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Everything posted by Enforcer57
It's a myspace site. Feel free to leave comments on chix pix.....nobody has in several yrs That I've had it......heh heh. Karla is the one wth the flight suit pix on the F-86D. BTW, I posted a crapload of AC pix on the image gallery here a few weeks ago and forgot to say anything about it on here. Gonna put some more as soon as I have time. http://www.myspace.com/colonialphotog
WTF? Well I guess if you got an itch.......... The last one is pretty damn good. My dog would do that. The kid wiht the phone cam admiring the chix posterior is my fav.
Yeah, you have to designate a plane for player. If you don't , it makes it basically a coop mission, as those are the ones that don't have a player plane selected.
That's neat. I'd seen pix of MkVs flying that late in the war and always wondered about that. Amazing that he could survive 4 yrs of it. I do hope he records a bit of his experience.....maybe you could take a tape recorder and accidentally show up some day? Or take notes. I did that with a guy living near me that was a 40mm gunner on the CVE Sangamon through most of the Pacific war.
YeaH, some rich guy or guys is the only answer to this. With the economic realities what they are, I don't see any other help. I wouldn't think that it's totally final though, unless they are forced to cut some spares or trash the engines or some ohter idiotic govt requirement that I'm not aware of. Money can do almost anything, and someday, if this bird is kept stored inside in good shape, MONEY can get it back in the air..........assuming this depression doesn't last forever.......which they usually don't. The most incredible looking bomber ever designed methinks. A real representation of British air-power.
If George Lucas Had Made "The Dambusters"...
Enforcer57 replied to Beebop-RIP's topic in Jim's Place
YeaH, 633 sqdrn was great. I think I was in 4th or 5th grade when that was on. I loved it, but I never could get the music until the internet came along. I did get to see two of the thre mossies used in though, as one is in the usaf museum, and kermit weeks got another one. I got one airfix kit the next few days when my dad took me to the Ft. Rucker book store on the local base, which was incredibly well stocked. -
It would depend upon what one was armed with and their ability to use it. I had an LAR .45 mag auto once that would have taken it out, and any number of high velocity rifles. Pity he had to take it out, but when they start stalking you, it's best to pre-empt.
Billfish is too busy recruiting for Hamas....and you'd have to have seen her post in the "off topic" insanity on Ubi-zoo to know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I wonder if fisher-chick needs a photographer.
man, I bet some good stories came out of htat. I hope somebody in your family has taken notes on that. The SM79 is still being worked on, but I think it will be AI to begin with and have to use an existing cockpit if flown. Maybe a cockpit later on. A truly nifty plane.
I posted this on ubi just now, and I dont have time to do it all again, so you may wanna read it. http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/23110283/m/7041063627 All I know is that I can't get to my album once I get there, and I had a HELL of a time getting off the thing. Had to use task manager both times. Kinda scary. Maybe it just affects me, but I thought I'd say something after a similliar problem left my new computer a paper wieght until Quaz can get down here to excorcize it.
interview with one of the AirCrew guys from Victoria
Enforcer57 replied to JensenPark's topic in Jim's Place
I really never grow tired of hearing this stuff. Looking through their eyes is the best way to see this stuff. Amazing people. -
Yeah, they complained about the Merlins not liking thier cheap ass oil and making metal. Once they got some oil a bit better than horse piss, they liked them. There was no pleasing those guys sometimes.
BG and Beebop are in a close "fratricide" competition. I must proudly announce that my CO pulled ahead tonight online and scored 2900 points, totally decimating an allied collum from his P38. I am so proud.
Man, great early model B26. Lucky dog. Well deserved I'm sure.
Obviously a Hamas snake and and IDF rabbit. How ironic....and hilarious. First time I've seen a rabbit get pissed.
Prepare for alot of endless tedious work, but I'm sure you already know that. YOu may wanna consider posting what you already have or including it in a seperate folder with your new project. I'm rigging my current 1947 project (18 mos now) to be flyable in 408 or with mods. Having flown a few malta cmpns and considered making one myself, I just wanna offer a few observations I made. Historically, there were actually around 20+ Gladiators on Malta, RN planes that were stored there and assembled by the RAF. At first they only averaged about three operational each day, but that improved after a while. They promoted that idea for propaganda purposes and to confuse the Italians. So you can accept a few losses sometimes. I was gonna hide a few in a warehouse. Look around for several sources of info on Malta, as there were so many aspects of this cmpn that are not well known. I was wanting to make a project based on a 1944 book I found yrs ago called Malta Story, written by one of the many American Eagle squadron guys stationed there with regular RAF units. I would highly recommend toning down the skill on the bombers, as well as the speed. Make most of them rookie, maybe an occaissional average flight leader. They will still blast a target quite well, as they were an area attack asset anyway. I would not arm all the flights either. If you do, even the rookie gunners will blow you away nearly everytime. In my bomber formations, I usually leave half the flights unarmed, and keep the others close enough to offer support. It's still hair raising to get through these things. I believe the DB-3 is often used as an SM79 and there are several skins out for it. You probably already know that though. There is a new AI version being made for mods (maybe flyable at some point), but I dunno when it will show up. Alot of planes seem to be close to being released when they are just abandoned, but last time I went by AAA last week, the SM79 was supposedly still alive. If you decide to include the supply operation where the tanker SS Ohio barely made it in (Operation Pedastal ), I believe there is a large tanker availible now in that ship mod, but I have no experience with it. Pedastal has been made into a cmpn itself. Keep in mind that the number of objects affects frame rate less than the number of TYPES of objects. Go with whatever Ideas you have, but these are just recommendations from my own experience. It's easy to overload yourself as well.
Fifteen reasons why airplanes are easier to live with than women:
Enforcer57 replied to JensenPark's topic in Jim's Place
and they are far more reliable. -
Yeah, such fire traps are pretty common around here to, not so much hotels, but the entire downtown Rome (Broad st) is a 60 min episode waiting to happen. Most of the bldgs date to before WW1, and it's only the RFD's near fanatical enforcement of thier "special" regs in that area that keep it from happening so far. When I had my firearms bsness (The Arsenal) there in 80-82, I (finally) got a key from the "landlord"
Several of you have asked me about the status of this project recently, and I have put it back toward the priority list and and resumed daily input on it. I posted some more shots of the most recent work, on the last page of the ongoing post on the ubi misn blder forum. http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums?a=tpc&s=400102&f=50910533&m=8791000676&r=1771070817#1771070817 In case anyone gives a damn that is.
I didn't even know the Canadian army had L-2s.......good shot. I gotta start keeping up with that again. I remember quite well when they were using Centurians and the local Nat guard had M-48A5s. God I feel old sometimes.
I gave my mother an 8x10 of this shot as a christmas present - taken back in 92 at the WW1 fly in at said museum in Guntersville Ala. It's of my late Dad and I in front of a Nieuport 28 replica. A bit of photoshop work was required since I didn't take the thing, but I just thought it was kinda neat. Some of you may remember the post I made about my old man a couple of yrs ago when he passed away with some pretty neat aviation shots of stuff he flew. I was lucky enough to come across the original slide recently. I thought you guys would appreciate a guy with over 13000 hrs of logged flight time in everything from T-28s to AH-1Js. He always thought this combat sim stuff was the best thing since turbine engines, but couldn't see well enough the last few yrs he was around to do anything but observe a bit. He would have been right in here with us. He would also tell you guys to have a great time this Christmas, and hope that you got some stuff related to flying. My mother was pretty pleased with this.
I've got an old combat stick and pedals myself, and I can attest that any CH product is as durable as the real thing. This is a great deal if anyone can use it.
Yeah, a good headset is imperative, as is Track IR, but I see you already have that. Nice cockpit.
That's what makes this Christmas stuff fun. They look great in those shirts.
Well, you shoulda seen the one I had for a while in past eons. Somebody had to compete with psycho.......or at least try to compete. I still think he wins though.