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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. I've always liked the plane. I'd rather have an F-16 with 6x Mavericks, though. The idea of building a plane to survive hits doesn't please me - you're still going to get hit! I'd rather have a really fast over, make one pass, and get the hell out! For that reason, most ground attack F-16's don't even take a full rack of Mavericks, just 2 or 4 - you can't target enough tanks in one pass to justify carrying 6 missiles.
  2. It's the ammo drum, mate.
  3. When the torch relay came through Lacombe, one of my students was priviledged to carry it for the last leg as it headed off to Red Deer. I brought my Canada flag out and cheered her on. In Red Deer, the torch relay organizers mentioned that they had one of the largest turnouts for any of their evening parties. It didn't hurt that it was on a Friday, but hey - we did a good job for Canadian pride here in Central Alberta!
  4. I don't know. Over Christmas break I watched 2 older movies: Casablanca, and Ben Hur. I don't think that they could be improved that much upon. They are 2 of the finest shot films ever made. Casablanca particularly is timeless - it seems like it could have been done recently every time I watch it. I also don't know how you'd do a much better job of a movie like Patton. 40 years old, and still looks fantastic! But then again, there are millions of posts on millions of forums, so I guess this post has been posted before, eh Mick?!
  5. I actually also saw it in both 2D and 3D. I didn't notice a great deal of difference between the 2 versions, except in the close-up shots where the focus issue is easier to distinguish. I think that it's a testimony to the quality of the filming and CGI that the 2D version looks as good as it does. For those of you waiting until the DVD comes out, you better have a freaking fantastic TV and sound system in order to do it justice, or you will miss out on the scale of this movie. As for it being a 'rip off' of other movies, yes, it has a great deal of similarity to others. I felt that it closely resembled Ferngully as well, especially in regard to the relationship between the main character, the alien girl, and the girl's betrothed. Even the mother had a 'twin' in Ferngully. Also, the scene where the dozers come to the tree (and the tree itself) are similar. The main difference is the antagonist - a jar-head in Avatar, and an evil spirit/being in Ferngully.
  6. This thread is now officially
  7. Very cool MadTrooper. What do the gunners at the Arty School think of your hobby BTW - pink airplanes?
  8. She's rarin' to go, mate! Light those 4 Olympus up!
  9. Well, I suppose that depends on the discipline...I might just happen to be a gynecologist. Thanks for the welcome & recommendation.
  10. Youngin'! I got me corns that old!
  11. Alright, enough with the platitudes! We want dirt! Where are you from? What do you do? Do you fly online very often or not? Can you fly with one hand, and drink with the other simultaneously? Dog or cat? BMW or Chev? Etc. etc. Welcome to the pound, Shadrach! When will Meshach and Abednego be along?
  12. Good to have you around, BSword. See you soon.
  13. It looks very good, MadTrooper. Keep up the good work! Now I know who to go to for skinning my RCAF stuff....
  14. Rattler

    Which bit 32/64

    I'm still using Win XP on my computer at home. Any major issues there?
  15. Rattler

    Which bit 32/64

    Question Roger - if I upgrade to an i7 CPU, do I need to upgrade from my 32 bit OS to a 64 bit OS right away, or will the 32 bit OS run on the i7?
  16. Man, that's just a normal night!
  17. You need to map it, Dave. I use 'D' as it's right next to 'S'. Map "Next Ratings Page" below "Online Rating" in the Miscellaneous section of your controls.
  18. My family all loved those. We completely understand, with 4 of the little rotters around here....
  19. Nice! I notice that you have some open rails there yet...going for the full laser sight kit too? Gets a bit muzzle heavy.
  20. Addendum - just went to Red Deer with the Christmas money and gift cards and picked up this for quite a bit less than MSRP.... Scale 1:32 Model Brief Length: 348.8mm Wingspan: 388.9mm Height: mm Total Plastic Parts 462pcs Metal Parts 1pcs Photo Etched Part 1pcs MEAS.
  21. I'll bet that her VCR blinks 12:00 too......
  22. Natalie thought that it was hilarious!
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