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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_Bongodriver

  1. I've had passengers who created smells that could choke a donkey, bad thing about the Learjet is that the toilet may be in the back but the cabin pressure outflow valves are under the pilots feet, so all those lovely aromas make their way straight to the front.
  2. So....who is tempted to try the same thing on the next scam mail?
  3. I think that's all if you include me and Skypup, I think I'm the only one outside North America.
  4. Sweet, nearly got 700 GS once on a flight to Reykjavik, just hovered at 699 the whole time.
  5. That red switch visible in the centre console is the primary/secondary pitch trim selector, seen a few of those bent forward.
  6. A bit cramped for my fat 6'3" ass, I really want to move on to something bigger with a flight attendant. Acyually the Learjet seat should be banned under some sort of anti-torture legislation, it is one of the most uncomfortable, it only takes 1.5 hours sat in before the eyes well up with tears from the pain.
  7. Found a video of the P-16, if you are familiar with the Learjet you will recognise the wing planform and distinctive tip tanks, the Lear 45 has winglets instead of tip tanks but the basic wing I believe is unchanged. P-16 Early Learjet Learjet45, an actual one from my company fleet. 45 cockpit, not my photo
  8. I have my criticisms, very small though, but when they nailed a tandem pit to it was like grafting John Prescott's head onto a supermodel....fucking rank not even a paper bag would help.
  9. I was rubbing my nipples as I typed too
  10. Lear45 with a max operating ceiling of 51000', I believe the entire Lear range have this ceiling, we are limited to not above 49000' because of cosmic radiation but I have never gone above 45000', shame because if you take a pic of the altimeter at FL510 Bombardier will issue a '51 club' pin. Lovely little jet and it has fighter like performance because the wing is actually from a swiss fighter design P19 I think, though Mmo is only .81 Vne 330kts..........fanfuckingtasticwheel brakes though, it's like hitting a wall so not bad short field performance for landing and we still have TR's
  11. I know.......shameful.
  12. I do that for fun, the day job is flying a Learjet.
  13. DOH!!! looking again I should have realised it's a 2 engine job, there is me looking for thrust levers and there's EICAS staring back at me.
  14. Something tells me this is an authentic Latvian joke too, pissing myself laughing though.
  15. I take it was a Jetstream, is that a 747? do you guys typically cross the pond at FL350 ish? can you get higher to get out of the jet?
  16. Yes I heard, although I believe the retirement is more a winding down from full time a bit like Stephen Grey is doing..........I couldn't ever imagine just going cold turkey from doing stuff like that.
  17. I met Jonathon Whaley who flies that Hunter, thoroughly nice chap, He is a friend of the owners of the flying school I fly the Stearman for, really cool he came and introduced himself to me when he saw I fly the Stearman.
  18. Exactly, I ended up having my cancelled ban reinstated after a lengthy PM debate with the Mod in question who even admitted a hasty decision and slipped up on several occasions that decisions were based on false information, he even deleted posts of mine that were evidence against an accusation of me, the whole thing was a farce but Zak ended up reinstating the ban for what I can only guess the reason being to safe some face, thankfully at least one other mod has seen it for what it is but is powerless to take action I assume. Long story short I broke not a single rule, I was even being particularly careful about that, but I ended up having to fend off the very snarling fanboys mentioned.....ironically one of them being the mod that banned me, talk about hypocrisy, very curious PM from Furbs a few minutes ago saying the mod in question is no longer a mod but I haven't seen any evidence of it.
  19. I cant stand the BoS forums. Never has a forum been filled with so many cocks. I know, the sad part is I actually like the look of BoS and am really looking forward to it, I'd really like to have a decent community there but my god you are so right about them.
  20. I should do some flying again soon, since my trackir broke I have had to start using and getting used to these facetrack things, I'm kind of impressed to be honest, it does work, even better news is that apparently I may be able to use my occulus to play IL2 soon through a 3rd party driver.....should work on clod too and dcs......literally creaming my undies.
  21. Because I don't have the pre-requisite personality bypass to be in the BoS forums I am enjoying a 7 day ban.
  22. the TF patch has made the fps incredibly smooth, only flying over London puts any strain on the system.
  23. I believe you should be able to use a twin ended 3.5mm jack stereo lead and plug the player device into the line in.....not sure if the mic input supports stereo but a line in should.......I think?
  24. The Map SDK has been given a green light for the EDGE engine now, apparently we even get a video tonight actually showing some of the EDGE engine.
  25. RE 'SNAFU', had a word with my colleague from the Fighter collection and he was not under the impression of any impending export, he did go on to say that Stephen Grey never tells him anything but this guy should be in a fairly good position to know the intimacies of what goes on, he said he would let me know if he finds anything out.
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