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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_Bongodriver

  1. I just found out that through a connection I could get admitance for 5 in a car in for free, but I am on duty......I will see what I can do.
  2. Don't let them fool you about the sheep.....the sheep are a lie....there is no sheep!
  3. Ah yes...that's clipgate airfield at barham....those are the trees I hit
  4. I seem to recall from my ATPL theory the human body can physically survive an instantaneous 20 g in the vertical plane and 45 g in the horizontal.
  5. Who knows....maybe there was a special DangerDog looking out for you guys that day, I hope you guys will come to terms with what you witnessed.....seeing people die stays with you.
  6. They say it's a T-28......not a WWII machine at all
  7. Have just seen another photo posted at the 1C forum showing clearly the trim tab hanging off........end of debate, the aircraft made a massive pitch up due to speed and the pilot probably blacked out, the tailwheel was probably forced down because of the high g.
  8. at 500mph yes....here is my purely speculative sequence of events based on a few videos I've seen, first I believe there 'was' some sort of mechanical failure (the tailwheel makes me believe something went wrong in the aft section) the trim tab is harder to confirm, either way it really did seem to me the aircraft made a sudden pitch up from a level attitude, so the pilot was not under any g loads until the pitch up, I believe that was an effect of a failure, this 'may' have put the pilot unconcious through the rest of the sequence, the continuous pitch up resulted in the aircraft stalling out and flicking putting the aircraft inverted right above the crowd line, the pitching force was still in place and the aircraft pulled through vertical straight into the crowd below, good chance the pilot was unconcious because I heard no reduction of thrust.
  9. I am still more curious as to why the tailwheel is extended and another pic shows the elevator trim tab potentially missing.
  10. That and they breed and move freely among us and are classed human enough to have rights so we can't make them dissapear.
  11. This is a great group I got invited to, I hope I get back in the saddle when rl flying calms down a bit, just sad to hear Mr BG won't be with us, my first impressions on one of my first co-ops was he is a kind sounding man, warm and welcoming.....I think it was BG who said I had a massive piece of equipment too.....so he won a new friend for life here Bongo S
  12. This flying for a living lark is really getting in the way.

    1. fruitbat


      hard to feel to much sympathy,lol!

  13. I thought any old cassette player with a 3.5mm audio jack would work, just use a double ended audio lead and plug it into the AUX input of the soundcard, record the whole tape...chop it up into individual tracks if you like with cheap or free audio editing sofware.
  14. 'Osama should have been mounted on ground zero pickled in alchohol with a porkchop in his mouth and a (NYFD) fireaxe up his ass'..........my sentiments exactly!!!
  15. DD_Bongodriver


    Just outside of Dover.
  16. DD_Bongodriver


    Lovely and sunny here 'darn saarf' in kent. 'Half-wing half-wit' = Navigator (possibly any other aircrew with a half wing) 'hedge monkey / fence monkey' = plane spotter. 'Nigel' = British airways pilot....used widely in aviation not just RAF
  17. May as well........
  18. Just a problem with widescreen for me so far
  19. Wide screen for menus or widescreen for gameplay? If you want gameplay widescreen with proper aspect ratio you are gonna need San's IL-2 FOV changer otherwise your game will be a stretched 4:3 aspect ratio instead of the typical 16:10 for widescreen LCDs. If you talking about widescreen menus, apart from using the Ecran Wide mod I don't know what to tell you. If it's not working anymore then they possibly need to update it for UP 3.0 but I would have thought that would have already been a taken care of if not integrated into UP as its a no brainer. Well I think widescreen for both, there is a widescreen mod included with the UP 3.0 install and it just isn't working....nor is ecran for 4.101
  20. I have a problem......I just can't get any widescreen to work with it, all the other mods work just not widescreen.........any ideas? Bongo
  21. OMG!!!! I actually got wood watching that...........sooooooooo hungry right now.
  22. Merry spring equinox! I shall be spending it flying it seems, still getting some BBQ and beer inbetween, so it's not all that bad. Bongo
  23. YAY! I'm not 'the' FNG anymore, you'll love flying with these guys Beta........but don't be sucked in with the promise of sheep, I havent been anywhere near one since joining.
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