ground targets of opportunity along the frontline from Zülpich up to Jülich. Some AAA were dispatched, one of which caused damage to white four who, escorted by white three returned to Florennes as a precaution whilst lead and two continued the search.
White two was the only pilot to still have bombs hanging from his -38 following the earlier dogfight, so we were keen to find somewhere meaningful that he could lay his eggs. Unfortunately, this was not to be as a well aimed AAA hit caused severe damage to both of his engines. White two immediately diverted due West to successfully recover at a forward airfield escorted by white leader, who then made the lonely flight home for a well earned cup of coffee.

A slightly frantic mission with a decent tally of aircraft downed and a handful of ground kills, though sadly darkened by the loss of 2lt Over.


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  • 2. Administrators

2nd Lt T. F. Eccles has been posted to the 402nd

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  • 1. DDz Quorum
9 hours ago, Jabo said:

2nd Lt T. F. Eccles has been posted to the 402nd

I hear he makes a mean cake ?

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