3. Danger DogzContent Type
Everything posted by Arsenal
I was thinking about this comment today, and I think I may have figured out the real reason behind my problem. It's that damn smite I gave you a couple of months ago! C'mon man, it was just a joke, tell the fates to back off!
OT - Yet ANOTHER sultry wench I shot Saturday......
Arsenal replied to Enforcer57's topic in Jim's Place
Every time I look at these pictures, the word "fornicate" flashes before my eyes. Does this make me a bad person? If so, I shall report Enforcer to my local Georgia taliban chapter immediately! -
Device manager doesn't show any conflicts or problems. The card is a Gigabit something or other, not at home right now to tell you. Ironically, I probably won't be able to post tomorrow to tell the exact brand if my internet doesn't work. Grrrr! I have a few CAT5 cables lying around and work, so I'll "borrow" one and test it out. If that fixes the problem, you can be assured to hear my hand slap my forehead from across the pond! I'll keep my fingers crossed that it's not the modem since those things are 85-100 bucks, and I'd hate to buy a new one if it didn't fix the problem. I just don't get how one day it will work or fix itself and the next the totally non-functioning. typically that means some component somewhere is going bad.
You crazy fool!
Ok, here's the dealio. Lately, as in the past couple of months, I start my computer and get a "Limited or no connectivity error" and cannot get on the internet. I've tried the "repair connection" prompt which has no effect other than hanging for 5 mins or so when attempting to renew my comps IP. Sometimes it clears itself up magically in about 30 mins or so and other times, like last night, it never connected. Once it does connect, I haven't had a connection drop, and it runs like gangbusters. Here are a few specs/comments: 1] Running Windows XP (SP2) 2] Reseated my ethernet card/ uninstalled and reinstalled / blew dust out 3] I don't use a router, cable goes to modem and then directly to the compy 4] Did multiple virus scans with a number of different programs with no joy other than some spyware. No effect on the connection when removed. 5] Modem is getting signal from the ISP like normal and shows activity. 6] Contacted ISP and they say they have no problems or reports of problems on their end. How true that is, I don't know. 7] Turned firewall on/off to no effect. 8] Reseated all plugs, cables, screws, fasteners, bubblegum. Again with no effect. 9] Pulled hair, cussed and screamed, threatened, cajoled, patted tenderly, kicked viciously, begged, cried, loaded shotgun, apologized, unloaded shotgun. Again, no effect. Help please!
I'm a tad late, but happy B-day Rog-o! You're 322 (in dog years), which isn't old at all if you're a tree.
We do fly the occassional fun jet duels, but other than that, it doesn't seem like there would be too much in it for me either. Could be fun for a couple of giggles though like carrier launches in jets, etc. There was one mission that I've only flown once. BG was hosting at the time. Everyone was flying YP-80's vs computer Zero kamikazis trying to sink the carrier. That was actually quite enjoyable, wish I could find that one again.
I'll add my kudos to Glamorous Glennis here as well. My P-38's 500 pounders and I had a blast dishing out the damage to the Germans. I would definately be up for doing this again. I feel the Blue should have won out on the 2nd mission at least because, at least personally, I was really getting hammered by flak and fighters on most of my bombing runs. As a side note, I thought it was interesting in the third mission that I didn't see a single 262, though I know there were out there, despite my loitering for long periods of time over the city in search of targets. The first time we played this mission, they seemed to be buzzing about quite frequently. Hmmm.
That's one of the best looking early PA-28s I've ever seen. By that I mean it looks very very well maintained. With the Hershey bar wing it would have to be a late 70's model, right?
I've had aircraft request such things of me under the guise of a "test flight", but who really knows why they wanted it. To be honest, beyond the intentions of the aircraft, we don't really care why you want to do what your asking. The phraseology you presented sounds just fine, and as you know, plain language works just a good and the verbatim book stuff. I would probably add something along the lines of, "N1234, engine checks complete, initiating VFR descent", once you are ready to descend, so the controller will know to keep an eye on what's around you. There is a fine line between broadcasting too much, and not enough, but I think in this situation, depending on what kind of piper you're flying (from the wing pic, looks like a Cherokee or Warrior) and whether it's turbocharged or not, it's going to take you a while to get to 10k. In that time, the controller can be distracted easily, so it's nice to focus his attention on you again when you are getting ready to descend.
As a former controller, I can tell you that we much prefer to have you ask for flight following. When an aircraft is out tooling around with 1200 on the transponder, we can't be sure that you are even monitoring our frequency. After Sept 11th, I even had to go to the point to broadcast on the guard frequency to get an aircraft's attention that was getting too close to the protected airspace of the Maine Yankee nuclear power station. While no one ever busted that airspace while I was on position, it would have been a very bad thing for me if they had! True it can get quite busy, and having to give VFR traffic alerts to someone requesting flight following can add to the workload, but it is no comparison to having and aircraft out there that I don't know the intentions of. Especially at altitudes higher than 5k. Hope that didn't sound like a reprimand, just trying to give you a different perspective. In the past, working in Brunswick Maine, my airspace included 4 airports and in the summer and fall, there was no end to sightseeing flights on a clear day. By having the VFR guys check in with me, I would normally vector IFR aircraft around the largest groups of VFR flyers or slightly delay their descent (though not required), so I wouldn't be handing out traffic advisories every 3 seconds. I also greatly appreciated keeping VFR aircraft from flying through my approach corridors! Keep your head on a swivel out there!
Now I see why we plowed into the ground so quickly. You were busy making screenshots!
Lol! the dog with the bone part was da best. "You want it don't you?"
Fuck! Next time hire a hooker if you want to get screwed. At least you'll be smiling. Seriously. You can get a decent blowjob or an outstanding handjob for that kind of scratch. Not that I'd know...
Rofl! Awesome story Colin! I especially liked the double entendre near the beginning where you grabbed the two huge knockers, lmao! This story is an inspiration and makes me want to go do God's work!
I use Paint Shop Pro as well, but the principals should be the same. The easiest way to do it frior is to use the photo as the background layer. Create a separate raster layer on which to paint (if you don't know what I mean, think of a picture with a plastic transparency on it. You will be painting on the transparancy while the underlying photo remains untouched). Change the opacity of the created raster layer to around 70% or so, and this will allow you to paint while still being able to see the image underneath for reference. Once you are happy with the way it looks, you can merge the images and save it to whatever file you wish, but probably .bmp for this purpose. Sorry to say that there is no "quick and easy" way that I know of to do what you are doing. It will be a time consuming process to paint everything to make it look presentable. I think it would be interesting to be involved in something like this, so if you need any assistance, let me know. No charge of course (well maybe a pint or two reserved for me one day)!
It means "uber" mein freund!
I find it dubious that you could have heard anything above the frantic bleating of sheep!
I drink a lot of beer (a.k.a. swing grease) when I play so it doesn't really matter how well or poorly I play. It's more about getting away from work and driving a cart around while occassional getting out of the cart to take a swing at a ball.
ROFL! You on the right track mate! Your alert status has been downgraded to "monitor" but we will be watching you!
I dunno man, looks pretty damn close! Sweet job!