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Everything posted by Waldo.Pepper

  1. Sopwith Camel. Just getting you ready for WW1.
  2. LOL The seals are taking over.
  3. A guy and his wife were speeding down the highway when a cop pulls him over. The man says, "What's the problem officer? Officer: "You were going at least 130 in a 100 zone." Man: "No sir, I was going 110." Wife: "Oh Harry, you were going 140." Man gives his wife a dirty look. Officer: "I will also give you a ticket for your broken tail light." Man: "Broken tail light? I didn't know about a broken tail light" Wife: "Oh Harry, you've known about that tail light for months." Man gives his wife a dirty look. Officer: "I will also give you a citation for not wearing your seat belt." Man: "Oh, I just took it off when you were walking up to the car." Wife: "Oh Harry, you never wear your seat belt." Man turns to his wife and yells, "Bitch, shut your damn mouth" The Officer turns to the woman and says, "Ma'm does your husband talk to you this way all the time?? Wife says, "No, only when he's drunk."
  4. Not true I got a haircut yesterday. It had been a LONG time.
  5. Virtual Beer to anyone who can tell me who the instructor is! He's is a well known tactician, used the matchsticks on his kitchen table in San Diego all the time.
  6. This is a clip from an actual WW2 USN training film that I have in my collection. There are several points in the film that I think we all can take advantage of in performing interceptions. Particularly the cooperative aspects that the USN planes perform. Also if you think of yourself as the Japanese plane (I.E. on the defencive) there are also some maneuvers that could prove valuable. The film itself is kind of corny but it is instructive. Also I find the term Jap offencive, but consider the time it was made please. I converted it from video tape to DVD then into an avi file then in to wmv so that it would be small enough to download. It is 64 meg/23 minutes. http://rapidshare.de/files/16885274/Tra ... m.wmv.html
  7. They are planning 3 pay addons "P2 project" - P2- 1,84,110,359, P3,P3bis "sturmovik over Manjuria(?)" - IL10, ki27, Ki42-II, J2m5(New map) "Project BBC-46" (June 2006 - planned relase) - Lagg3RD, Yak3p LA-7p, Mig-13, Yak-15(new map) From here: http://www.battle-fields.com/commscentr ... hp?t=10365 Quoting/Translating from here: http://forum.sukhoi.ru/showthread.php?t=38482 And then SaQSoN said on simhq.com Mentioned in article (who knows if will make the final cut): LaGG-3RD Yak-3R La-7R Bi-6 MiG-13 MiG-9 Yak-15 There will be twice as more new aircraft in this add-on. Yet, I can't tell you which ones. Plus a set of new ground vehicles and a new map or two. -------------------- _ _ __ _ _ Best regards, SaQSoN (Vladimir Kochmarsky) From here on Sim HQ: http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards ... 4;t=004241
  8. Sometimes the machine is just a dud, or a Frankenputer. I think it is always best to build your own. I always buy my bits a pieces from two nice Chinese guys here in town. (Tiny plug for Crystal Computers at http://www.cclcpr.com/shop/ ) I'm sure it will all be for the best.
  9. http://www.naked-air.com/ Some people (me included) should not be seen like this!
  10. Does your NETGEAR router allow you to screw with MTU speed? If so try changing it DOWN to 1452. (or perhaps even less). Just a hunch.
  11. Well I listened to the audio commentary that was posted (by BG [was it?]) , specifically about the topic of gun convergence at high distances. 1. It was stated that this will give the gunfire coming from the gun a flatter trajectory for a longer range. (I just listened to it again an he said straighter... but I think he meant flatter.) My opinion is that this is not so. In the game when I set my convergence I am setting a spot where I want all the rounds to pass through. I have heard a WW2 vet describe how he set convergence so that all six of his guns would pass through a circle about the size of a 50cent piece about 300 yards. Now if that is my goal then I would have to adjust the positioning of all my guns in both the horizontal AND the vertical plane. So (if you follow me here) If I were to set my convergence to a 1000m then to do that I would have to elevate my guns so that they were pointing more upwards that if I were to set my convergence at 100m. Because the rounds are set to converge at 1000m they will be affected by gravity through more time [longer] before they get to the point of convergence, than if my point of convergence were closer. A pilot who sets his convergence at 1000m is in effect throwing his football for the long bomb. His bullets are describing that (high lobbing) arc. Watch this clip (4 meg wmv file.) To see how much latitude the American's (at least allowed) Once again I am using rapidshare (may as well chew up their bandwidth rather than ours!) http://rapidshare.de/files/16606221/Con ... e.wmv.html Note also that the vet described setting convergence for EACH PAIR OF GUNS on the typical US six gun fighter. An option we DO NOT enjoy! 2. It was stated that setting convergence at great distance is unrealistic. I would agree with this. However, I wold also point out that I find it more realistic to do this that to fly with icons on. I feel this icons on business leads to 1000m convergence and other irregularities. If icons were turned off you would have to get close enough to visually ID the bogies FAR MORE OFTEN before you opened fire! Those pilots who do not visually ID the bogies end up dying because they wipe out there own guys and end up getting shot down themselves. Even so with my convergence set at 500m if any of you have watched me when I shoot you will notice that I like to get to UNDER a 100M. There is another consideration that often is not taken into consideration with IL2 That is round speed. If you hit anything at great distance it does FAR LESS DAMAGE that if you hit it a close range. (even with cannon rounds, as the cannon round will penetrate further into the target aircraft the closer you are when you hit it (due to the higher velocity of the round). Consider this from the IL2 Manual (FB page 12)... Aerial Gunnery Many factors work against you when you fire.First of all, your bullets don’t fly in a perfectly straight line. Your plane shakes in the air, your guns recoil and twist, Earth’s gravity pulls the bullets toward the ground, and the air slows them down. All of these things combine to create something called bullet dispersion. A bullet stream from one machine gun at 50 meters will fit into an area fifty times as small as the same bullet stream at 500 meters. This makes long-range fire extremely difficult. Keep in mind that bullets lose power over distance. Using the same example, a bullet at 50 meters can puncture light to medium armor, but at 500 meters it may even bounce off human skin.Secondly, most targets you encounter will be armored. Some plane shave armor strong enough to deflect any bullets or shells you fire;your ammunition will bounce off your target without doing any damage. However, no airplane has the same thick armor all over.Even the heaviest armored airplane has some weak spots, where just a few hits can be enough to bring it down. In my opinion.
  12. Thanks My Father was RCAF during the war too. I can ID the centre decoration right off the top of my head as my Father also has it. It is the Volunteer Service Medal with clasp. The clasp indicates overseas service.
  13. Norris Kicked the Six Million Dollar man and turned him into 24 Million Quarters. That site is awesome.
  14. TrackIR is more usefull (by far) than rudders)
  15. 500 across the board here.
  16. Now thats a nice offer. I may take you up on it. Thanks so much.
  17. I gotta find me a lower class of guys to fly with. Maybe the Screech suckin' Newfies will take me.
  18. Shit Sorry Kelly. How are the kids?
  19. Me too please. Waldo.Pepper@hotmail.com I never fly with icons but I noticed that Psycho did. What difficulty settings are allowed? Thanks.
  20. Welcome and fingers crossed. Dazza - that is a real good link you posted - thanks.
  21. I too have an X-45 and like it immensely. In fact I have a backup X-45 in its box still. The rudder rocker is useless as a rudder. I banded it to that when I press the right hand side it will drop a bomb, left side it will salvo the whole bomb load. (it presses bomb release like 8 times rapidly with a script) I also have it set to do this for rockets when I hit the pinkie switch. (right for one left to salvo the whole load of them! Like a Beaufighter should do!!) I must confess that I have never explored the 2nd and 3rd mode switch. The spring is stiff but with a few quick ties, all is smooth. If I were to recommend a new stick today... I would likely go with the X-52.... but since I already have the x-45 I would keep the throttle and try out a CH Fighterstick, as the CH and X-52 are comparable in price. Also I have rudder pedals and do not need the twisty stick that the X-52 has. I rather like twist stick for rudder. I had one years ago when flying CFS1 and was good with it. Saitek on their website offers some reconditioned products and when they are in stock they are a rather excellent buy. I bought my X-45 there for $39 USD. So if you check out ebay you may as well check out reconditioned Saitek as well. Here is the link for that: http://store.yahoo.com/saitekusa/recprod.html Good hunting.
  22. Goodone Psycho. Nice medal too!
  23. I don't know why but I think I can tell you how to fix it. (I'm like that about a lot of stuff btw!) Look around the sound & audio devices in control panel. Click on advanced to get to the window labelled 'play control'. While playing some audio so you can heard the annoying hum make adjustments to the volume scales of everything here... and on the options-properties-recording tab as well... something here will be causing crossover interference and you can isolate it by turning down the volume and/or muting it if need be. Not sure why but I bet this 'fixes' it. Let me know.
  24. :violent2: HA!
  25. Awesome vid. I half expected Bill O'liely to bail out of the 110 or something.
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