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Everything posted by Waldo.Pepper

  1. That's great isn't it! That's also on Zeno's site and I have it as an avi file also if anyone wants it.
  2. We got close alright. You almost had me put it in the dirt twice during that scrap.
  3. I made a modest little film (13 Meg) for the benefit of Sged and anyone who does not enjoy the blessing that is TrackIR (in any version) I have a lowly TrackIr2 that I bought from ebay for $30 Canadian about 2 years ago. This three minute movie should show you how well you can track a maneouvering target with TrackIR. Our story starts with yours truly harassing an all but helpless Stuka, when Arsenal steps in to save the day, bravely sacrificing himself in an extremely well flown scissors fight. http://rapidshare.de/files/21733968/Sun ... y.wmv.html
  4. Romanian Forum - Ploesti Raid! Earlier today I mentioned this great Romanian forum while on teamspeak, and said I'd post the link to it and its impressive discussion on Operation Tidal Wave (the attacks on the Ploesti Oil Fields) Well here is the link to the forum home page... http://www.worldwar2.ro/forum/ and the link to the specific Ploesti raid topic (over 100 pages now! There is encyclopedic information if you plod through the whole thing. ) Good luck trying! http://www.worldwar2.ro/forum/index.php ... hl=ploesti
  5. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/087021 ... e&n=283155 I have this in pdf format if anyone wants it.
  6. She's been with me for 13 years now. But I had to put the old chesterfield down today. She didn't want to go either - but ts time. I had some good times on that ol' girl. Watch the Blue Jays win the World Series the second time. Bonked the wife! Sad, so sad! sniff.
  7. That DVa is gorgeous! Can't wait to shoot up those Ambulances! (or should that be Ambulie? ) :rabbit:
  8. Totally funny! Must Love Jaws was good too!
  9. Oh! HA! It's bad on many many levels. I watched it once but I think that's my limit. You won't be able to watch it. Unless you are drunk - and fill in the dialogue with your own funny lines. Will make you copies if you wish. No need to rent Stalingrad I have a copy some where around here somewhere. A great movie I have somewhere (though not WW2) is The Beast about Russians in Afghanistan.
  10. I like rapidshare better, but that's just me. You sendit extorts an email address out of you. When I use yousendit I give them one of many hotmail address I own and then send it to myself in effect - just to get the link.
  11. http://rapidshare.de/files/9685822/Prin ... t.wmv.html
  12. I may buy it. I am not sure I will be interested if the plane set is too small.
  13. Some pro's and cons. Your place does have a better TV. mine is a 27incher. My place has plenty of books! Your place has the two of you already there. My place needs a damn good cleaning, remember my rec room (where all the fun is - has never seen a vacuum - but I'm sure I can get the wife to give it a whirl! ) I'm sure there are more pro's and cons. Your decision! The Russian movie really is a dog though! Did you manage to get the Dunkirk and Killing Hitler docu dramas to work on your end? If so I can always make a copy of the Russian flick and you can suffer by yourself.
  14. Male impotence? They can cure that now?
  15. Yippee! Another satisfied customer.
  16. Grounded wires are for pussies! Leave it - its vintage stuff with all the porcelain wire nuts and other quaint bric a brack.
  17. Remane the 405 to something like exe.405 then move the old 404's into the directory. When I rename files instead of deleteing them I remane them with my initials... *.kwa.
  18. Take a look at your running process list. Look for something called. iftpmgr.exe If you find it running let me know please. You may wish to get rid of it.
  19. "Replace your il2.exe and il2fb.exe with the ones from the Data1.cab file on the original FB CD #1. You can open the cab file with winzip, and then extract the two files (and ONLY those two files) to your il-2 folder."" From this thread at SIMHQ... worth a try me thinks. http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards ... 4;t=004658
  20. Are you running the exe's that came with 405 or are you running the exe's that are from 404 (they do not load the booty box crap!)?
  21. Its speed fur that I am sporting! Didn't Pat Pattle have a beard in North Africa when he was flying a Gladiator?
  22. Christ!
  23. Reminder set your vcr/pvr/dvr tomorrow evening as the new season starts tomorrow!
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