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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by GreyKnight

  1. Don't be rediculous Pooka! In today's world, there would be a 2nd, unladen, bomber flying right behind this one. So the bombardier could jump across to in order to have a smoke in that one. This 2nd bomber would be covered in warning signs to warn people of the danger of smoking this bomber contains. It would also have a loud tannoy that it would use just as they crossed enemy lines, in order to alert the enemy that these other aircraft are armed and dangerous and could do damage to people on the ground. Bored at work I am.... Is it POETS day?
  2. Yes, convergence alter its trajectory. I haven't proved it, but since nose mounted guns have their trajectory altered, I would assume their range could be theoretically increased. Therefore I assume this wouldn't work for wing mounted weapons.
  3. Got this from a post of the Zoo. 5 pages of AMAZING WWII photos... http://forum.sli-team.ru/index.php?s=5b ... =1540&st=0
  4. Airmen Enforcer & Fireman, K9 Squadrons regret to inform you that you have both failed your 'Basic Observation Exam.' This test is very important when it comes to evaluating a pilot's ability to spot the correct target. You both are hereby ordered back to class to carry out further observation & recognition training. Be aware that there will be one other pilot in your class, a certain BG. Otherwise known by Allied ground Forces as "The Red Menace." Pilot BG has failed this exam on no less than 3,821 attempts. And we all are working hard in hoping that he eventually, one day, hits an Axis ground unit instead of men on his own side. Regards,
  5. What the PROTEST one?!?!?
  6. Hmmm...
  7. Thankfully Dazza isn't around, so I'll be typically Xenophobic and say they MUST be Oirish!
  8. "Let's get out of here then..."
  9. More...
  10. ~S~ all, I think it was Highlander who asked me to put this up whilst we were on TS. It says it's from the 1946 Readme file, but I couldn't find it. Superchargers.pdf Superchargers.pdf
  11. What are those damn aircraft pix doing in the way!?!?!
  12. Thankfully I'm not married, and no I haven't got any naked pix of the doris, so can I buy some off you? p.s. I shall prevent the missus EVER coming to this forum, so help me god!
  13. Anyone else visit this site weekly? Another damn interesting story this week, check it out... http://www.damninteresting.com/?p=883
  14. They frickin' were Enforcer! That top-heavy, mini-pants-wearing brunette was GORGEOUS! So put up the rest of the pix you have of her in our private board.
  15. Nice one Tonar, I'm glad to hear the DDz honour comes before your bladder! I would of been p1ssed though if after flying for 30+ mins, I got shoot down by one of the fighters just minutes away from target.
  16. Wow, great pix Letum, thanks for sharing them. Looks like it was a load of fun. I must bug Tonar to ask him how it went.
  17. Found some more...
  18. Here's some more I found on the web. Not K9 related really, but still funny... Definitely one for the K9s below... One for me next... Hands up guys...
  20. It's the usual crap from 17 year old losers glued to the t'internet all day. All trying to wind up normal folk with their idiotic responses.
  21. http://www.break.com/index/firemen-lift ... water.html
  22. BG, There was an article in a local London free newspaper that printed the story to this video. They say she was really unharmed, just a few tears apparently. But you're still a... twisted fella, for posting this!
  23. It does help Rattler. This is the route I took, and it did noticeably improve FPS slightly.
  24. http://youtube.com/watch?v=w-O7J6LKnbk
  25. I hope Hamilhoff doesn't mind me posting these pix of him. I just got them in my inbox from a friend....
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