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Everything posted by Waldo.Pepper

  1. I mean if you have the same motherboard, you maybe ok - but I doubt it. Celeron is basically a cut down Pentium (whatever the flavour) - with less/no cache on board the chip. I used to try and play this game with a Celeron - no way would I ever try it again. Celeron chips blow. But free is a good price, give it a try.
  2. Long winded answer... In Canada, where prostitution is legal (the Trick is that COMMUNICATING for the purpose of prostitution is ILLEGAL, so if you can arrange a service and a price without communicating with the woman you're in the clear!) [i tell this story to illustrate how stupid some laws in Canada are!] In Canada, the copywrite status, on just about anything I download (from just about anysite/or any method) is mine free and clear, so sayeth the Surpreme Court of Canada. (The ruling is a lot more complicated than that, but that is the essence of their decision.) The American recording industry, of course - and understandably, is doing everything possible to compel the Canadian Government to specifically write a law that would reverse this Court based decision. However, being little pricks, and natural thorns in sides, the former governing party (The Liberal Party) was resisting this incursion on our sovereignty! The current Government (formed by the Conservative Party) is in Minority status and is sympathetic to big business, but thankfully too weak to affect even such minor change. Canadian civics lesson over.
  3. I thought I sensed a disturbance in the force. WB.
  4. Frankly I cannot keep up with the catalogue anymore and have all but given up. There is easily another 30-40 gig of the stuff here on various dvd discs. This does not include documentary and other footage. I very nearly have a complete set of Die Deutch Wochenschau (The German Weekly News - propoganda from the War.) If there is anything anyone wants just let me know, and I will get it to you somehow.
  5. Squadron-Signal.-.Grumman.F8F.Bearcat.-.In.Action.N°099.(osloskop.net).pdf
  6. Hey Drinksky... You sure you don't want to reconsider, your aversion to a book in a PDF format? This list despite its title of Master Book Archive is incomplete it has nearly doubled in size since I made this list. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  7. This is mostly for Mobius, but I figure someone else may like it too, maybe even benefit as well. I have an X-45, but presumably this will work for the X-52 as well. I think trackIR is indispensable, but in case you do not have it to make in cockpit life easier, try the following. Before I had TrackIR I used a little utility called Newview26. It is available here, and has all the installation directions contained within, so I won't bother to repeat them here. http://www.airwarfare.com/Sims/FB/fb_newview.htm So setup Newview26 first then follow the rest. _____ Now that I have a track IR the hat button is freed up to use for other things. (You can of course use any other button besides a hat button ... with trackir it is freed up for me, so I use it for this. If you are like Mobius without trackIR I would recommend using Newview, and following the rest of this post, perhaps using rocker rudder, or something else on the X-52). I use POV hat 1 on my x-45 for this. In controls section of PF, I set increase fov to E and decrease fov to Q. Pressing the hat up makes a Q press (to zoom in), and down makes a E press (to zoom out). So each time I press the hat up it makes an E, or Q downward. But the clever part comes with the profiling software and the X-45. Right click on the up button of Hat 1 and choose Advanced editor. Then copy the following screen: What this does is it make the button send a Q every 0.02 seconds for as long as you hold the button down. Then do the same thing for the down button. Easy peasy. Now the zoom is simulated, just like in LOMAC. From SST Manual (from Saitekusa.com website). Just like in the Macro Recorder, the numbers underneath the keystrokes represent the time in seconds from when you pressed the first key in the sequence; in the Advanced Editor though you can adjust these timings.
  8. You have to select nationality USA. (I believe)
  9. Two files in one. Things Quazi Said, and as a bonus; More Things Quazi Said, in one rar package! Now in the resources tab off the Home page. My Wife is going to try the gravy next weekend. Thanks. Now if only we can rustle up some Cat Head Biscuits. Attached URL for ease Mr Pepper: Gravy
  10. I forgot to mention that I can offer just IMMENSE quantities of e-books. (PDF format)
  11. Very generous and a good idea for those who can bring themselves to do it. I never give up a book, even if it sucks. Once I get my grubby paws on it, it is mine till I die. Bought five books yesterday while in Maple Ridge and Langley ... went to hit some Antique shops with the wife ... I almost always find a book or two. LBF had a great idea that I have taken up. If I have a soft cover, then acquire the hard cover I will pass along the soft cover one.
  12. Crews (people) would be nice! I know I am never satisfied!
  13. The one comes with the other.
  14. Hmmm New tractor smell. Once you go Kubota you never go back.
  15. HEY... most of that is optional! You guys ever test drive a bald toothless torso? Holy Sheeeet! The K9 is strong with this one! I like this Noob!
  16. Mentioned this on Thursday also. http://www.muttonbone.com/store.html
  17. So that you may all sing along with myself and Psycho, when next we fly I have taken the time to upload a medley of three songs from my personal collection. There are two tracks from Maclean and Maclean. Who incidentally were from the City of Winnipeg, where I grew up. Here is what they look like! Aren't they cute! Anyway the two songs of theirs that I have included are; F u c k y a (which some of you, who did not throw down their headphones in disgust may remember I sang a passage from on Thursday - in between crashing and burning. The second song of theirs is called The Rodeo Song. It is genius personified. With lyrics like... "Well it's forty below and I don't give a f u c k - I've a heater in my truck and I'm off to the Rodeo." Nothing conveys the essence of Winnipeg like this song. Except perhaps if they released a perfume called Essence of Winnipeg (which would smell like a cross between a sewage treatment plant and a pulp mill - with just a hint of rendering plant for extra body). Yummy! Lastly, I also performed a rendition of "Take your Love and Shove it." Which was originally popularized by that great virtuoso singer Joe Pesci. They are available here as a single rar archive. http://download.yousendit.com/79BD67A5348F322F Enjoy these heartwarming timeless classics with your family!
  18. She's cute - but those pants make her behind look big!
  19. I don't have a cold. I just sucked! When I have my next cold/flu/sinus infection you aren't going to see me flyin' Get well.
  20. There's not much in it for me. Can't stand the Lerche. The Arado will be nice, pity it isn't one of the development models with the ditchable wheels and the braking parachute. That would be a sweet ride.
  21. Here are some details of dead reckoning computers that were installed in some B-25's. By some I mean perhaps as few as one per formation. Crew training on the equipment varied. Some crew members who were expected to operate it had only the vaguest of ideas of how yo use the 'box" Anyway here is some info for any fellow nuts like me. ----- Dead-reckoning computers, or odographs, have been developed. The control box of one such computer is shown in Fig. 7-2. This device, developed in the Division 17 program of the NDRC, receives information from a true-airspeed meter and a repeater compass. These data are resolved into cartesian velocity components along the north-south and east-west directions, and these velocity values are integrated to provide continuous readings of air position with reference to any chosen point of departure. A mechanism is also provided to indicate ground position by taking account of the effect of wind. The direction and speed of the wind (as determined from double drift readings, meteorological information, comparison of earlier wind settings with the actual course made good, radar fixes, or otherwise) can be set into the device by means of knobs shown in Fig. 7-2. Wind velocity is resolved into components along the north-south and east-west directions, integrated, and the result added to the air position to give the ground position with respect to the point of departure. Air position and actual ground position both appear on the counter dials shown at the lower left. The output signals of the unit can also be used to actuate a plotting arm which moves over a map table not shown in Fig. 7-2. With this addition, the device draws on a map the actual ground track made good by the aircraft carrying the instrument. Various map scales can be selected for the plotting table by means of a knob on the control box. The control box can also be provided with a gear train that actuates a mechanism showing latitude and longitude directly, in addition to showing the departure from the last fix. In a carefully made installation, fchc cumulative error of this instrument amounts to only 1/2 per cent of the total distance travelled from the point of departure.
  22. SATA, is it enabled in the BIOS, or is it disabled. Check the manual that came with the board on how to switch it on. Alternatively, you could go and buy a USB2.0 external enclosure for one of the drives. It would then end up being mobile to as well. Something like this... http://www.usb-2-0.com/usb-2-0-hd-enclosures.html
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