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PWCG P-38 Lightning Strikes Co-op Campaign

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Seeing as the numbers of 485th pilots were low anyway, is it worth those that can make it tomorrow tagging on as a blue flight to the 402nd and FT can lead the Group?

Whatever the mission generator throws up for each squad if they differ significantly, we pick the waypoints and objectives that look to be the most fruitful so we all get a fair crack of the whip as they say.

Not sure what, if any implications this has on PWCG @DD_Fenrir?

Just a thought.



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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Mission Date 25/11/44

402nd FS - Fighter Sweep, The Hague

485th FS - Fighter Sweep, The Hague

410th BG - Attack Rail Targets, Shiedam



370th FG


Taking 2 x 1000lb bombs in case the Luftwaffe refused to play, the 402nd were obliged to jettison their load just crossing the frontline when a flight of Bf 109s deigned to put in an appearance; the e/a engaged 402nd from the Easy with a slight height advantage but the 402nd held together well and mad good work of covering each other and all e/a were dispatched within relatively short order. Continuing on to target the 40nd were then directed by 'Marmite' ground control to bandits in the Breda/Roosendaal sector. Quickly turning southeast the squadron spotted the bandits at low level just as they were crossing the Hollandschdiep, Red flight engaging a group of Fw 190s to the west and White flight another to the east. Quite a furball developed at low altitude, but all e/a were eventually knocked down, with Leakage White Lead, 1st Lt. Rea trailing some further bogies out to the East, his flight and Red in long pursuit. They caught up with the bogeys just east of Tilburg and engaged, though White 2, 2nd Lt. Karl Spartan was hit by flying debris - the entire vertical stabiliser in fact! - when his last victim exploded violently in front of his aircraft, obliging Spartan to try and dodge the wreckage. His port engine inoperable, he bugged out for home base, making a succesful landing.

A similar fate befell Red 2, 2nd Lt Dennis Falcon, though fortunately he too made it home under the watchful escort of his squadron mates.

All told the 402nd claimed 15 enemy aircraft destroyed, a superlative feat gents, well done indeed.

402nd Sqn Log 26-11-44 a.PNG

402nd Sqn Log 26-11-44 b.PNG

402nd Sqn Log 26-11-44 c.PNG



Major Payne-less' debrief again outlines a tale of unfortunate luck and bad timing regards encountering the Luftwaffe; just a few minutes too far South of assisting in the first engagement and a few kilometers too far North when the call from 'Marmite' control came through request all aircraft assist in the Breda sector; that said the ordnance they elected to carry was put to good use with Capt. Cloister and 2nd Lt. Iden Hoe ruining the day of several AAA gun positions near Schiedam, accounting for 7 guns between them. 

485th Sqn Log 26-11-44 a.PNG

485th Sqn Log 26-11-44 b.PNG


410th BG

The 410th attacked their assigned target, accounting for a number of transportation targets, though we mourn the loss 2nd Lt. Dave Haggis who lost control of his aircraft at low altitude and spun in; this dedicated, fearless doyen of the group will be much missed.


410th Sqn Log 26-11-44 a.PNG

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

370th FG

Awards and Promotions:

Captain Arjen Efftee is promoted to Major. A long time coming Major, but congratulations, it is well earned.

1st Lieutenant Fenton Rea is promoted to Captain.

Captain Kevin Fruitbat is awarded the Bronze Star.

Fruitbat's Bronze Star 28-11-44.PNG


2nd Lieutenant Karl Spartan is awarded the Bronze Star.

Perf's Bronze Star 28-11-44.PNG


2nd Lieutenant Dennis Falcon is awarded the Bronze Star.

Wingflyrs's Bronze Star 28-11-44.PNG



Captain Fenton Rea is transferred to the 485th Fighter Squadron.

A new pilot has been posted to the 485th Fighter Squadron - we await confirmation of his identity.



402nd Roster 28-11-44.PNG


485th Roster 28-11-44.PNG

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Chaps, I am very sorry to say I will have to miss another one :(

Not a good week this week, worked all weekend due to major issues at work, and there are still some ongoing issues which are meaning I am working longer hours than usual. 

I am very much hoping to be back in the saddle for Sunday and hoping normal attendance will resume from that point. 

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Sorry to hear that Reggie, I can sympathise as my work has been flat-out of late (though not to the same extent as you it appears). Hope some semblance of sanity returns soon mate, rest assured whenever that is there's always a Lightning here with your name on it... 


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  • 1. DDz Quorum
28 minutes ago, Crash said:

Was I captured? I was JUST west of the lines by a 100 metres or so

 No, Crash, you made it by the skin o' your teeth old bean!


29 minutes ago, Crash said:

The flak at the target was horrendous there must have been 20 or so of the werbelwind or whatever they are called.

Yikes! That sounds like a pretty bowel loosening recipe... despite it you did some damn fine work on the target though. I'll get the debrief proper up when I can.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Mission Date 28/11/44

402nd FS - Fighter Sweep, Nettersheim-Düren Sector

485th FS - Rail Target Strike, Zulpich

410th BG - Rail Target Strike, Bonn



370th FG

402nd FS: 

It is with a heavy heart that the 402nd report the death of their squadron leader, it is a very sad day in the 402nd, his excellent leadership will be sadly missed, not to mention his laid back presence at the bar in the the mess in the evenings.

We were preceding along our patrol route, when we initially spotted 5 enemy aircraft at our low one O'clock, in two elements, a three ship and a two ship. Major Arjen Eftee led the attack and dived on the three ship, whilst the second element started to dive on the second enemy element. During the dive, the second element noticed many more enemy aircraft under the cloud coming into view  slightly behind the first aircraft spotted and pulled out of the attack to maintain altitude advantage. Alas this was to late for the lead element, and Major Arjen Eftee's aircraft was seen to impact the ground after the dive down.

Captain Kevin Fruitbat as ranking officer, took command of the remaining planes in the flight, with the first priority to extricate 2nd Lt Dennis Falcon out of a very hairy situation. Fortunately he still had plenty of energy, and so was instructed to shallow climb on what ever heading he was currently on, whilst Captain K Fruitbat and 2nd Lt Patrick Last flying as his wing, maneuvered to position themselves to cover his initial escape. It was during this point that the Captain realised his radio was fitted with a faulty radio crystal and was unable to directly talk to the 485th, and so all messages had to be relayed through a ground controller. After this work around was figured out, the 402nd urgently sent position, altitude and bandit number chasing us, requesting a heading for intercept with the 485th to give support.

The 485th replied with a heading and that they were 10 miles north of our position but lower. Not long after this, with 13 bandits confirmed in tow we sighted the 485th and quickly ascertained they were still climbing, so the order was given to turn west to give them time to get more altitude. The enemy obviously had not spotted the 485th as they turned to follow the 402nd. This allowed the 485th to latch onto the back, and battle was joined, at this point the 402nd reversed course and entered the fray.

At first the 402nd maintained combat formation and flew purely defensive against the more numerous enemy, as it appeared in the confusion they weren't fully aware that the 402nd had been joined by the 485th, until this was no longer tenable, and battle was fully joined. In the ensuing melee, the 402nd claimed 3 confirmed, with one apiece to each pilot, a Fw190D for the Captain, and Bf110's for the Lt's, along with damaging at least 3 other enemy aircraft. During the fight, both Captain K Fruitbat and 2nd Lt D Falcon received damage, but were able to continue. 

Finally the last of the enemy aircraft was seen to go down, and the call to return to base was given. Shortly after regrouping, Captain K Fruitbat gave command to 2nd P Last, as he decided that his aircraft was too heavily damaged to return and land, and so looked for a area devoid of trees to bail out over. The remaining two ship returned to base, and landed safely. 

Without the quick assistance given to the 402nd by the 485th, It would almost have certainly been a much bleaker day for the squadron, in what was already a bleak day.

402nd Sqn Log 28-11-44 a.PNG

402nd Sqn Log 28-11-44 b.PNG


485th FS: Capt. Fenton Rea led a four ship attack on the Rail Station at Zulpich and train targets therein, the flight successfully destroying a train and a number of AAA guns in the vicinity. Heading NW to Düren to see what other ground targets the area might yield, the 485th received an assistance call from the 402nd, initially interpreted as an alert to more ground targets. However it quickly became apparent that the 402nd were engaged with and heavily outnumbered by enemy aircraft. The 402nd reported their altitude as Angels 12; the 485th were at Angels 5. Turning South and clapping on all available sail, climbing as fast as possible, Zenith squadron were passing 7,000ft when they saw 3 P-38s coming north with 13 bandits, a mixed force of Fw 190Ds and Bf 110s, in pursuit. Leakage White 3, Capt. Kevin Fruitbat (now leading Leakage squadron) in an excellent tactical decision, dragged the conga line to the west allowing 485th to tack onto the trailing elements of the bandit group in the climb, with Leakage squadron turning back in to engage as Zenith leader called they were committed. Thereafter proceeded the largest air engagement yet recorded by the 370th FG. There were simply too many e/a to maintain cohesive elements and the fight broke down into a massive furball covering 10 square kilometres, ranging from 10,000ft down to the deck.

The 370th FG combined gradually managed to whittle down the odds but not without cost as Zenith Red 4, 2nd Lt. Harrison Hailey, already wrestling with a faulty radio did not return; Zenith Red Leader witnessed a P-38 seen to crash into woodlands after being attacked by an Fw 190D-9 on the frontline west of Zulpich. It is presumed that this was Red 4. It was his first mission.

Zenith Red 2, Lt. Rox, after dispatching 2 of the bandits came under fire from yet another and the enemies aim was a little too true; heavily damaged Red 2 managed to disengage from the fight and made for the airfield of Bierset, where we are relieved to say he made a successful safe landing. 

Despite these setbacks, the 370th acquitted itself magnificently and after about a 10 minute period, the skies were cleared of enemy aircraft. All told, the group managed to account for nearly all the e/a first spotted, our claims totalling 11 of the 13 initially counted. It is assumed that the remainder ran home to lick their wounds. At this point the group returned home in mixed formation, with several aircraft having sustained varying degrees of damage, but no further pilots were lost.

On a personal note, the 485th extend our deepest condolences to the 402nd for the loss of Maj. Arjen Efftee who so effectively led their squadron for so long and to great success. He was respected and admired by all of us here in Zenith squadron and we mourn his loss to both you, us and the Group.

485th Sqn Log 28-11-44 a.PNG

485th Sqn Log 28-11-44 b.PNG



410th BG

The 410th attacked their assigned target and, despite the strong winds, obliterated it. However, the defensive fire from the ground was some of the strongest yet encountered with ~20 AAA guns in the target vicinity; such a withering rain of flak was going to cause issues and so it proved. That said, despite the damage received by their aircraft, both 2nd Lts. David Crosby and Major Major were able to regain friendly territory, with Major force landing at Venlo, and Crosby just managing to belly land his crippled A-20 across the frontlines.

410th Sqn Log 28-11-44 a.PNG

410th Sqn Log 28-11-44 b.PNG


370th FG

Awards and Promotions:



Major Kendall Bozeman has been posted to the 485th Fighter Squadron.

2nd Lieutenant Lou Keyberstad has been posted to the 485th Fighter Squadron

Flight officer John Johnson has been posted to the 485th Fighter Squadron


402nd Roster 29-11-44.PNG

485th Roster 29-11-44.PNG


410th BG

Awards and Promotions:






410th Roster 29-11-44.PNG



370th FG Claims Record 29-11-44.PNG

410th BG Claims Record 29-11-44.PNG

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  • 2. Administrators

402nd debrief.



It is with a heavy heart that the 402nd report the death of their squadron leader, it is a very sad day in the 402nd, his excellent leadership will be sadly missed, not to mention his laid back presence at the bar in the the mess in the evenings.

We were preceding along our patrol route, when we initially spotted 5 enemy aircraft at our low one O'clock, in two elements, a three ship and a two ship. Major Arjen Eftee led the attack and dived on the three ship, whilst the second element started to dive on the second enemy element. During the dive, the second element noticed many more enemy aircraft under the cloud coming into view  slightly behind the first aircraft spotted and pulled out of the attack to maintain altitude advantage. Alas this was to late for the lead element, and Major Arjen Eftee's aircraft was seen to impact the ground after the dive down.

Captain Kevin Fruitbat as ranking officer, took command of the remaining planes in the flight, with the first priority to extricate 2nd Lt Dennis Falcon out of a very hairy situation. Fortunately he still had plenty of energy, and so was instructed to shallow climb on what ever heading he was currently on, whilst Captain K Fruitbat and 2nd Lt Patrick Last flying as is wing, maneuvered to position themselves to cover his initial escape. It was during this point that the Captain realised his radio was fitted with a faulty radio crystal and was unable to directly talk to the 485th, and so all messages had to be relayed through a ground controller. After this work around was figured out, the 402nd urgently sent position, altitude and bandit number chasing us, requesting a heading for intercept with the 485th to give support.

The 485th replied with a heading and that they were 10 miles north of our position but lower. Not long after this, with 13 bandits confirmed in tow we sighted the 485th and quickly ascertained they were still climbing, so the order was given to turn west to give them time to get more altitude. The enemy obviously had not spotted the 485th as they turned to follow the 402nd. This allowed the 485th to latch onto the back, and battle was joined, at this point the 402nd reversed course and entered the fray.

At first the 402nd maintained combat formation and flew purely defensive against the more numerous enemy, as it appeared in the confusion they weren't fully aware that the 402nd had been joined by the 485th, until this was no longer tenable, and battle was fully joined. In the ensuing melee, the 402nd claimed 3 confirmed, with one apiece to each pilot, a Fw190D for the Captain, and Bf110's for the Lt's, along with damaging at least 3 other enemy aircraft. During the fight, both Captain K Fruitbat and 2nd Lt D Falcon received damage, but were able to continue. 

Finally the last of the enemy aircraft was seen to go down, and the call to return to base was given. Shortly after regrouping, Captain K Fruitbat gave command to 2nd P Last, as he decided that his aircraft was too heavily damaged to return and land, and so looked for a area devoid of trees to bail out over. The remaining two ship returned to base, and landed safely. 

Without the quick assistance given to the 402nd by the 485th, It would almost have certainly been a much bleaker day for the squadron, in what was already a bleak day.



Edit by Fenrir - content added to main Debrief post. Thanks Kev.

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