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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by guitarman68

  1. Cannon fodder has been dribbling over this site all day, check out the detail thats going into this spitfire pit. :) http://www.simhardware.org/
  2. Will do mate, converting it to flash aswell at the moment.
  3. Many Happy Returns mate, have a great day Mick.Catch you later for some Birthday Hun bashing
  4. Dave what command do you use to get the Fps to show min,max and average.
  5. Looking good Pete, nothing wrong with more than one project on the go.Im trying to build up the courage to start painting my Avenger by hand .Dave look on ebay for airbrushing kit there's loads on there and at decent money.
  6. Mr.Fodder blagging more overtime i see, 100mb fibre link running at 2 mb a likely story.Got to be a config problem from the POP or customer FUBAR.Which college is this full blown blag happening at
  7. Good work Chris, thanks for your time you have put in.Im definently seeing a big improvement with my new x1950 pro compared to the old x700 i had.
  8. Mine's bloodbowl aswell m8,been running leagues for over 14 years now.Here is a link to my current team they were a bugger to paint. http://www.nicksminis.pwp.blueyonder.co ... proelf.JPG
  9. Here are a few more photo's of my attempt at the flying furniture AB pit.I got the seat finished today and added the side panel padding im also going to add the go-flight gear,trim and flaps module when i get some spare cash just don't tell the wife.
  10. How about one of these for the pit, usb to your pc.Check out the pricelist. http://www.simcontrol.co.uk/offboard.htm
  11. Well i've put it all together and it works just waiting for my seat padding to be finished.Then i can start routing the cables and fix keyboard to flight deck.Seems strange but my track ir works better when in the the pit compared to being sat at my desk,and the plus note its all tucked nicely away in my loft come second home
  12. I finished cutting mine out today, whilst waiting for my new card and psu to arrive will post some pix when its has some paint on it :)Built it at the plans height and used my original desk for monitor.
  13. Andrew if you uninstall the new drivers you will need to check your registry entries,sometimes it doesn't unistall all the software.Check this forum post for what you need to look for. http://www.saitekforum.com/showthread.php?t=11374
  14. As for profiles i would imagine most x52 users on here have the old dat.format and the new SD6 SST software only recognizes the pro style format We are all still waiting on siatek to bring out the converter.
  15. Thanks for all your help chaps, i've ordered it and a psu. I was beginning to find flying hard work with the frame rates, taking off in a seow mission with 5 fps was just to much to take Anyway i shall sit by the frontdoor now and wait for the postman.See you all next year, have a good one. Nick
  16. I reckon if i go for the x1950 pro 512mb, i will get another year or so out of my rig.What do you think
  17. Thanks Jim i will take alook now
  18. Thanks chris i will give it ago.On the subject of graphics cards can you have a look at this site,2 questions http://www.novatech.co.uk/novatech/prod ... z1p0s0n0m0 Would there be alot of performance difference between the x1950 and the x1650, i know it needs a 450+ pwr supply. Could i upgrade the graphics card on my rig and see a difference without any other upgrades bar a psu.
  19. Thanks for your help guys SysInfo.txt
  20. After another night of seow frustration any chance of taking a look at mine chris.When playing normal coops, online or single player i get 25-45 fps but on seow the highest i get is 10.Last night it was about 5 fps all the way and when we ran into trouble i went down to 3 fps i didn't even know C G was filling my spit with holes .I know my rig is not state of the art but its not that bad is it Anyway here goes. DxDiag ------------------ System Information ------------------ Time of this report: 12/31/2007, 12:50:36
  21. Made me laugh.
  22. What version are we flying sunday 4.08m or 4.09.
  23. Great work BA
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