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6. RIP
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Everything posted by Klinger

  1. I agree that the pool system was not ideal. But its the best we could come up with at short notice.
  2. LOL. Dogz rock.
  3. Thanks guys, that was pretty intense to watch. I saw some great fighting while I was trying to keep track of targets. How close was it? In mission 2 Blue needed just one radar station to win the map, beaten by seconds. Mission 3s para-drop didn't quite happen, but 2 Ju52s were intercepted halfway across the channel, just a few minutes from target, and victory. Forgotten Hero award must go to the C47 pilot from mission 1 (I believe it was Shayd, correct me if I'm wrong), who made it all the way to Hawkinge, but had no cargo to drop when he got there. ~S~ A close second would be the 110 pilots who loaded AB (airburst bomblets) to take out shipping. I was unable to keep track of pilot deaths from the word go, and I want to thank the teams for organizing the rotation of their guys. I think everyone got a few flights in. Also thanks to Friar (original idea and support), Greyknight (skinpack), Painless (testing), DT (backup server), and BG (hosting) . Salute chaps. Well fought DDz.
  4. Great to see it in high def m8. Those things really are fortresses. What was it, 1.5 tons of 50 cal ammo?
  5. Hi Pud, how the Fark are you? Sorry about that. You sound like an experienced simmer, and I look forward to flying with you. Salute.
  6. Those old guys really were the best. We'd better not forget them.
  7. A couple of reasons I have found for saws failing to cut straight.
  8. Its her old man trying to placate her, even offering to have it resprayed that makes me laugh. He wins the Neville Chamberlain appeasement award, the wuss. I feel sorry for the poor b'stard that ends up marrying her.
  9. LOL Rattler. I've noticed a few 'WTF moments' among new guys when '20 seconds guys' is announced. Its an effective way to learn this rule. Thanks for the info on bandsaw setup BG.
  10. Thats some cool kit BG. I didn't realize the bandsaw would cut horizontally. What controls the speed of the cut, and the blade/band tension? Looks hydraulic. Getting the log on that rig looks a heavy operation. I dont see forks on the front bucket of the backhoe, how do you do it? Interesting side of woodwork that I never get to see. Thanks for posting.
  11. No probs Gk, PM me your address and I'll send it. Paying the postage is too complicated, just donate it to the DDs site if you want.
  12. Thats the one I have m8. Free to a good home.
  13. Didn't MS supply a gameport to USB adapter with the force feedback stick?. I have one somewhere, you are welcome to it foc m8.
  14. Where are kids these days supposed to learn that violence hurts? Maybe they should leave the knives at home and play 'Bulldog. (old school style)
  15. Nice one Stingray, its useful to be reminded whats keeping you in the air. Check this out m8, its interactive and good fun to play around with. Thanks NASA. http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/foil2.html
  16. Excellent learning tool Jedi. Those nerds can really swing thier pants.
  17. How did I miss this. Great pic of Lt. Brown and yourself. Those old boys are just the best.
  18. Nice pics. That takes me back 20 years. Wading through the brash to chain the line on used to kill me,ha. Doesn't look too swampy, m8. No alligators I hope. Better weather than Wales for sure.
  19. Jabo, the Pro has some metal parts, and is slightly more robust. The Hall sensors are supposed to be more sensitive, but I cant vouch for that. The X52 software is incompatable with the Pro software, would you believe. So I have not used the Pro. Theres not a lot in it.I judge the diference to be £20 tops, not £40. (Pro is £103) If thats any help, but I am a tightass.
  20. I'm 95% happy with my 2 year old X52. It has been reliable. I have a brand new X52Pro as a back up. I suppose the Pro does feel slightly better, and has more spring tension, but I dont reckon its worth a £40-00 difference in price. OCUK have the X52 at £62 inc. A good deal? Cheers.
  21. For Heavens sake dont let Painless hear that. He may explode from national pride and mechanical lust.
  22. Klinger

    WW Posters

    I stumbled across this Hollywood archive containing loads of propaganda posters, postcards, book covers, adverts and satirical art from both World Wars. Some of the posters in particular are quite horrific, bearing in mind the the censorship policies of the day. This is one of the milder posters.
  23. Klinger

    Multiplayer Help

    If you can take off and land you are over qualified m8. We fly Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday,
  24. Klinger

    Multiplayer Help

    Hi Badger,
  25. Quazi was saying good things about the latest ATI driver so heres my findings. My setup is 3870 512 mb, 1680x1050 desktop res, 1440x900 game res, 4xAA, 4xAF. For the 1st 60 seconds of 'Black Death' track :
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