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I think that this +BoK will give most of us our usual rides. I hope that the coop mode will be what we need.

  • 1. DDz Quorum
12 minutes ago, DD_Arthur said:

'Ere;  have you activated your bleedin' christmas present yet?:P

According to my Profile / Purchases it is activated. Then again, the Pre-ordered one is as well, so I dunno what to make of that!  :shaunhb:

But I get it, I will start looking into the Box set that is installed on my PC... And get past firing it up to keep it updated, and then closing it down again ;)




Most evenings AP, Perf, Spaulding, and myself are doing some coop stuff in BOS. This sim has an excellent graphics and damage model.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum
1 hour ago, Crash said:

WOW! You do realize that it will be some time before the beta?

Eh, yes, sure. But I bet the dollar / euro value stuff will even out some more in the near future, so right now it feels like I got a like 10% discount! :P

Really, I am just supporting their effort. That's how I got to be a 'Founder' there... 

  • 1. DDz Quorum
12 minutes ago, CaptJackG said:

Most evenings AP, Perf, Spaulding, and myself are doing some coop stuff in BOS. This sim has an excellent graphics and damage model.

Yeah, I bet you get lots of excellent views of the damage model! :pick_a_finger: 

  • 1. DDz Quorum
12 minutes ago, CaptJackG said:

Most evenings AP, Perf, Spaulding, and myself are doing some coop stuff in BOS. This sim has an excellent graphics and damage model.

But, please explain how you are doing coop stuff in BOS, when they've only announced to impement it? Is that some special way of running the current multiplay? Can you elaborate a bit? Can we set up a server ourselves? On our on PC? On our DF-server?

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Flew a bit in the IL-2 just now.

Initial observations:

- Had to re-assign the keys  / axis, again. At the rate I am flying this it looks like I have to do this each and every time ... lol

- FFB did not work, it was switched on though?

- Vync was not switched on

- Whatsup with all them coloured stuff all over the screen? Pointers, hints, blobs.... must be difficulty settings, or rather easyculty settings?

- I do not really care for them snowflakes

- Really have to tune down the low tones on the chair - it's nearly shaking it and me apart...

- I have the impression it has the look and feel of CloD, but in here the trees do have a collision model: message on screen after I collided with one: "Undercarriage failure - Bail Out!" lol

- 10 minutes after exiting it, it still states "Stopping background processes. Please wait."


Yeah, I need to look into this some more  I guess... !



We have some missions that you can fly either both sides or just one with AI aircraft on both sides and ground targets.

If you see our server as either AP or I can host our pw is paws.

  • 2. Administrators

OK, I'm in - just updating the game now - it's been a while - Just waiting for a sale on BoK now to get that one.

+++EDIT+++ 6.6GB - yes, it's been quite a while.

17 hours ago, CaptJackG said:

If you see our server as either AP or I can host our pw is paws.

  When I saw the server up I tried 'arse' but it wouldn't take it!  elbow - lolB)

  • Haha 1
  • 1. DDz Quorum
16 hours ago, DD_Arthur said:

  When I saw the server up I tried '******' but it wouldn't take it!  ****** - lolB)

Hey, Pssst... where in the public area, that info you posted maybe should not be here .... :o:unsure::happy11:

18 hours ago, FoolTrottel said:

Flew a bit in the IL-2 just now.

Initial observations:

- Had to re-assign the keys  / axis, again. At the rate I am flying this it looks like I have to do this each and every time ... lol

- FFB did not work, it was switched on though?

- Vync was not switched on

- Whatsup with all them coloured stuff all over the screen? Pointers, hints, blobs.... must be difficulty settings, or rather easyculty settings?

- I do not really care for them snowflakes

- Really have to tune down the low tones on the chair - it's nearly shaking it and me apart...

- I have the impression it has the look and feel of CloD, but in here the trees do have a collision model: message on screen after I collided with one: "Undercarriage failure - Bail Out!" lol

- 10 minutes after exiting it, it still states "Stopping background processes. Please wait."


Yeah, I need to look into this some more  I guess... !


Sorry FT, should have replied to this earlier.

Having to re-assign keys/axis again?  I suspect this has something to do with updating but not actually using the game for a while.  There used to be an issue with Win10 and the recognition of devices in the game but that got fixed...last year I think.

I've got a folder on my desktop called 'All things BoS' and within it I place copies of the stuff which might be effected by game updates.    My game is installed thus;

  C:\Program Files (x86)\1C Game Studios\IL-2 Sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad

Once you've sorted out all your control assignments open the game folder and you'll find the 'data' folder.  Go  into it and look for the 'input' folder.  Found it?  All your control assignments are kept in there.

Just make a copy of the whole folder and put it somewhere safe.

Oh yeah, you can do the same with skins and once you start flying in SP you'll find a couple of guys shouting in either Jeeeeerman or Russ.  Since i find this incredibly annoying I've gone into the 'audio' folder and removed the two files marked Ger and Rus.

No more shouting......

FFB not working?  Er....dunno.  Mine does.  Do you have a floppy stick or merely the default spring effect?  Might just be a case of closing the game and unplugging the stick's usb.

Vsync?  I'll try and write something up about the graphic options but there are two ways to go;

Run the game in full-screen mode with vsync on and frames locked at target 60 OR run game in windowed mode, vsync off and frame rate unlocked.  It seems to be a matter of personnal choice/power of your gaming system.  I've gone with full screen.

Coloured stuff and indicators all over the screen?  Yeah, I know - uurghhh.....getting rid of 'em is about options.  Check this post out;


I get rid of it all by pressing 'H'  Doing away with all the on screen stuff also saves about 40% of your graphics processing power too!  It's something on the "to do" list for the devs.

10 minutes after exiting and stuff is still happening?  Hmmm...think that might be something to do with not actually running the game in a while too but not sure.  i don't launch my game from the launcherB)

Go into C:\Program Files (x86)\1C Game Studios\IL-2 Sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad\bin\game and find the IL2 application folder - mines 11,558kb worth - and create a shortcut to it.  Put shortcut on your desktop and launch game from there.  Should help.....er....possibly:o

Hope this all helps FT:salute:





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  • 2. Administrators

Thanks Arthur - That's helpful. For the record on my I5-2500K rig with a GTX980 I'm running fullscreen (1920x1080) with everything at Ultra-High settings and things are smooooooth as you like. Oh, and just got my first BoX air-to-air kill (La-5 vs 109). :thumbsu:

Engine management especially on the older aircraft is a pig but I got a handle on it in CloD, sure I will here too.

I have to say that it all feels a bit 'clunky' in the menus and the lack of clickable cockpits is a drawback but the rest of it is very nice.

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