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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by guitarman68

  1. Now that the sides have been sorted out, do any of the allied pilots have any preference on what they want to fly or any formations we can set up e.g fighter command, bomber command so we have some ideal when it comes to the BIG night (great work glenn).I know the p47 is not everyone's favourite but its just right for these missions and wouldn't mind flying it.Anyone else have any thought on this night of nights.
  2. Try these colin i have bought a fair amount of sim stuff from them and they are very heplful........http://www.rcsimulations.com/
  3. Jeremy if you need a hand with the cheerleaders im your man, thats what got me into following the NFL (go giants). :wink:
  4. Hello, im back hope i haven't missed anything.See you sunday night chaps.
  5. Im off for a weeks holiday with the kids, hope to see next weekend
  6. I think my trouble is postioning and speed, when im attacked the bandit seems to have alot more speed than me and im always seem to be on my own with no cover, must try and learn to stay with someone so as not to be picked off.
  7. I would love to improve but im very short on skill. :oops:
  8. God only knows what state mrs waldo must be in. :shock:
  9. Ok i have become somewhat confused with time and date of this great advent.But if its a friday and starting around 10 or 11 pm BST then count me and pencil me in for allies if numbers permit. Glenn this is a great ideal, i know see why you hold the title of propoganda officer.
  10. Stats..................... :oops: :arrow:
  11. If there is flying tonight what time will it be in bst, as i might be around tonight now that i have sorted out all the addon problems.
  12. Yes mate, its worth every penny( or dime dependant on which part of the world you are from )
  13. Here is my retreat.
  14. Glenn could you post the link for the mission we played on thursday, i can't seem to see it on airwarfare.com . i'd like to have a go at getting the b25 off the deck. :? cheers mate
  15. I must admit its not bad, well worth 10 of your finest english pounds.
  16. I think im back in business played for 2 hours straight and not one crash, the new complete install hopefully has done the trick.
  17. Sorry i dropped out again but my pc keeps crashing during PF,im uninstalling it and reinstalling the dvd version.don't know why this has suddenly started to happen :x
  18. What card are you running :?: , it looks fantastic thats the sharpest screenshots i've ever seen.
  19. Sorry boys im unable to fly this week, busy on the home and work front but i will be back for sundays outing if anyones flying.See you then.
  20. One of the best things i bought for my pc (medusa headset).
  21. Can we have some early battle of britain missions, hurricanes and HE111 great fun. :twisted:
  22. Are these pictures of our latest recruit, because if they are i think we should all meet up for a drink. :shock:
  23. Some more BOB stuff here. http://www.airwarfare.com/Sims/IL2BOB/updates_aircraft.htm
  24. Delta7 has made a good point is everyone going to install the upgrade, as if they don't they won't be able to connect to whoever is hosting.
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