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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. Sounds like you'll be ready
  2. Nobody messing with an angry Chihuahua.. they are fearless
  3. Granted but all day listening to thoughts on shoes and handbags has sent you over the edge! I wish I was a dog.
  4. LOL.. Famous wings for an almost famous flyer! Sweet
  5. When you say "Aww bless you left me a warn present in my slipper!"
  6. Happy Birthday Jay
  7. If both your PC's have network ports on the motherboards then its a case of plugging in the Network Switch (its an 8 port) to the mains and connecting one network lead per PC to it and setting file sharing going. (I can supply the leads too)
  8. How are the PC's connected?
  9. There's a sync issue with most of them on there but thats one of the better ones. This on the other hand was a cool commercial and in sync. http://www.snotr.com/video/624
  10. File sharing should still work with or without passwords.
  11. What a dog.
  12. I like Jerry Springer to Third Eye Blinds tune of Two Weeks and The Saga Begins to American Pie.
  13. Sweet skin again Beebop
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYokLWfqbaU
  15. Any one prepared to try this? http://www.snotr.com/video/327
  16. oh what joy!!! Sweet and earlier with enough time to prep for the weekend... NICEEEEEEEE :)
  17. wtg Logos
  18. Those 39's and 63's are mean... very very mean!
  19. Mmmpphhhhh I can't get in the zoo.. oh well.. nothing lost!
  20. Wow.. Thats a shock.
  21. Roger.. reciprocated
  22. That wasn't good enough then?!
  23. IMHO, I checked it out against parts from overclockers and its a great price with great components. I would upgrade the GFX card myself to an 8800GT.
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