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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_Bongodriver

  1. in Win7 the game controllers control panel has an advanced option which allows you to assign the preferred controller for older games, this effectively is assigning the controlled ID I think, either way the Logitech profiler software gives the option to assign ID's to your devices.
  2. Centaurus, Wickenby
  3. Centaurus, Yeovilton.
  4. Bristol Hercules?.........have no Idea where but hope it's part of a pair that find their way to Duxford.
  5. Strange, is it maybe an issue with being installed in the C:\Program files folder? Edit: fingers crossed then Jabo.
  6. Hear Hear!......I check in every day now for my daily smile.
  7. Wow!!, must have a worse internet porn habit than me then.
  8. Well at weekends I go by the name of Belinda and wear............Oh crap!!.........what other 'games'........read the fooking title.
  9. I watched that movie Gravity the other day.
  10. Because us Jet pilots are gods
  11. Where did the green salad come from? what is that?
  12. yeah, with BluBear on this one, saw the gamertag too, IMHO it is ARMA, the helos on deck looked a bit 'still' the blades weren't even twitching despite all the hot gasses the 35 would be producing.
  13. loose some of mine while you are at it.........I'm too busy snacking.
  14. Is Tom qualified now? what about Blubear? when are they going to take me for a spin?
  15. I'm in love, as painless said she is a ginger honey, but the way she can use phrases like pinch a loaf or prairie dogging and still seem classy..........
  16. Pledge?....is that an equivalent of Future floor polish?
  17. I know what checkrides are like, the reindeer got off lightly.
  18. Love it, faith in humanity restored, the guy also clearly wasn't into publicity either.
  19. Have you been cheating Jabo?
  20. We not playing anymore? it's your go still Tom.
  21. Fen has it
  22. Not an F-16
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