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Everything posted by Waldo.Pepper

  1. Wish I could find some in Canada for under $100 CAD. I just can't bring myself to do it. (Scottish genes in me somewhere figure!)
  2. Impressive credit at the end there. Oleg Maddox.
  3. I am in the market for a new set of headphones with mic attached. I remember a conversation on teamspeak, I think,
  4. Bugger! Sorry guys... how about rapidshare then? http://rapidshare.de/files/36595264/Car ... s.wmv.html
  5. Nice to sure. But, I believe the was a strong implication of females in Nun's habits! Yet - I saw none!
  6. Well the extremely modest movie anyway. Here it is on bigupload 20 meg.
  7. Anytime. Where do you live? GRRR GRRR! And he's nice too!
  8. Cocksucker! I hate him already.
  9. And my new avatar...
  10. To my fellow Canadians. I would have rather been flying than hosting dinner for 12!
  11. Fuck! Next time hire a hooker if you want to get screwed. At least you'll be smiling.
  12. What's the saddest thing... . a crying clown boo hoo.
  13. Nice. I wish I had the time to learn to skin better than a "hack" skinner that I am.
  14. Mentioned I'd find some pics etc. Well I did so here at their site. Looks like a real good way to die if you ask me. http://www.canadianarrow.com/vehicle1.htm
  15. Use this to dick around with the joystick sensitivity till you find the sweet spot for you. http://www.mission4today.com/index.php? ... ls&id=1021
  16. Impressive! Pity about the ending. I would have prefered a shootdown or draw. Still - nice.
  17. Try these 'generic' USB drivers for memory sticks with 98. http://www.technical-assistance.co.uk/kb/usbmsd98.php I reckon they will work just fine. caveat emptor though. Other ideas that are likely not much help; I still have a copy of laplink and a laplink cable that runs in DOS just for this purpose! (not much help for you but still.) You mentioned that this laptop is at work. Well work may be a big company with a network. Could you copy the material to a network share first? Then wipe it, then take it home? In Win 9X there was a rather nifty thing called Direct cable connection.... here are the details. May be the ticket if the above does not work. I HAVE USED THIS IN THE PAST! While it is slow like molasses it does work. http://support.microsoft.com/default.as ... us;298446# There are a few convoluted USB DOS solutions here that you may look into. If you are really technically savvy! http://www.bootdisk.com/usb.htm If anyone ever has NT and a similar problem look here for possible solutions. http://www.usbnews.net/news/more_and_mo ... suppor.htm Good luck! Let me/us know the results.
  18. 9800pro here. Very satisfied. Worth 100 clams.
  19. Soviet Hurricane pilot. Read it a few years ago. Rather good. pages 155-156. When he was flying a Hurricane (the field mod version we have in the game). "I would also like to mention here one of Nikitin's personal characteristics - his astonishing resourcefulness, his smartness in battle. The following incident illustrates it: Nikolay Mikhailoyich was leading six Hurricanes. We were giving coyer to our land forces in the front line. When something like ten minutes remained before our spell of duty was due to finish, an announcement came over the radio: 'From the direction of Gatchina on course for Kolpino - enemy fighters.' We had hardly turned in their direction when a command followed: 'Stop the enemy aircraft, don't let them get to Kolpino!' It was easy enough to say - stop about forty Ju 87 bombers accompanied by fighters, but Nikitin answered 'Aye-aye, Stop them" and rushed to meet the Fascist armada, taking us with him. We cut into the enemy's formation of aircraft at full speed. Fearing a collision with us, they dashed aside. Two Junkers collided and fell to earth in a ball of flame. The Ju 87 and the Hurricane were single-engine aircraft. The hump­backed English fighter was like the Junkers in shape and size; but the Junkers had a fixed undercarriage. Nikitin had a cunning idea. Having slipped through the formation of Junkers, he immediately turned our six through 180 degrees and ordered us to form up in two flights of three, like Fascist bombers do, and to lower our undercarriages. Looking at my friends flying beside me, at our humpbacked Hurricanes with undercarriages lowered, only then did I understand the leader's idea. Truly. had we not become like Junkers? What a good idea of the CO's! We were flying in the same formation as Fascist bombers! And above us, the enemy fighters who had lost us were rushing about like madmen. A Ju 87 loomed in front of me. It was already in my sights. The gunner on the Junkers (I could see him clearly) was twisting round in his cockpit, now aiming his machine-gun up, now to either side. He was looking for us, but in fear of the knowledge that Soviet fighters were near, he did not see the red noses of our machines, nor the bright stars on our wings. Nikitin was already shouting over the radio: 'Everyone choose yourself a target! Attention! Fire!' We pressed our triggers. I could no longer see the gunner. His machine, enveloped in flames, heeled over, put its nose down and plunged to earth, leaving behind it a belching trail of smoke. Burning and breaking up in mid-air, five more enemy aircraft fell to the point-blank fire of our pilots. The Fascist bombers jettisoned their bombs without reaching their target, turned and fled in all directions. We retracted our undercarriages and also flew away. Only then, once they had located us, did the enemy fighters pursue us. Capt Yefimov's group, coming out to meet us, gave us assistance. The concentrated aerial attack on Kolpino was broken up thanks to the bravery and resourcefulness of our CO. "
  20. I would have screamed FUCK! As loud as I could. (Minister or no Minister) I hate golf with a passion. Hats off to you BG (and anyone) who puts up with golf. Your a better man than I.
  21. Not the best way to stock a fish pond.
  22. LOL @ Redeye's! Can't wait to try that when I am an old coot in the hospital!
  23. Tentacles eh?
  24. Hope some of you remember me! An amazing thing happened today. I managed to scrape a couples of consecutive hours of free time. Imagine my surprise when I realized that it was Sunday afternoon! I could go flying! I haven't touched my joystick in about 9 weeks! (Get yer minds out of the gutter! ) Anyway I sucked like a noob. LIKE A NOOB! I don't think I landed a single round on any baddies, and I flew into the woods, but I had fun. During the conversations on teamspeak I mentioned that I would post the tracks. So here there are. Waldo shoots holes in air.ntrk is here: http://www.rapidupload.com/d.php?file=dl&filepath=19656 Waldo learns about invisible trees again.ntrk is here: http://www12.rapidupload.com/d.php?file ... path=24729 It is sooooo good to be back. I think I missed nine weeks of flying, because of various things (My Wife health, house guests, remodelling three rooms, (I now have enough shelves that I can take out all my books from boxes!) My Wife's Birthday, My Anniversary, My Birthday.... etc. etc. etc. But I should be back in the 'air' next Sunday, and many more also. By Next Sunday I should have had some time to practice up too!
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