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Everything posted by Waldo.Pepper

  1. I'm innocent I tell ya! I rarely shoot down a plane on my own side. I cannot remember the last time I did it! (I do remember running over someone on take off a few months ago!) I even try to stay off another persons kill. If I see someone hot on someone's tail I will follow and pounce only when I see that person miss a turn, run out of ammo, or something like that. So on Sunday when I heard that I had shot down a plane on the same side, I was incredulous! especially when I didn't remember doing it. So I thought that I would look at the track file to see what was what! Here are some screen shots! First one. Here is myself (in the middle) Delta in the foreground and Painless off to my left - all chasing BG in the P-47. Next one Delta and Painless are behind me (and perilously close to each other!) BG is still alive and running! Me in the middle again. BG running still! But look at Delta! His starboard wing has popped off! And now lastly... I get the blame/credit for the kill! WTF! Hell yes I've got track if anyone cares! Bizarre eh?
  2. This is going to hammer my photobucket account! Well for me the Heinkel 219 is the impressive one, but not in one piece! Anyway here are some pictures of the Dornier, and a very few of the FW. I have about 60 pictures of wheel wells and air intakes of the Dornier. (stuff only a huge nerd would care about! I shall post them if anyone cares). Really the Dornier - and all other planes at the Smithsonian are restored PERFECTLY! (as perfectly as they can manage anyway.) It is [almost] like going to a car show in Vegas or something, or to a Car Concourse in Beverly Hills where the mechanic has turned every screw so that the slot in the flat head lines up with all the other slots in all the other screws on the car. This is how the Arado and indeed all other planes in the collection are restored to. Kind of silly, and a historical shame too. No way that this Dornier was ever this perfect in Germany. Still she is impressive. Heinkel first: Dornier and FW: Lastly the FW; (Sorry all I've got on the FW! )
  3. Jesus tapdancing Christ have you got enough icons on your desktop?!
  4. The only thing I might worry about is the size of your computers power supply. If it is huge - i.e. lots of extra capacity you should be fine.
  5. Some resources I mentioned while flying Sunday. Naval aviation news. All in PDF format... all free to download. A little propagandistic and dated. Still an excellent resource. Here are some sample covers. And here is the link to the era I reckon we are most interested in. http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backiss ... 0smain.htm I also mentioned that I had some pictures of the Horton wing that is (unrestored) but on display in the Udvar Hazy hall (part of the Smithonian Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C.) So here they are! Here is a panorama of the German planes on exhibit in the hall. It is a rather impressive room. Though I wish they would have restored/reinstalled the engines wings to the He-219 in the background. Let me know if you want more pics from this hall.
  6. West coast Canada close enough? waldo.pepper@hotmail.com
  7. Waldo.Pepper


    Up and down! Where is the PUNMEISTER! Yab A in to slot B! Aggh! (must resist) !
  8. I remember that was priceless! Getting hammered/run over on take off had me get out the swear bag and wearing it out - but that's my Canadian prerogative! From the hour I was able to participate it was excellent! I managed to bomb an ordinary bridge - properly shoot down a D9 and get run over 3.5 times (twice by Germans in the air!) All in a hour! Too much fun! Thanks Glenn!
  9. My advice Control panel Add/Remove hardware. Remove all sound card hardware you have. Restart computer Follow the prompts reinstalling Cross your toes.
  10. 21 Players! New record for me. Thanks everyone. Too bad I had to leave after the first mission. I hate just showeing up for an hour or so, are never come out to play unless I can devote several hours to it. But for this event I just had to come if only for an hour. What was the outcome? I think the reds lost the first one, and the second one but picked up the third. Is this right? Was the first one even close?
  11. Update! (for any interested - ) I did not install the ftp app, and it was running as a service at startup on a secondary machine in my home. Someone was hammering my connection. also. I had to run Etherreal (a port sniffer) to track down and sort out what was happening. Another happy ending! (although the guilty party escaped unscathed - as they almost always do on the Internet.
  12. Conclusive if you ask me. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/5049082.stm
  13. Beautiful of course... needs horses! :evil:
  14. DOS ain't done till LOTUS won't run. Shirley Bassey was right (Just been a little bit of history repeating!)
  15. Another tip to help you learn. Turn on ARCADE MODE (change the line to read arcade-=1) in the conf.ini file (located in the root directory of the game). Fly LOTS against AI. Save tracks - watch them afterward to learn where the shot falls..... lather - rinse - repeat. Practice till your eyes ache and your hands are bleeding. Belated welcomes and good luck.
  16. That was Fast!
  17. Though not from 'our war' this is kind of funny and sad and revealing all at once. This was written by Lt Col Joe Kent, who was at that time serving as the Information Officer for the 12 TFW at Cam Ranh Bay. It was recorded in 1966, with Kent as the Wing Information Officer and Col Travis McNeil (12 TFW DO) playing the part of the captain. It was posted yesterday to alt.binaries.multimedia.aviation. I converted it from real media format to mp3 for reasons of popularity. It is fairly flled with profanity. http://rapidshare.de/files/21992858/Wha ... s.mp3.html
  18. I like the Etch-A-Stetch - and anything with a Monkey is it is by definition quality comedy.
  19. Not me! It was over 20 years ago in Winnipeg. So he likely doesn't even remember. But such was life in Winnipeg that it made the news! HA HA!
  20. Ask Burton if it hurt his noggin when he was hit by a beer bottle by a 'fan' who recognized him in a 7-11 in Winnipeg!
  21. I could have gotten the 12 Cebus Monkeys but I went with the Celery model instead.
  22. OK that was great footage. Had not seen that material, until it switched late in the presentation to the pacific theatre. Thanks! EDIT: I prefer to keep my own copies of things. I have downloaded it from google if anyone wants it.
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