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NEW DISCORD SERVER DETAILS - SIGN UP NOW - Dogz Members Only Private Thread ×


3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. I hope to make a decision on what to do but I am leaning towards RIAT. Is anyone else interested in either besides Kevin?
  2. Crash

    Removed Post

    There it was....gone
  3. You going to make one FT?
  4. I would still like to see a list of who would fly when, and more people contributing to this thread (the Bears,Petrol,Wingflyer, Mossie, Perf, everyone really). I would also like 1 night for GBS
  5. For me I would rather fly in a larger group than we get on BGS nights. Would the DCS boys fly on a Tuesday or Sunday and would GBS flyers do DCS on the chosen night. Can people please say they will probably turn up (I know real life can get in the way). Once potential numbers for DCS are known then maybe a choice that will benefit the majority can be made.
  6. To be fair Delta, nothing has changed since January last year when the poll was taken. Since then none of the potential returns to GBS have happened, and the main poster in the poll thread was Tbone who hasnt been on the forum for 12 months. I think that EVERY Dog that flies should post saying what they want and only say that they are returning if they mean it as it squews the poll. I wish that GBS was better supported but the fact is it doesnt have the support it deserves. I do feel that it is a dying sim and although new stuff has been released and a new map announced it has lost the momentum. For instance I used to buy everything but have not bothered with the glider and IAR fighter. It would only make sense to change Tuesdays if the numbers attending increase. I can understand the preference for WW2 skill based dogfights over BVR missiles which no doubt will influence the choice of attendance. I still feels the same and I wrote in this thread
  7. I would like to continue as I think its better than going on public servers.
  8. GBS doesn't get the support it used to and a lot of Dogz who used to fly it either have dropped it in favour of DCS or are no longer active (Arthur, Artie, Swep, FunFlak, Painless, Sid, and others) Petrol flies GBS most times but as GBS has a low turnout I no longer post if someone wants to join a Squad on the GBS forum. I do need to be more active on DCS so I would go with the proposal. However how many DCS players would turn up on a Tuesday? If there was an increase in numbers it would be a good move.
  9. will this run every Thursday?
  10. I am up for either, anyone else?
  11. any ideas on what is available?
  12. https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/89851-p38-cockpit-with-force-feed-back-status-update/#comment-1336725
  13. Hello Mike
  14. It is a bit of a trek from Wales but I would like to
  15. I will have a go before the GBS campaign tonight
  16. This is what the manual says ABOUT MULTIPLAYER VAICOM PRO is fully compatible with Multiplayer and has an advanced feature set for MP-specific use. In Preferences you can enable the ‘Use with Multiplayer’ option (if you have a PRO license) which allows you to use VAICOM PRO in the same way in Multiplayer mode as with Single Player mode. The plugin maintains a state picture of the mission environment provided by the multiplayer server. The addressable AI units are available for communications in the same manner as with Single Player in as far as mission design is compatible with standard functions. Prerequisites For working with Multiplayer, on the MP page the ‘Use with Multiplayer’ setting must be enabled. On the MP server, the setting Allow Player Export must be enabled. MP Server Special Menus Through the ‘Import F10 Menus’ function it is possible to add server-specific commands to the voice commands set. Imported F10 menu items get ‘Action’ in front of the phrase: for example an imported menu item ‘Push to Waypoint 2’ would become ‘Action Push to Waypoint 2‘ on import. This can then become anything you like in the keywords editor. This import will only work if the server has implemented the F10 menu in the standard compatible manner (which is the case for most servers). MP limitations Multiplayer mission designers can take great liberties in mission design, e.g. by introducing custom callsigns, custom menus and all kinds of other tweaks outside of the default spectrum. VAICOM PRO cannot support these by default. Where the mission design makes use of the standard features, VAICOM PRO will support them. But some limitations may apply on some specific servers. Nevertheless, VAICOM has a comprehensive toolset built-in to do complete dynamic AI comms in Multiplayer mode, working in mostly the same manner as in Single Player. If you use radio for rearming, ATC info, in flight refuelling even talking to your AI crew it is better than using menus or the wheel for Jester
  17. If it doesnt work I will contact Viacom discord for info.
  18. I hope to use Vaicom for radio etc so on the MP server, is the Allow Player Export enabled?
  19. Can the details, invites or whatever be put in the private area?
  20. Looks overwhelming that we move, who hasnt voted yet?,
  21. I have now
  22. OK with me, put the Discord invite in our private forum.
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