I wonder if it isn't a symptom of our "urbanization".
Those of us who live in places where raccoons, porcupines, coyotes, possums and the like still make nuisances of themselves have always had guns around, see them as nothing more than tools.
MK1 Rodent Eliminator.
Throw in the odd hungry black bear and "self defence" takes on a whole new meaning. They can't be negotiated with, nor can they be rehabilitated.
In Canada you can at least still shoot a bear coming into your back door(don't think a door does anything but slow them down and piss them off) without having to prove your life was in danger, unlike a crook.
Once folks spend a generation or so in the city they seem to demonize those things of rural life as somehow "uncivilized".
You would not believe the crap I took from my city dwelling in-laws when I took my 12 year old daughter to a 2 day gun safety course.
I was teaching her to murder animals, how inhumane.
If they could see the path their hamburger took from birth to McVomits they might see hunters as far more humane than the factories that make those neat little supermarket packages. Just because it's out of sight doesn't mean it's OK. Veal anyone? I'll never touch the stuff.
If anyone should have the right to bear arms it is the Americans. They think ALL free men should have the means to deal with tyranny. Noble stuff,
How many others would invade your country and then give it back?
I do firmly believe though that once people got their exposure to guns from television instead of their father it all went downhill.