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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Smash

  1. Who needs a chain saw lol
  2. Who needs a chain saw lol
  3. HAHA I remember it like it was yesterday
  4. HAHA I remember it like it was yesterday
  5. No I aint leavin lol. But Salutes Too all of ya. For letting me in the Dangerdogz. being under the Age limit of your guide lines and Well everything Else Thank You DANGERDOGZ
  6. No I aint leavin lol. But Salutes Too all of ya. For letting me in the Dangerdogz. being under the Age limit of your guide lines and Well everything Else Thank You DANGERDOGZ
  7. IM sure you think myspace is just as dumb. P.s. i dont care for Facebook ether
  8. IM sure you think myspace is just as dumb. P.s. i dont care for Facebook ether
  9. Smash

    Parade Pics

    Wow now thats a BA parade.
  10. Smash

    Parade Pics

    Wow now thats a BA parade.
  11. Ok then im gunna get The ASUS P5Q-E.
  12. Ok then im gunna get The ASUS P5Q-E.
  13. Is that one similar too the one i was talking about?
  14. Is that one similar too the one i was talking about?
  15. Ive been looking at an ASUS P5Q-E if any of yous guys approve i plan on getting this one. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131296 Smash.
  16. Ive been looking at an ASUS P5Q-E if any of yous guys approve i plan on getting this one. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131296 Smash.
  17. Wow im Glad too see im not the only one that thinks jacksons was an idiot.
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