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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by GreyKnight

  1. Thank you sir! Let's play a game of 'Birthday Prezzy Snap.' You just shout "SNAP" when you see an item you yourself received on your birthday... [*:3tw15tz5]12 pairs of black socks [*:3tw15tz5]A Polo Shirt [*:3tw15tz5]2 pairs of underpants [*:3tw15tz5]A 1/72 scale model TIE Fighter [*:3tw15tz5]2 large bars of Cadburys Chocolate [*:3tw15tz5]A wine bottle stopper/pourer
  2. Thank you sir! Let's play a game of 'Birthday Prezzy Snap.' You just shout "SNAP" when you see an item you yourself received on your birthday... [*:3tw15tz5]12 pairs of black socks [*:3tw15tz5]A Polo Shirt [*:3tw15tz5]2 pairs of underpants [*:3tw15tz5]A 1/72 scale model TIE Fighter [*:3tw15tz5]2 large bars of Cadburys Chocolate [*:3tw15tz5]A wine bottle stopper/pourer
  3. Here is a good explanation to most of the bombs & rockets that you will find in the game. I got this info off a post by Algorex on the [bFs] forum. I asked him if it's okay to post here. He kindly said no problem. So I just tidied it up myself and stuck it here. If anyone else finds any more good info, just edit this post to add it in... Germany AB = Cluster Bombs - Abwurfbehälter (Release Container) AB-250 - Contains 108 "butter-fly bombs." Effective against anything but tanks and ships. AB-500 - Contains 74 anti-tank bombs with minimal radius, so a direct hit it needed. (Like Panzerfaust Warhead) AB-1,000 - Launches 672 Incendiary bombs - (can burn everything, even Tanks) & framerate!
  4. Here is a good explanation to most of the bombs & rockets that you will find in the game. I got this info off a post by Algorex on the [bFs] forum. I asked him if it's okay to post here. He kindly said no problem. So I just tidied it up myself and stuck it here. If anyone else finds any more good info, just edit this post to add it in... Germany AB = Cluster Bombs - Abwurfbehälter (Release Container) AB-250 - Contains 108 "butter-fly bombs." Effective against anything but tanks and ships. AB-500 - Contains 74 anti-tank bombs with minimal radius, so a direct hit it needed. (Like Panzerfaust Warhead) AB-1,000 - Launches 672 Incendiary bombs - (can burn everything, even Tanks) & framerate!
  5. I had to stop the video halfway through, otherwise I would of burst out laughing whilst at work... http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/40371/
  6. I had to stop the video halfway through, otherwise I would of burst out laughing whilst at work... http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/40371/
  7. Still cool though isn't it?
  8. HILARIOUS!!!! A new forum and there's only 3 other posts and one of them is... Same old....
  9. http://www.ffk-wilkinson.com/
  10. Yep, more from Ebaumsworld.com.... Shouldn't it be NAVY!?!?!?
  11. ~S~ BFs chaps, I just posted on your forum saying thanks, and more, so I'll just say MANY THANKS again for another great night flying with you lot.
  12. Weren't you at our
  13. Cannon_fodder, You can engage the MW50 on 109s as long as your RPMs are below 2,000 RPM. That's what I've heard and that is what I tested and it works too.
  14. You look wierd now, FriAAAAARRRRRRR.
  15. ...I do this kind of landing at least 20 times a week, online, in a VRITUAL game! Don't hear me bragging about this kind of landing or making the news!!! http://news.sky.com/skynews/video/video ... 5795,.html
  16. ...and I can act as Frior's photo archivist.
  17. BG!!!
  18. Free-look was the only one I tried, if I remember correctly.
  19. Sorry Cannon-fodder, I gave up on that software.I couldn't get it to work smoothly for me. Instead I use this now http://www.cachya.com It's not free, $15/£8 but it works like a dream for me now.
  20. Very nice indeed, fantastic skin.
  21. I did, but that was another time no? He hosted way passed my bed-time?
  22. That's funny, because last night I flew with the [bFs] guys, on their TS server, on UKDed3. Since no-one was on our TS server. I flew wingman with Letum, a very nice chap indeed. They brought up our little contest, and changed the current map we were flying on to the Bulge map. Unfortunately I didn't get good intel off them, as I had to leave early.
  23. Really CG? I fell it's not staged. It must just be the lawyer instincts in you.
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