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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_Bongodriver

  1. No, I googled 1920's seaplanes, I didn't know you can google images.
  2. Vickers Viking?
  3. Is it irony that the Italian license built version is a P12?
  4. Nope, I'm stumped, as far as I'm concerned it's a P12e
  5. 40 minutes chock to chock
  6. Did somebody say Tiger Moth? Here's what I got up to this weekend, Classic wings are invited every year to attend the 'Blades ball' at Sywell, I'm flying the camera ship in both videos.
  7. I think this one is yours Blubear, you actually mentioned the funky funk thing which is technically more correct.
  8. Replicas, I edited my previous post to include the link, though they use the term replica very loosely and I have no idea what the base aircraft they have used is.
  9. Ki-51 or more to the point one of these awful replicas http://www.thetexasairmuseum.org/aircraft/flyingaircraft/KI-51/
  10. Ki-27 of the 64th sentai with 3 Russian kills?
  11. Saab B18?
  12. I want to say Heinkel He-115 but I'm not 100% sure.
  13. it is indeed.
  14. Yay me!
  15. B-17.....I mean Saab B17
  16. A small hint Pooka, rename your photographs, it kinda gives the game away when the floating text when you hold the mouse cursor over the picture reveals the answer, it's a shame really because that was stacking up to be a good one.
  17. Christ! it looks like it was built out of dustbins.
  18. OK, here's more
  19. nope.
  20. Not in the least, it is a genuine USN aircraft.
  21. Ok...nother one.
  22. Just figured it out, it's a Shorts Sperrin.
  23. Looks like something Vickers.....but buggered if I can figure it out.
  24. DH comet?
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