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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Sorry to spam the board---note the red "X" on the flag in the right side of the taskbar---firewall is off http://s113.photobucket.com/user/strider_07/media/ChkMods%201_zpsilcqrpea.jpg.html
  2. This is as far as I get http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n206/strider_07/ChkMods_zpsfuflngio.jpg
  3. Thanks, FT. UAC has been off all along. Does the message "Mod set in use" have any bearing?
  4. ~S! m8! It's all good. Its probably something simple although this version of 8.1 does stuff differently from my laptop. Its apparently an OEM for NCIX, my vendor. The ChkMods seems to operate as it should to an extent (id's me and searches path to install) but runs into this firewall settings shutdown at Blueprint ini.. I\m aware of the steps that are supposed to happen and why but can't apply a fix. FT, When you get a chance, I would appreciate discussing this with you. To all other responders, thanks, m8's! Starting to feel at home again---see you in the skies soon, m8's! Got some setup stuff to do but saved my controls and profiles on jpegs so its just a matter of getting 'er done! Plus finding my CH and TrackIR disks, LOL! ~S! Strider
  5. ~S! Ground crew error. I was right-clicking il2fb.exe, not a.exe, lol! D/l'd ChkMods1.25. Firewall is OFF, a/v is OFF but when I run ChkMods.exe as admin, error messages: Cannot verify mods version---seems ok because my path is to a vanilla version. Version.ini not d/l---? Blueprint.ini not d/l. Check firewall settins---but it is OFF, warnings abound every time.Turned off my a/v as well.? Any suggestions? Getting more determined. I know this must work. I even d/l'd ChkMods again and ran it but no joy. The good news is I have TS working. Thanks in advance, m8's! Strider
  6. ~S Arthur! Another Dog I've missed! See you in the skies soon. Enjoying your BoS films, keep 'em up! ~S!
  7. That's the one I have sent to FT. Thanks, m8! ~S!
  8. Rgr that. Thanks, m8!
  9. Not yet, m8. Got the game started on my copy "IL2 HSFX7" but didn't change my pilot name to "DD_Strider" yet. Chkmods refuses because I'm not identified as a DD. Then I ran into the frozen cursor bug and couldn't click "Pilot" to do so. What is the fix for the cursor bug? Can't remember. And while I'm here, search won't find the "No cd hack". Is that on these forums? Gotta hit the shower and get ready for work soon, lol! Thanks, m8! ~S! Strider
  10. ~S! Success! Runs "The Black Death" at 60 fps with no stutters on Perfect, everything maxed. And I haven't touched the conf,ini yet. Now to install TS, Joystick, TrackIR, do profiles, set controls, etc.Then some practice will be in order. Thanks again, m8's! ~S! Strider
  11. ~S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi, FT! Thanks for that reference! That link should be stickied! Installing as we speak. Thanks, m8! Once done, I'll make a copy of the game to my secondary HDD and head over to your thread "How to easily install to HSFX7". I owe you 1946 pints, m8! It's 4:10 a.m. here but now I'm too excited to go back to sleep. Oh, oh. "DirectX is not compatible with this version of Windows" I'm at the Setup screen. Will report back later. ~S! Strider
  12. ~S! Hi, Gec! Great to see you too! Looking forward to more good times when I get this installed. I tried exactly as suggested by Jabo (Run as Administrator from a File Explorer window on setup.exe in the game files) at least 10 times before I first posted. In between, I ejected and re-inserted the disk in case it was getting a bad read. No dust or scratches on the disk. Brand new external DVD player that plays other disks just fine. I get the UAC dialogue box appear (Do you wish to allow setup.exe by unknown publisher to make changes to the hard drive on your computer?), click "Yes", dialogue box disappears, get the spinning blue circle for 2 seconds and then nothing. Through the compatibility troubleshooter, I set XP (Service Pack 3) but still no advance past the UAC box. "incompatible program". Not giving up, just not sure what else to try next. ~S! Strider
  13. Thanks, m8! Sticky finger on "Post". It won't run the disk at all. Tried about 20 times. I get the UAC dialogue box and click "Yes" but nothing happens after that---no title screen or anything. Disk doesn't spin in the external DVD player tho' other disks work. I will install TS tonight and get that set up. Thanks for the offer! Smooth skies! Strider
  14. ~S, m8's Got a new rig with i5-4670k, GTX 970 4GB, MSI Z97. Tried many times to install 1946 from disk but no joy. Tried the compatibility troubleshooter, says "incompatible program". That can't be right, or can it? Want to get back in the skies with HSFX7. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance! ~S! Strider
  15. ~S~, Toad! The best wingleader I ever had. Great songs you're putting up! Keep it up. We'll jam in the virtual skies again. Cheers, m8! Strider.
  16. Hi, M8's! Been a while to fly or post but I'm lurking. Couldn't help but post this. http://www.bbc.co.uk...nshire-20794398 I took my Commercial Pilot course and subsequently worked for the flying school at Hamilton, Ontario, as a line boy (Try pumping 500 gallons of 110/130 into a DC-3 or a PBYsitting on the wing in the wind in winter, lol!), short sight-seeing pilot (hey, its all hours in the logbook), ferry pilot for new Piper Cherokees off the line in Vero Beach, Florida to Hamilton, Montreal, Loch Haven, etc,. I clearly remember the scattered parts of the Warplane Heritge group Lancaster laying on the floor of their hangar. I've seen the Hamilton Lanc do flypasts at local airshows, last in June, 2012. The sound of those Merlins is AWESOME! I'm getting my game updated and will be back to be the customary target. Be afraid___not! All the best to you all! Strider
  17. Strider

    Salute To Bg

    ~S~ At a typical DD co-op session, enroute to the target: Quazi: Five dollar foot-long...(sung in that great southern drawl) Strider: Hey, Quazi. I was thinking about you when I was in court yesterday. Quazi: Howzzat? Strider: It was the weekly hooker court when they have them all show up together. I looked at the bunch of them sitting in the courtroom along with a few Johns and thought to myself "Five dollar hosebags" and it sounded like your voice! Quazi: You doan say. I had to move my headset from the multitude of bursts of loud guffawing and laughter that nearly deafened me. That and many more similar as well as more personal experiences with the guys and especially with you, Jim, are what I'll treasure for the rest of my life. It's what kept me coming back week after week (usually getting creamed in the game) because it was always a guaranteed good time with BG and the boys from all over the world (until R/L interrupted me as it does all of us from time to time---I'll be back). The world is a far better place for you having been here, M8. It wouldn't have near the problems it has if only there were more like you. I learned more about life from you than possibly anyone else. Thank you so much. Ditto all the accolades above. Clear skies and a gentle tailwind wherever you fly, M8! I'll be your wingman soon enough. ~S~ to you and to all the Danger dogz! Bill
  18. is active, just quiet for now

  19. So true, no matter what the vocation. Probably why I have so few friends who are lawyers. But why do so many people call me at all times of the night for advise/action on such burning issues as "I didn't get next month's support cheque yet" and "Should I lend money to my drug-addict friend?" and "I think I may be arrested---should I leave town?" and "He's supposed to bring the kids back for 7:00. It's now 6:50. What should I do?". I refer such people to the old adage "Let your conscience be your guide.". True Stories-----Judge---"I fine you the sum of $500.00. And if I really thought you were guilty, I'd send you to jail." Judge---"Do you have any more liar...err, witnesses to call?" Strider
  20. It's a mechanical representation of a new proposal to amend how a government clerk requisitions a new pencil for his personal use---much simplified over the present process!
  21. Happy B'Day, m8! Hope this is your best year ever. Keep on ridin'!
  22. Thanks, TOAD! Very cool of you to share that. Strider
  23. Hey, TOAD. I know what you mean. I feel cut off as if snowed in during a blizzard, without internet. Hope you're feeling better. Strider
  24. Great movie! Hit me the way the 1st Star Wars did in 1977---like, wow! Raises the bar by far. The plot's competing forces are fairly generic, actually---episodes of the original Star Trek tackled such issues as well as numerous movies---Cameron has lumped a bunch of them together with an imaginative way to express the virtues of "Good" vs the immoral actions of "Evil". Won't spoil it for others with more specifics. The visuals are the outstanding point but the creativity in the science supporting the realization of the above elements (think "mind meld", for example) and the design of the tech, the machines, the geography, etc., is what really impresses me. The graphic execution is smooth and the action scenes intense. You really have to see it more than once to absorb it all---better each time. Go for it, GreyKnight---I went to the original Star Wars 17 times! Strider
  25. ~S~, M8's! Thanks all for the good wishes---feel better already! The description above is an overview of the symptoms---thought I would spare you the gory details. Nasty, nasty experience. Wouldn't wish this on my ex-wives...well...hmmm... @ gec---what price immunity? Think I would rather have chanced the shot! I should be as strong as Hercules or Arnie Terminator after this
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