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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Perfesser

  1. I did use ImgBurn (for the first time) and followed their instructions for an ISO image. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?s=50a34d0125cdada9f94edf4397eb202c&showtopic=11194 Obviously I missed something. I didn't get a message to boot off the DVD but I'm sure I have the DVD drive as first in boot priority. Thanks for the help. I'll go through it again and check carefully.
  2. Hmm, nothing happened. Funny though. I can see the SATA drive I installed in "my computer" yet I don't see it in the BIOS boot priority list (not formatted?) It just booted off the usual SATA drive. I have both plugged in to boot disk slots (slot 1 and 2 are master "boot" connections. 3 and 4 are slave data disk slots) Just for fun I clicked the install program while in explorer and it gave me the "not a valid Win32 application", that kinda makes sense with XP32 bit. Did I botch the DVD image burn? Should I try formatting the disk first through XP? Maybe I should unplug the main drive with the XP install and try it with just the blank drive? Just a noob thinking out loud here..........
  3. OK great thanks
  4. Could you elaborate a bit on that? I look for "disk option" in BIOS and ...... Should I update the BIOS to the latest?
  5. Could be but I think thats more of an overall identifier rather than the trojan name.
  6. I didn't think it would take long to get out of hand but it was fun while it lasted. You have to wonder though how oppressed the founding fathers must have felt to write that into the very core of the government. No doubt they all came from places oppressed by tyranny. Funny though, a lot of the most vehemently opposed are the same ones with their military at the airport with MP5's and the like. The only one I ever saw in person was at NASA of all places. Everyone else was oblivious but I was very aware of a guy walking across the food court with an MP5 tucked under his coat.
  7. Anyone have it? It's been so long since I've done this .... I bought and hooked up another HD. It now shows as my D drive. To install Win 7 on it I: Disconnect from internet 1 Reboot and set the DVD drive as 1st in the boot priority via BIOS.(set bios to defaults? no OC going on now) 2 Reboot with the Win7 installation disk in, it should boot and ask what drive to format? 3 Select the new (empty) drive and let it go? 4 Its only 150G, I see no need to partition. Should I format the drive while it's still drive D through XP? (my computer, right click on D drive and one option is format) NTFS? allocation unit size? Once it's installed can I boot off one drive or the other by changing boot priority in BIOS regularly? There's always a ton of stuff I forget. Like having a firewall and browser ready to install before formatting. Is the Win 7 firewall any good?
  8. If you know the name of the Trojan you might find a removal tool at Norton or another site.
  9. As for the artwork, the canopy glare to me stands out as the wrong angle but overall it's about 1000x better than anything I could ever come up with.
  10. The original foo fighters.
  11. Hmmm I just burned Win 7 to a disk and will install on a separate hdd in a day or two. I can't get AA3 to run with XP at all. I've read the same problem with UT3, the base game engine. I think that patch is called Ubi-fix. No idea if it will help with the CD.
  12. You could download cpu-z. It will tell you what DDR2 you have. Mine is PC2-6400 DDR2-800 and I just got more to match. You can get faster but it will all run at the speed of the slowest you have installed.
  13. I wonder if it isn't a symptom of our "urbanization". Those of us who live in places where raccoons, porcupines, coyotes, possums and the like still make nuisances of themselves have always had guns around, see them as nothing more than tools. MK1 Rodent Eliminator. Throw in the odd hungry black bear and "self defence" takes on a whole new meaning. They can't be negotiated with, nor can they be rehabilitated. In Canada you can at least still shoot a bear coming into your back door(don't think a door does anything but slow them down and piss them off) without having to prove your life was in danger, unlike a crook. Once folks spend a generation or so in the city they seem to demonize those things of rural life as somehow "uncivilized". You would not believe the crap I took from my city dwelling in-laws when I took my 12 year old daughter to a 2 day gun safety course. I was teaching her to murder animals, how inhumane. If they could see the path their hamburger took from birth to McVomits they might see hunters as far more humane than the factories that make those neat little supermarket packages. Just because it's out of sight doesn't mean it's OK. Veal anyone? I'll never touch the stuff. If anyone should have the right to bear arms it is the Americans. They think ALL free men should have the means to deal with tyranny. Noble stuff, How many others would invade your country and then give it back? I do firmly believe though that once people got their exposure to guns from television instead of their father it all went downhill.
  14. I read about it a forum somewhere but can't find that post. I found something for dual core called AMD Processor Driver but that's mostly a fix for WinXP and dual core issues.
  15. The vid card will mostly determine the quality of the frames rendered, not so much the framerate. I just changed my card from an 8800GT to a BFG 260 and it made no difference in framerate, not that I expected it to. While a CPU running at 2.2 is a tad slow it should still give you better than 20 fps. The game probably won't use more than a single core. Win 7 probably uses more CPU than another OS. There is a program from AMD to shunt all processes to one core while leaving another to only run the game.
  16. There was a guy on Coast to Coast talking about many instances of armed civilians preventing crimes. Robberies in one state much higher than in the state next door that allows weapons. It was a long time ago and I can't find it in the archives. I doubt the media would touch that one. Bottom line - if the bad guys have em, why not the good guys?
  17. The Constitution is a great document written by the people, for the people. The right to bear arms was written into the constitution for one reason. That the people would always have the means to overthrow the government if it no longer served the people of the United States. The carrying of concealed weapons is a different thing that I think only makes good people fear other people. Contrary to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. There is something wrong with the justice system but it's the culture of fear that drives all of this. You could blame the Canadians but it probably has more to do with the media.
  18. I think Kingston or Corsair has a "memory configurator" thingy on their website. Specs for your mainboard should say what to use as well.
  19. I just ordered a
  20. Looks faked. Think how hard it would be to be tracking the jet to have it in perfect focus vs the building. If anything the jet would be a bit blurry, not the building. The sun angle on the jet vs the building seems wrong too. Look at the reflection on the canopy.
  21. Maybe my cats are smarter. They'll leap and dash and frantically try to climb the walls after it but the instant it touches skin they switch off and look at me like I'm the idiot.
  22. I dunno, I haven't played with anything. When I was looking for one I did a bit of research on 'gaming monitor'. One of the most important things was refresh rate and they recommended 2-3 ms. I just read 2 ms is about equal to 75Hz on a CRT for comparison.
  23. Very cool. Right up to when your showboating causes a rotor strike at which time "cool" immediately becomes "incredibly stupid".
  24. I think one of the most important things for gaming is to look for a low response time on the monitor. Porn, not so much. Mine is 2 ms. samsung-syncmaster-226bw http://reviews.cnet.com/lcd-monitors/samsung-syncmaster-226bw/4507-3174_7-32327967.html?tag=mncol;psum
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