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Everything posted by Klinger

  1. If you had been in Hyde Park yesterday, you could have clapped eyes on these lovelies promoting a film about Lady Godiva. mmm...
  2. Salute Bounder. First time I flew with you online, you asked a question about prop-pitch. Smarty pants here answered as best I could. your follow up questions lost me completely, and I realized you really knew what you were talking about.
  3. Klinger


    Lol, GS. Not yet but they are working on it. British special forces are evaluating a version for covert insertions and such.
  4. Bojan, that is too funny.
  5. Lol.
  6. I guess you guys in emergency services see the consequences of people putting themselves in danger all too often. The trouble is, when you're a young man, you never feel more alive than when having a near death experience. Humans are dumm in a lot of ways, lol. I raced moto for about 10 years, for me it was the ultimate thrill, specailly the jumps. I never grabbed as much air as these nutters though.
  7. Hey GK, that sounds excellent. Could you put in an 88 for Painless? He's going ballistic in that thing. Sunday may be a bit thin m8. JO has a quarterly mission (CTE) this Sunday at 7-00 pm GMT, and a few of the lads will probably fly that. Tuesdays good though. Cheers.
  8. Lol, brilliant of you guys to think of the Dogz on your big day.
  9. Big salute to the British and Canadian aircrew involved in one of the most skillfull and daring raids of the war. 65 years ago today:
  10. Oh m8, that bobcat one brings back happy memories. 20 years ago I was a JCB operator hell bent on wheelying the thing at every opportunity.
  11. Lol Tonar, I s'pose the 88 is a better level bomber than a diver. Its just that when I realized it was divebomb capable, I could'nt resist giving it a go.
  12. I had never really messed around with the dive-bomb sight on the Stuka till yesterday. BA, Painless, and me had a play around with it, and found it's dead easy to use, and also dead acccurate! On Ju 87s up to the D3 model, just tap in the desired bomb release altitude, (800m worked for me) and when the dive brake is engaged, get vertical and point the crosshairs at the target. At 800m the bombs will auto-drop, and the plane will automatically pull out of the dive. We were all able to hit a ship or bridge almost every time. Woo hoo! The D5 model and the Ju 88 use a slightly more sophisticated version. You have to enter height and speed into the Stuvi. I used 1000m and 420kmh. (for a target at sea level) Again it is activated by the dive-brake. As you get nearly vertical, a moving pipper will appear from the bottom of the cross-hairs. Keep this pipper on the target. when the pre-set height and speed is reached, a horn will sound in the cockpit. On hearing this, toggle your bombs. Goodbye target. The plane will automatically pull out of the dive. I guess this is old news to some, but it is new to me, and we had a lot of fun playing with it. Cheers BA and Painless.
  13. Klinger


    Always disliked the term 'pigs' when applied to the police. (Good old boys in blue, grrr. ) This guy takes the cake though:
  14. Good to hear from you DT. Watching this vid might make you want to fire up the game again. :
  15. Spanish Health and Safety is a contradiction of terms! Loved the vid and the music.
  16. Lol, thats funny. (Exept the nail gun one.... too close to home) Check this for a heroic failure also.
  17. + YP 80. Also the I 250 is a jet hybrid type thing. Can't think of any others that aren't variants of your list.
  18. Lol. Score mediocre. Sounds about right.
  19. You've gone all the way since we did BFS together m8. 100% due to your good humoured enthusiasm. Very well done Mick. ~S~
  20. Lol. I've got visions of you locksmiths larging it around in your vans like its the Glasgow ice cream wars. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glasgow_Ice_Cream_Wars Didn't realize you guys would be so hardcore! I'm sure he deserved it m8. Thanks for giving me confidence to start posting again, theres no way I could top that. Lol.
  21. They have used it since before Nelsons time to purify the half stagnant drinking water. The Royal Navy, where you get 'Rum, bum, and the lash.'
  22. Bloody hell m8, that must have taken you ages.
  23. What a great idea. Nice find 'Streaks.
  24. Heres a link to an online historic aviation magazine found over at CWOS.
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