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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by GreyKnight

  1. Nice photos Rattler, I didn't realise Alaska could look so... warm. And in that photo of yourself and one of your boys, is that picture photoshopped? I've never seen a flatter, flat-top in my life!
  2. I don't get the water droplets. Maybe if you could do them streaking almost horizontally, then it would look like this was a picture taken from another aircraft. Not like you've just spilt your bottle of Evian and ruined a nice photo. 7.5/10
  3. Okay, okay, so I missed out North American thing, shoot me! WHOOPS! Bad turn of phrase.
  4. Wow TOAD, that is some... assumption there. Just because I might enjoy blowing the head off some obnoxious teenager from Brentford, with a sniper rifle in the online game, "BOOM HEAD SHOT 3 : Return to Shit-hole-istan" does not make me want to take to the streets with a Barrett M82 sticking out of my backpack. It really is an American thing, looking at the posts of our members, something that us tight spandex shorts wearing 'Brünos' over here in Europe, will never get.
  5. This is all on my AAA modded game, I might go back to my original IL-2 and see if there's anything different there.
  6. Yeah great weathering there Delta7, it looks the biz now!
  7. No Sid, it's like Hexadecimal, check this post out... http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/2672913/Re_Conf_ini_ProcessAffinityMas.html#Post2672913 It's funny really, as it says if you comment that line out, it should just run across all your cores by itself. I'll test it to see if it makes a difference. All I do know is that when I run the game and alt-tab out and bring up Task Manager, my 4 cores are running around 25% each.
  8. Laser Pattern Sound Test Keep watching, I think it's cool. http://embed.break.com/ODkzNzc5 The Ultimate Car Wash http://embed.break.com/ODkzMzcx
  9. Jabo, No use, it went back to 14FPS. Back to fiddling...
  10. Nick, Here are my settings... Note: HardwareShaders=0 means FPS locked at screen refresh rate @ 60FPS Note: HardwareShaders=1 means FPS drop to @ 14FPS, but I have Perfect settings.
  11. I think it is FT. It doesn't show the IL-2 icon, like it does with all the other games.
  12. Ha-ha! That's hilarious! Imagine it back then... Urchin - "Scuse me guv'nor, there's a bloke half-drowned on that river bank. What should we do to bring him back to life?! Dr. Chumley-Warner - "I'll go back and get my apparatus, in the meantime, you bend him over and pull down his pantaloons."
  13. TOAD, I wiped my old drivers and installed the latest 190 version. I'll try your settings tonight and see if I get an improvement with OpenGL. Cheers,
  14. What's wrong with Black Shark? Although they maybe planning an Apache expansion, after the A-10 expansion.
  15. TOAD, I had to quit TS too, bed time, let me know how you got on. GK
  16. TOAD, nVidia profiles work on the games executable. It should detect all games on your PC and you should see IL-2 listed. Once you've made your settings for IL-2, click APPLY and it should remember those settings forever. GK
  17. I wouldn't mind trying that single mission, CONVOY, I think it's called. Where you have an AI wingman and have to destroy one of three convoys trying to get to one city. But there's several ZSU-23 units scattered in amongst the woods. So you can't target them from long range with your Vikhrs, you have to fly in close and either rocket them or use your cannon. I'm sure we could fly that as a co-op?
  18. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/Kieron-Williamson-The-Six-Year-Old-Artist-Who-Is-Having-His-Paintings-Exhibited-In-Norfolk/Media-Gallery/200907415350905?lpos=UK_News_News_in_Picture_Home_Region_2&lid=GALLERY_15350905_Kieron_Williamson%3A_The_Six-Year-Old_Artist_Who_Is_Having_His_Paintings_Exhibited_In_Norfolk
  19. Snacko, I've had Black Shark for 4 weeks, and loving it. We'll have to do a co-op together, if you fancy it?
  20. TOAD, I used to have a 8800GT and used these settings found in this thread.. http://www.dangerdogz.com/forums/index.php/topic,3982.msg33097.html#msg33097 They may help. But now I've recently (3 weeks) got a 275 GTX installed. After using the same settings for the 8800GT, I was getting around 14FPS on those perfect setttings!?
  21. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Style-Your-Garage-Door-3D-Art-Designs-For-Your-Storage-Space/Media-Gallery/200907315342845?lpos=World_News_Second_Home_Page_Strap_Teaser_Regio_0&lid=GALLERY_15342845_Style_Your_Garage_Door%3A_3D_Art_Designs_For_Your_Storage_Space
  22. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Style-Your-Garage-Door-3D-Art-Designs-For-Your-Storage-Space/Media-Gallery/200907315342845?lpos=World_News_Second_Home_Page_Strap_Teaser_Regio_0&lid=GALLERY_15342845_Style_Your_Garage_Door%3A_3D_Art_Designs_For_Your_Storage_Space
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