I don't have an X-52, but loads here do, so they can give you good info.
All I would say, since you've got a 'working' joystick I would get a head tracking system first. It really does improve the enjoyment of IL-2 immensely, compared to a new joystick.
At least with a dodgy joystick + TrackIR, you can see people sneak up on you and you can do something about it. Whereas with a new X-52 and no TrackIR, you'll have a lot of buttons you could to set to HIT REFLY, since you still won't be able to see enemies sneak up you.
I've just gotten some Saitek Rudder Pedals, previously I was a twister too. I still used rudder twisting a lot, previously, for shooting. But it's hard to centre the ball on aircraft that are hard to trim with a twister stick, like the Bf-109. I would say pedals would be 3rd thing to get.