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NEW DISCORD SERVER DETAILS - SIGN UP NOW - Dogz Members Only Private Thread ×

Just Curious

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iv bought the premium edition 3 months ago so I think under the founders scheme it was cheaper if you want it you only have till the 11th nov then after that you will not be elegible.You get free skins and aircraft that you would not normally get in the sim after the founders scheme ends so hurry up you confused yank and join the club

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Premium edition for me too. Although many of us (myself included) got burned over CLoD, that has turned into a very playable game now and I do think there is a case for supporting the development lifecycle of these very complex pieces of software. That said of course, the pre-order option is not necessarily right for everyone so it boils down to individual choice in the end. By pre-ordering you get a few extra goodies (with extra stuff if you go for the premium version) but as eshark says, you only have a few more days to make your decision if you're still undecided.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

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For ninety bucks you get early, limited access to thirty per cent of the game - probably next week - a couple of unique skins and you'll save yourself about ten dollars in the long run. 

This early access will be a test map of 50 x 50km and the LaGG3 with no guns on a seventy-two hours a week basis for a couple of months.  Initial access to the game will be Tuesday to Thursday only.


I put my cash down early as I wanted to help them get it all up and running rather than have early access so I'm not too bothered but I wonder if the fifty deal would not suit some better.  You'll get access probably after Christmas by which time there should be some gun play involving the '109..........hopefully and the map should be more developed............hopefully. 

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

I'm one of those fools born every minute, jumped in with both feet a month back.  Premium edition, Friar told me that's what I should get.


Over time I would have wasted that much on something else anyway, another reason to visit the Dogz.


There,  I just convinced myself I did the right thing again.....

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For ninety bucks you get early, limited access to thirty per cent of the game - probably next week - a couple of unique skins and you'll save yourself about ten dollars in the long run. 

This early access will be a test map of 50 x 50km and the LaGG3 with no guns on a seventy-two hours a week basis for a couple of months.  Initial access to the game will be Tuesday to Thursday only.


I put my cash down early as I wanted to help them get it all up and running rather than have early access so I'm not too bothered but I wonder if the fifty deal would not suit some better.  You'll get access probably after Christmas by which time there should be some gun play involving the '109..........hopefully and the map should be more developed............hopefully. 

" on a seventy-two hours a week basis for a couple of months. Initial access to the game will be Tuesday to Thursday only."


Am I understanding this right, you will only be able to fy on Tuesday to Thursday each week?:huh:

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" on a seventy-two hours a week basis for a couple of months. Initial access to the game will be Tuesday to Thursday only."


Am I understanding this right, you will only be able to fy on Tuesday to Thursday each week? :huh:



Yep.  Initially. We are still very much in the development stages.  I think they are very aware of the fiasco that was the CLoD release so this is all being done in a control freakery way.  They have estimated that we will be getting around thirty per cent of the game at first and this will be added to - as will access - in the coming months.  Full game release is scheduled second quarter 2014 when the price will be $100 for the full game.

 So in essence you're saving yourself ten bucks and getting to participate in Alpha/Beta development too.

  For $90 you get access to the Alpha and beta stages and you will get a couple of extra aircraft

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Wow, didn't know about the rrp of $100 but I have lost patience with the forum so I'm probably a bit behind the curve. Very much looking forward to this now, and being able to participate in the development from an early stage adds a further layer of interest. Anyone else up for this? If so, you'd better get cracking as the window for pre orders closes tomorrow.


Incidentally, early access has been postponed for a week and now starts on the 19th November,.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

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Couldn't give a rats about alpha and beta testing it personally. I bought the premium just to have the fw and la on its proper release, sometime next year.

Would be much more excited about it, if it wasnt for the bos forums and the almost certain inability to host co-ops in it, unless you have fibre.

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Well, today my boss informed me that I'll be in London Tuesday & Wednesday next week, so It looks a lot like I'll be a few days behind you guys, unless of course it can be downloaded before the 19th

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Some explanation of whats going to be happening in the following few weeks from BlackSix, the community manager over on the BoS forum;


Can you please provide us with some kind of roadmap of what is planned for the upcoming early access sessions in terms of which aircraft/features we'll get?

So far it is probably:

- Week 1: LaGG

- Week 2: 109 F4 (I guess/hope)

- Week 1: LaGG

- Week 2: Bf 109 F-4

- AI will be added to the early access sessions 2-3 weeks after the start.

- By December you’ll get ammo and we’ll start trying out various sorts of un-lockable mods.

- The general Stalingrad map will be finished by January.

- The Mission Editor will become available in the Spring.


We've a tentative roadmap and it's all we can say you now.

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