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Everything posted by sged

  1. I think it is one pc BG.... I had to call to MS because my product# was no good no more, after I re-installed my windows stuff, due to a bug....they asked me why I needed a new #....be prepared dude, they are very suspicious...mwoohahahaha....
  2. Yer, that spitfire's cockpit looks amazing, especcially with all the new features moving.......yummie! If it helps, I could not watch the other movies as well, and I'm to lazy to go and search for the codec....
  3. A nice server I found on HL and grew quiet fond off is the 85th server, 10 players max, dogfighting with a mission, destroy the other camp's groundtargets..... Have seen some warping on servers, but I think it's lag causing this...another thing, on those public servers, if I get killed a few times in a row (which they call strafing, I call it vulching) I quit the server.....I want a fair fight, ya know.....
  4. Plz don't start pinging my machine tonight, as I think it won't like it, and send some deathsignal back, you ending up with a fried piece a ........
  5. sged

    Happy 4th

    Yer, happy 4th of july..... And......it's my youngest his birthday today hehe...5 y/o.....speaking of a coincidence.....
  6. sged


    Who can identify the "real" blonde??
  7. sged

    new skin

    Woot woot!! Bit small to see good details, but lookin' mighty goooooood
  8. Some week ago, I was talking with Painless about the other game I play on-line... (Navyfield, shooting ships...1st on-line game ever, IL2 = my 2nd) It was clear to me, that the Navyfield community was more childish, lot's off em can't stand losing, they mount the heaviest possible guns on their ships and go hunt small ships for example, to be shure of victory..... The thing I like the most about IL2 is, that due to the big challenge of learning to master it, the true winners rise by their possesion off skill, rather then outfitting their machine with impossible guns and stuff, for some easy kills.... Painless said, that the youth today is looking for instant gratification, and the lack of childish behaviour by IL2-players (on big servers, like hyperlobby) could be, that the game is hard to master, and is timeconsuming before you even can get a kill and walk away with it.... Seems those "losers" found a way to spoil it for the more serious players..........
  9. OMG.......................ROFL LMAO
  10. sged


    Hi Flash! I'm from Belgium... Do you only have forgotten battles?...it might be wise to get the IL2 dvd disk with all the IL games on it.... If you play Hyperlobby, plz check if you see me flying there, or we can meet up after mailing eachother...btw....I have the blitzkrieg games as well....do you play those on-line as well? I hope Blair sees it in his heart to get you in the DD's.....I think one more couldn't hurt, eh BG? Grtzz and the best flash!
  11. I'll check my dealer for that add-on........thx for the heads up!
  12. Yeah, need to do that as well...but using a hoover, is that a bad thing?
  13. Ok, there are lot's off if's and but's....I took it too personally, now seeing it was not an atack on my remarks, but on the fact itself....
  14. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I have personally fired .50 AP at 10mm rolled homogenous armour, and it barely made a dent (0 deg. incidence 100m range.) If anyone claims to have taken out a tank with a machine gun, let me get into my old tank (Leopard 1), they can get into their plane, and we'll duke it out. I'll bet I win! Don't believe all the stuff you see on the net! I would even doubt 20mm hispanos or 30mm mk 108's would do much. Maybe a mk. 103 30mm, but only the AP rounds, not HE. BTW, the guy was in a Firefly: all of their tanks were Fireflies, as their divisional commander, General Worthington, wanted them to have the best available as they were an in-front of the front lines divisional recce regiment. Mmm did I struck a nerve or something? I'm telling you, I know what I saw....and I'm determind to find it back....but it could be that I kinda bent the truth, but not on purpose...he might talked about rockets as well.....we'll see when I find it...btw, it was authentic war footage! Found it! I await appologies.........http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6635752499311348219
  15. Not necessarely....if the tiger was shot from behind, any other armor could take it out.......the rear AND the bottom where the weak spots.... I've seen a lil flik somewhere, a US pilot was saying that when they engaged a tiger, they always shot from behind towards the ground...the bullets would then ricoshe upwards, underneath the tank...with any luck, they would pierce the fueltank, setting it on fire....I'll see if I can find that movie again and post it...
  16. sged


    My Tir4 is ordered today with E dimensional.....can expect it within 3-7 days WOOT!
  17. Zeus, have you tried photobucket.com yet? It's a free hosting site for pics, bin using it for more then a year now, and no problems with it yet....
  18. My new skin I made....... It's the skin I used on graduating night...hope you'll aprove! I downloaded GIMP......but have some trouble using it, any tips appreciated! Have used it with succes to put writting on the tail and cockpit
  19. Ok guys, found this interesting site, telling some insight stuff on upcoming BoB......It seems it's gonna be a smashing hit, reading about the new features added in weather and all!! Ok, when you get past the babes on page one, you'll have about three pages to read... http://www.simhq.com/_all/all_019a.html
  20. sged


    Ok thx for the response b16.....I'll purchase the T4 then.....can't wait actually Have seen and read some reviews/movies about the T4...really cool stuff, and the 6d.o.s are really a differance with T3....
  21. sged


    Hey guys, I need some advice here.... I'm in the running for buying Tir.......now...... Or I buy Tir4............or I buy Tir3 AND a 3D glasses set......ya think these glasses are worth it? anyone tried them or heard about it from someone who uses them? Waiting for my money to get processed to Pay-Pal, so any day now Ok, another thing...if Tir3 is already that good, Except from the zooming in/out function it adds (Tir4) not working in IL-2....what else is sooo much better worth the extra buck?
  22. sged

    Humour Time

    Last one......hillarious!!! woohaa
  23. sged

    Good week for me!

  24. It's not pink, can't you see??? It's broken blue....
  25. Since not all can see the skins I made, here are a few screenshots.....enjoy!! Camo skin Circus skin
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