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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_Bongodriver

  1. I really must try to make this one, be nice to get a big bunch of those freaks that live across the atlantic over and show them how to pass out covered in vomit after a shandy propperly.
  2. Appy Berfday!
  3. What they said....
  4. Happy Birthday chaps!
  5. DD_Bongodriver

    steer 1

    Who is the important looking hansome bloke everybody is listening to? he looks like he knows his stuff.....
  6. It was almost a perfect day, wind down the runway, but it was a particularily busy day for me, managed to clear the back log of previously cancelled trips, I'd already been up 8 times and I was chuffin pooped.
  7. It didn't happen though, I'm not really a pilot.
  8. Fnar Fnar!! ........ mounted .........chuckle!!............we all know what you used for glue eh.........wink wink!
  9. I knew I should have banned my photo being taken......what a gourmless fat twat I look.
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-18692532
  11. DD_Bongodriver

    Iron front

    All your corpse are belong to me!
  12. I thought it was meant to have the new EMALS (electro magnetic) launch system so no need for a steam room, I can't believe we've changed our minds again and gone back to the VTOL vesion of the F-35, the maintenance on that lift fan would probably cost more than maintaining 2 launchers and arresting gear.
  13. Yeah not much I could do, recorded it on my phone and the wind was 20 knots.
  14. Bem-vindos maior!
  15. From the album: Some of my flying stuff

    A fairly common event for us at TG Aviation, except for the Lancaster parking on the taxiway, was fairly quiet so the airport allowed them to park there so our fuel bowser didn't have to drive too far, but the fighters always use our ramp, the nice bit of the vid happens from 15 minutes....turn the sound up, we always get a nice fly past as a thanks for hosting.
  16. Canberra
  17. Dead stick is a phrase originating from WWI, they used to call the wooden props a stick, if the engine failed you were dead stick.....
  18. I can't stop crying either, brilliant find.....
  19. and I might add I was only joking about the application........I'm too old to run from angry dads
  20. Just need to ask...once completed what adress do I send the form to?
  21. Thanks Tom, I know a total god like me would be expected to be really arrogant but I find toning down my awsomeness keeps the mortals on side
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