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Everything posted by Enforcer57
Yeah, this was as impressive as Billy BArker taking on 60+ Fokkers in his Sopwith Snipe, or Werhner Voss taking on all those Se-5s. The energy management at low level in that machine were pretty cool. I think that's how the top scorring VVS female ace (Litvack?-I gave up spelling those damn names yrs ago) bought it in a huge ambush. :idea: Just goes to show that Painless is a real Bitch. BTW....what the hell does "ill have a butchers" mean any F-ing way? Man I wish you guys would speak American. I think its some kinda code for evil intentions of some sort. :twisted: Some of that there double nought spy code stuff no doubt.
If you had seen Bruce almighty (the movie), you might not say that........
Ha! excellent Rattler; glad you were able to do this, as Ive been working my keyster off trying to get my photography site up and other distractions. It was great fun driving Delta nuts in that never ending one man Luftberry circle I was in. I cant believe how tight that thng turns........I nearly tossed my cookies when I saw him auger in-man I thought he was never gonna give up. I got so turned on that I somehow managed to gun BG with those goofy mounted guns on the P-11. If i had listened to Pete, I would hve made it back home safely despite the odds. I got carried away and went kill crazy after blasting 3 AI P-51s outta the air on that last misn, including two in about 15 seconds apart in a classic ambush from behind and low....never done that before. AFter i had scored my 3rd stang, I was approaching another that looked in trouble. I saw Pete message me to "get out alive". I said ok, just a min, while i approached number 4 from behind. Then i saw he had already lost his engine and I broke off.......but collided wiht him when i did. If i had just listened to Pete......another realistic aspect of this sim. You can go nuts racking up your score, take one too many risks, and.......
:?: WTF is a woofter sod? Damn, it would help if you Canucs could speak the kings damn english........I was gonna ask other definitions but i forgot the F-ing words. Well, she's probably gotten to know you rather well. Bloody robber barron. btw, I nearly choked to damn death just now, and I hold BG responsible. Im going to the law firm of Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe as soon as I finish this.
The history channel said they even had some 262s and were the first rusn jet unit. I dont think they faired too well after the war.
Now that makes sense. Ive had some success attacking from near verticle above them, but that is kinda hairy as u wind up overspeeding. This was the luftwaffes favored position for attacking US bombers.
THat is absoblutely hilarious! ANd justice to boot! Man, all three of those bombs in his pocket....reminds me of the movie "hot shots" (USN flying Gnats) when Saddam was sipping on a drink and caught that 500 pounder in his arms. Ive got to check out that trak. I think i woke up the nieghbors laughing so loud at 0230. Those are the best screenshots ive ever seen. :!:
Well, i can contribute by continuing to try and convince the overlords of space and time to let us have an extra day in the week, or a couple more hrs in the day. Well that really contributed, huh? Ill go back to bed now.
Its about time you quit yer goldbrickin......first you, then BG....what IS it with you guys anyway. Dont you know there's a F-ing WAR ON???!!! Anyway, welcome back to the front.....damn it! Ive found that i need practice landing for some bizarre reason.
HA! the sad thing is that this is exactly the way it happened, rt down to my quote as Rattler blew both my F-ing wings AND my tail off wiht those THREE mk108 30mm thumpers. Not bad for a gun with a muzzle velocityof around 600 fps. I felt the thump and the plane jerked a bit when he hit me, so i did an external view to see the damage......and discovered that most of my damned airplane was gone.....so this is not much of an exaggeration. This is pretty good Rattler, and will probably be found by future archeologists of the next millenium who will take this as an accurate account of WW2 in the air.
Glenn, that last screenie is one of the most dramatic ive ever seen. Wow. Thanx for all that hard work on your part. If i can make some observations and a couple of suggestions, some of which I may hve already brought up after the fight. The US AAA was historically much more effective than japanese, for various reasons, especially proximity fused weapons like 40mm and radar directors etc. However, at midway, The only proximity fused stuff we used was 5 in and maybe a few 3 in. There were almost no 40mm mounts in the summer of 42, as most med cal AA was the single 20mm and quad 1.1 in mounts. Those were about 28mm guns that were not air exploding but direct contact like 20mm. I think the sim is way off if those are 20mm exploding in the air, as that was all direct contact stuff. (if it is 40mm, its to early in the war).The quad 1.1s (some good film of htem firing on yorktown and enterprise during the battle) were pretty still pretty effective though. I think one way to compensate the insane level of US AA is to tone it down ALOT. Like rookie on the ships and ROF no smaller number than maybe 30-needs some testing. Ive never really looked to see if the early war versions of us ships have the 1.1 in mts instead of the quad 40s that replaced them. If I could also suggest-possilbly consider not having the US carriers factor at all in the first misn, since the beggining of hte battle was mostly IJN air attack on the base itself, and the vain defense the marines put up with F2As and F4Fs. Maybe have the B-17s take off at the beggining of this with 6 Avengers and PBYs etc to look for the japanese task force-maybe put it a bit farther away? The us carriers werent involved at all in the initial stages of the battle, and it was mainly concerned with the attack/defense of midway by Marine fighers. A real balancing act that one. Im looking for accounts of the B-17 attack, but im pretty sure they used 500lb bombs. Remember that the US CVs didnt factor at all at this point. There were also marine vindicators making shallow glide bombing attacks to at this point. I would suggest only having three IJN CVs in the second misn, since the Hiryu was hiding in a squall during hte main attack. Save the 4th CV for the last misn as really happened. Possibly no heavy bombers at all in number 3, just naval assets, maybe wiht the option of landing on midway since most of us are really crappy CV pilots. The final stage of the battle was the sinking of Hiryu and the damaging of Yorktown (later sunk by sub of course). The second battle would be a chance to change the odds down from 3 to one down at that stage. If any IJN CVs survive the second misn, tehn they would of course be involved, but I would save the last one for that misn. Well ive rambled enough. And remember to load your damn guns before you go out, or wind up having to be Zeke bait for a misn. heh heh.
:shock: That is so damn typical of Psycho.......Im convinced he is the reincarnation of a kamikaze pilot. Just when you think youve killed him and you break out the beer and start calling sluts, he F-ing explodes and kills you. I know nobody else that has this kind of luck. He is so evil, I think he must be........ British! :shock:
Enforcer's brief re:sunday w/the dogz over the East
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Jim's Place
Ok, cool. i wont have to worry about that from now on. thanx. -
YES! That was great. We sure showed those sons of the orient who's master of the sky and sea.....nyahh nayahh nayahhhhh! I still wanna know who the hell was flying that Zeke that got me in the first misn..... Was so sneaky that it had to be a Brit flying a japanese plane; the ultimate in underhandedness.. :twisted: or it coulda just been the resident wackjob......
Enforcer's brief re:sunday w/the dogz over the East
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Jim's Place
Well this is odd. I thought i deleted all of the screenies from the sat night briefing last week, but apparently not, they are stll there. the one before it with just five shots are all gone, but at least the last one is there. If i can ever get tthe time, i have some pretty decent photos ive reduced in size also from assorted airshows yrs ago. -
YES! this is so ironic that Im lauging so hard i just stained my drawers again. Back in 79, as a 21 yr old dispatcher at the FCPD on third shift, I left a very similiar note on the vending machine. Mine was ridden with obscenities and profanity, but was similiarly imaginative; It's amazing the creativity hunger and anger together will stimulate. This MUST be preserved somewhere on here, preferable as a guide for reproduction.
How ironic that Halsey missed Midway because of shingles-not as bad as an appendix exploding (ouch), but at least youre in good company. I hope you can join the fight to preserve western civilization from the likes of (whispering) Psycho and his evil followers from the east.
Enforcer's brief re:sunday w/the dogz over the East
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Jim's Place
roger that, you can post it anywhere. I have already taken the screenies off the earlier ones from photobucket, but i can put them back up, if that would get them back. I have never been able to save any page off here, unlike the ubi page. I hope someone was able to save them. I dont know how much room i have left in photobucket, but i think its a good bit, cause i deleted alot of stuff to make room for this. I have no idea if returning those screenies to photobucket would work or not. Im flattered youse guys like that. This one was about 6 hrs of work, as its alot longer than usual, and i had to edit it alot to keep it whre i could finish at 0330 hrs. I wanted to include sunflower and BBloke's collision, as i got some great ones from there. I wanted to do one on the night misn last weekend, but didnt record much of it. I guess i got my plate fulll as it is just doing a fragment of a misn....so much crap going on in these things. Im planning to record the big fight tomorow, but it presents editing problems.....like which fight do i concentrate on etc. I will manage though. Im currently trying to put my late Dad's flying adventures into writing, as ive got 8 yrs of daily contributions he made to the ludlow porch radio show. I hope Im able to finnish that, as im pretty sure i could get some help getting it published. I just like doing this kinda stuff. Heh heh. -
quick round up for Friday...who's flying Red?
Enforcer57 replied to JensenPark's topic in Jim's Place
Ive been accused of being a bit red (and I dont mean a commie), so Im red. I just hope i dont wind up having to fly a damn buffalo......heh heh. -
Enforcer's brief re:sunday w/the dogz over the East
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Jim's Place
After knocking a few chunks off BG's Sturmo, VT drives the evil Psycho off of his tail. VT's already won hero of the soviet union twice in this fight. BG asks his gunner "Where'd he go?" The gunner replies "where WHO go?" ..........good help is hard to find. As is common in a turn and burn job on the deck, P comes back around yet again to bring his guns to bear on BG. However, the CO of the Dogz does the classic manuver of turing sharply into his attacker. This throws P a bit, but only delays him. VT meanwhile is stuck on P like an Terminator. AFter being run off yet again from BG's tail by the determined Von Tonar (whose down to his 12.7mm mg), the aptly named Psycho attacks yet again, prompting BG to be somewhat critical of his gunner. The cascade of Candadian robber baron insults and threats must've had an effect, as the gunner puts a well placed 12.7mm rd in P's Daimler Benz, causing some rather serious transportation problems for the unstable, but lethal, Luftwaffe pilot. VT is closing in, and not even the Dogz resident mental defect is stupid enough to hang around. P is somewhat miffed the sight of the guady, somewhat whoreish looking Von Tonar, so he makes good his escape. Somehow he manages to evad VT even with a bum engine. This shot is an interesting view of the gunners hit on his engine. While all this is going on, the IL-2s are attacking the German bridgehead, albeit with considerable interference from the luftwaffe, resulting in several rousing scissors fights. Here, Mobius is in a high g fight with several IL-2s and an unidentified Lagg. Pooka was shot down in his IL-2 as a result of this fight. Relieved of the herpes like Psycho (he always comes back at the worse possible time), BG attacks what he THINKS are German vehicles. As he unleashes the 37mm guns on them, his gunner sees the insignia on the AA vehicle they thought was shooting at them apparently. He starts to say something, but his quickly told to keep quiet like the low life brigand he is. BG's gunner accurately asseses that this fratricide incident will cost them some points. It also got them a tour sweeping mines wiht their boots outside Lenningrad. Three SU-76s cost alot of rubles. Meanwhile, back at the Yalta institute for the humanly challenged, Psycho has evaded doctor death yet again, but is dead stick, having evaded VT. He decides to use his gear and recover his machine, compresssing the oleo struts to their max (look closely-is this cool or what?). Last and probably least, Psycho noses over and cracks up his machine, but not before learning that the damage he inflicted on B16Enk's sturmo added to his score. It's quite obvious that P is an accomplished, though somewhat masochistic, fighter pilot.....now if somebody could just find a way to jam his teamspeak transmitter. And BG, knock off your goldbrickin, stop counting your gold stash, and get back to your squadron......those barbarians need your leadership and inspiration-be that as it may. -
Well I was gonna make a hellhounds sat brief, but i kept forgetting to record the damn fights till we were half way done. If anyone has a Ntrak of that night misn Zeus came up with, Id love to have it. Id kinda like to have that misn to. Anyway, the following is a good illustration of agressive tactics and superb gunnery. We started out with VVS Il-2s attacking German bridgeheads and escorted by Yaks and Laggs. The Krauts attack with the usual, and the fight is on at medium altitude. It naturally winds up on the deck, as it alwys did in the east, and some of us gave good illustrations on how to dig holes. If I mis ID anyone, sing out, as Im having to gather who is who from id icons and kill messages. We engaged in several head on passes, and Psycho drew blood early, though I dunno if his victim was ai or human. He came up right behind, closed to clse range, and blasted his wing off. Then He gets agressive and attacks Redeye, whose running a bit rich (dont forget to map the mixture control....you need it). P starts out in a verticle attack from below, but R rolls and dives to evade. Of course I spy this situation with my falcon like eyes and attack Psycho, who is gyrating wildly keeping up with a gyrating Redeye. We wind up going verticle as ALWAYS. The daisy chain reverses, and we wind up heading for the deck (say it together)...... AS ALWAYS......and more planes get tied up in it. I shoot and miss, promptly winding up in front of his guns and trying to get the hell outta the way of all that Krupp lead. Another argument for waiting till the target fills the windscreen, but he wouldnt cooperate with me. Sunflower makes a failed pass at him, and Im still up shit creek. I eat some 20mm and contemplate being on the tree of woe. Von Tonar is balls to the wall trying to save my ass, but he's got a ways to come yet. As ALWAYS, I wind up losing major control cables. I'm squirming all over the sky, totally defensive as I like to scream, and he's making some really good snap shots, loading me up worse than a two dollar crack-ho on a friday night after welfare checks are issued. VT is in range now and making long range snap shots; P's luck holds though. VT scores a good hit on P, but it's not good enough, and I promptly dig a hole despite my best efforts. I make a mental note to do more target practice. Von Tonar is wearing a very nice "dont give a damn about immersion" paint scheme. Hell, at least he's easy to find, unlike my AI wingmen. After breaking off from gunning me in my rather sore ass (no vaseline), he makes a great deflection shot on B16Enk, damaging his AC, and Vexing VT even further. After tormenting Capt B16Enk, he's finally beat off of him by the rather persistant Von Tonar, but promptly bushwaks the squdrn CO, whose gunner must be blind, since he's firing at the sound rather than P's 109.
If you guys didnt have such wierd-ass adresses, we coulda figured that out. Seems like you're all trying to keep anyone from finding you, so you encrypt all that stuff........ :idea: Actually, not a bad idea. I wish I could do that.
As a certain Aussie refugee in Canada says...."that's some imagery I coulda done without." This just goes to show that Photoshop should require a license.
can we still post photobucket debrief screens?mine's ready.
Enforcer57 posted a topic in Jim's Place
just wondering if this still can handle screenies from photobucket in a debriefing type style? I figure it can since its hosted someplace else, but I just wanted to make sure. Last sunday's fight with the dogs (I keep messing up and typing that as 'dongs' for some reason) had some really epic moves and classic tactics. That damn P-word (Im afraid if I say that wackjob's name Ill have more bad luck-and i dont mean slang for taccos or cats) really cleaned house, including mine. Where's a guy get luck like that? -
It's a GD wonder I didnt come buzzing along on my moped right thru that mess...........the curse y'know.