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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Arsenal

  1. Sorry to hear it man. Here's hoping it turns out well for you.
  2. Arsenal

    Do I Need Help?

    Yes, but fortunately, I have a cure for you: :shock:
  3. Oh boy, I feel another photoshop opportunity rearing its head!
  4. Wow, that's beautiful work (your wife's, not yours). I can imagine you've been beating yourself up pretty thuroughly over this, but accidents do happen. I'm sure you feel all better, now that I've provided you with this wisdom!
  5. Very nice! Makes me want to try my hand at doing a couple.
  6. What do you mean? I take "fags" to mean a bundle of sticks! I'm up for flying some tonight though, most assuredly. I need more practice on the Fiat G50 vs. Spitfire engagements.
  7. I think I've heard of them. Every mission you get happy ending, only fie dolla!
  8. Good idear. To continue with your theme, how about an epithet that others can mutter as they fall victim to your skill: dangdogz_name :twisted: Seriously, I like ddogz and dd. Either one of those would be good, I think.
  9. Don't worry, BG usually forgets to unfold his wings prior to takeoff, so you should be safe.
  10. Good job Waldo! This must have taken a while to put together. I could have used this last night on a few missions. I see that you forgot to add one of my favorite tactics: ramming! :twisted:
  11. Ok, I don't usually get into movies that people film with IL-2, but a friend sent me this link, and this movie is more than just a track that someone filmed. It's been edited quite professionally, and though I don't really care for the song, it is still pretty awesome. Maybe some have seen it already, but it was a first to me. Enjoy! ftp://ftp.redrodgers.com/movie/Kedik/RC_Kedik-Come_With_Me.avi EDIT: You have to right click "save as" the file, as it won't stream.
  12. Yeah, I heard that. I think this is a picture of him after he died, and was reanimated as a zombie.
  13. It wasn't til about the 3rd time I looked at his sig that I noticed there were airplanes in it. :oops:
  14. Why do I get the feeling that you're girlfriend is going to be using this more than you? Don't be surprised to find that she has suddenly gotten an interest in 120 beats per minute techno music!
  15. It's ok to stare, I know I'm a sexy mofo. Havin' a drink for all my dead (online) homiez. REPRESENT! As you can see from the lack of decoration, I'm a bachelor But I do have the staples of the bachelor pad: a bed a guitar a computer and lotion at my bedside
  16. Arsenal


    I'll ride on Dazza's stylish coattails and introduce myself as well! I think like most, I have an interest in history, specifically WW2. I'm from a long line of Navy folks, one of my grandfathers was on the USS Oklahoma when it was sunk during Pearl Harbor (he's gone now, unfortunately, and never would talk about it), and my other grandfather was a medic in the army, though he never made it overseas. My Dad served on the USS Kennedy as a plane captain for A-4's during Vietnam, and I was in the Navy for 8 years, so I guess you could say that it's in the blood! Though I've only flown with you guys for one weekend, I wanted to say what a great group of individuals you all are. You have given me a great reception, and I look forward to many more missions with you all.
  17. I'd like to see a late 1944 mission with P-47's on ground attack missions against Tigers/trains/airfields. I've always wanted to do that since I saw "Thunderbolt: Conquest of the Reich" on the History Channel. All that color gun footage was interesting.
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