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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_Bongodriver

  1. Crash is on point as far as I'm concerned, have found it impossible to play anything let alone sims on 2D screen since I got VR. I may have to grit my teeth and install BoS as it apparently has VR support, the new IL2 franchise seems to be the future for the dogs ongoing shenanigans and Clod may even get the VR treatment, that will certainly lure me back into the fold.
  2. I heard the pilot was Mark Levy, gear was retracted deliberately and early assessment is the aircraft is quite repairable. Was a very frightening sight as it unfolded because from my vantage point it looked like he was going into the Airspace hangar.
  3. I got to watch the Berlin express arrive at DX, I have to say I'm baffled as to why they didn't put her in a shipping container but at the same time I am in awe of the adventure that epic flight must have been.
  4. Still seems more appealing than Ryanair or sleazyjet.
  5. oculus rift...cough!
  6. I'm a DCS WWII backer too so have a key already.....soooo excited!
  7. I found a fantastic curry house in Reykjavik on a night stop there.
  8. Big 60! very happy birthday Sven.
  9. a wha?
  10. this ones going to be tough without cheating, needs a clue I think.
  11. arguably it is an evolution of the mossie, same manufacturer.
  12. Reminds me more of a link trainer.
  13. Yes he did, showed me the log book entry, incidentally I took the author of that book flying on the same day as they had come as a group.
  14. I recently had the pleasure of taking an ex FAA seafire pilot flying in the Stearman, a chap named Keith Quilter, he brought along his logbooks and had some captivating stories to tell including the one where he was shot down at Tokyo bay in his Corsair, instead of bailing out he ditched so he could fly away from the mainland and was luckily picked up by a US submarine, he apparently has always maintained a soft spot for the Stearman from his days of training at Pensacola but hadn't flown in one since those days, it was nice that we have a Navy variant but sadly not one he flew according to the serial numbers.
  15. Semi related and probably as influential in the CAA's decision making was the Gnat accident recently, interesting to read the pilot had a medical condition that got him chopped from the RAF and was never declared on his subsequent civillian medical examinations. AAIB report: https://www.gov.uk/aaib-reports/aaib-investigation-to-folland-gnat-t-mk-1-g-timm
  16. I'm Classic winging it on the Sunday.
  17. I think this is a Jurca MJ-100 1:1 replica Spit, you can buy the plans and build it yourself. http://www.marcel-jurca.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=209&Itemid=245&lang=fr
  18. Would have been a different story if it was an A-10.
  19. One can dream they re-engine one of the Spanish 111's, I'm sure some of the airframes could still fly with enough money thrown at them.
  20. No, I'm thinking the piston engine so we can have some Jerry multi engines flying.
  21. I had no idea there was anyone with plans to build engines from scratch, I wonder if there is enough info on a Jumo to do the same.
  22. Come to think of it there were Beaufighters with Merlins too, I wonder if that is a consideration for TFC.
  23. Good luck finding 4 hercules engines too, sadly we will never see an airworthy Halifax.
  24. I had no idea....
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