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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_Bucky

  1. Really Sid? Wow.All these years flyin' IL2 and I just saw it tonite.I know the 109 F-2 has rather small calibre weapons.I can't recall ever
  2. MadTrooper and I were doing some coops tonite.Here's the score from the Palm Sundae Massecre with unlimited ammo.
  3. ~S~ Anyone else seen this using the 409 mod? I was in a 109 F-2 against some early IL2's,and at times my shells were bouncing off the armour on the IL2.It looked great!There was a smoke trail when the shells bounced off. I made a track to show here,but the richochete doesn't show up when I play it back.I recommend you guys try it out.You'll love it!
  4. DD_Bucky


    Thanks Sting, BlackViper's list is awesome.It totally explains what all these "services" are.Now I know what the heck I'm doing to tweak some more performance out of my rig.I've seen a considerable improve ment now.
  5. Guys,
  6. Sigh.. ...why does it always have to be U.S.?...I thought NA/Euro would encompass more of us... No offense,...I heard a comic talking about the internet.He said,..."World Wide Web?...Is there any way we could put this on just the American part?"
  7. Using the 352nd mod pack...4.08m-mods on....Single mission...USAAF...P51B-NA-N1 What's wrong with this picture? lol
  8. Guys, Here's a thought.Because of timezones etc,maybe we need to have 2 acrobatic groups...N.A and Euro.
  9. Here's a skin that is used by a real life acrobatic team from Brazil.They fly the P51-D.
  10. Deacon, I've sent you a BoB Skin Pack from some campaigns that I downloaded from M4Today.I'm not sure if it contains everything you need,but I hope it helps with your project.
  11. I was just on the server with Crash,doing some combat training,when it went down.I'm sure it's only temporary.Too bad though,it cut our session short.
  12. Hey Sting,
  13. Great pics GreyKnight,
  14. According to the fan plot,best turn speed is 330kmh@550m,with 2g's.The Turn Rate is a mere 21deg.The Turn Radius would be quite large at only a 21deg Turn Rate.Also, one must realize the speed measurement will change at different altitudes.
  15. I like the idea of the bullet mod...we should keep it....just my opinion guys.
  16. OK, I'm in the process of creating a "I'm for the mods"mod,and a "I'm against the mods" mod.Also, there'll be a switcher file so you change your mind as much as you like...LOL
  17. DD_Bucky


    Hi guys, Since yesterday was Canada day,I officially declare today,July.2/08 Danger Dogz Day! ......well,I'm off to the beach to celebrate D.D.Day!
  18. ~S~ Dagger, Hello and welcome to the Dogz.Here's Dart's site.Click on "Movies"in the left hand menu.From there you can find all kinds of training vids. http://www.darts-page.com/
  19. Flux Capacitor!....and it's....fluxing!
  20. Wonderful W.I.N.O. Radio!..signing off. RIP
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