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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. Check the status/properties of the first document (top one) in the printer queue. Try and delete it... maybe it's got some issue, and once it's gone, it may print the others.... What's the status of the print queue?
  2. So, because so many models are not ón the bridge currently, decided to build a cabinet for them. Too bad, all of them still do not fit in it...
  3. yea, I miss you too mate. At least you visit us to say hello. I meant Pooka, have not seen him for a long time. Whatsup? Pooka's also busy, I've heard ...
  4. Ah, so that's why it looked 'familiar'....
  5. Probably will Arthur, though possibly not as 'interesting' as the guy in the video ... I do not own a gun!
  6. Yes on the holidays, (well, as of this Saturday), No on the Legends comin' ... Well, I said i'd keep badgering you until the day comes You did, and you do!
  7. Weirdness? Wot? Waves? The only setting changed in conf.ini to get this is Landgeom. First picture it's set to three, second to two. The distance to the mountain is just over 36km, that's why we do not see it when Landgeom=2 ... Yes on the holidays, (well, as of this Saturday), No on the Legends comin' ...
  8. This is with stock 4.13m, viewed from the Full Mission Builder. On this one, you can see the highest mountain is still visible, ie above waterlevel, so not flooded. (Yes, look closely, just above the blue arrow) Whereas, on this one, the waterlevels are much higher, as now the highest mountain is not visible, so it must be completely flooded! Both recorded from a distance of just over 36 km from the mountain. Now that's the difference between WaterLevel=2 and WaterLevel=3 Never knew it worked this way... Hm, should maybe test this on a desert map as well, I bet all that sand will soke up much more water than all those rocks on the Slovaniaka map... so should maybe try WaterLevel=4. Then again, the mountains on the desert map are not thát high ... Anyone?
  9. Should is the key here, solving it not so...
  10. Oh, yeah, there are issues with IE 11 and this website. Dunno how to fix yet, but I'll keep pondering. It's not you, you are not being blocked ... it's just the browser...
  11. Hm, should work.... lol Weird stuff!
  12. Sure, will try! What browser are you using?
  13. Well, it does work.... link to AGC page at 191 Spartans Maybe it works a bit different than you are used to? (What I do is type the text 'link to AGC page', select that piece of text, make sure I have the link copied to clipboard, then press insert link button - that's the 9th on the 2nd button line, the line that starts with B for Bold- ... and paste the link in there ... )
  14. Click on 'MemberMap' on the main page, so outside of your profilepage. (At the same level as you would select 'Vault') The select your home icon, update it, or delete it and a a new one.
  15. More partial missions (ie. German bombers attacking targets) added, totaling 46 now. Base map: Some Red AAA added, placed somewhere. As for the Randomizer: It used to wait 4 to 10 minutes before a new partial mission was submitted, it now waits 4 to 8 minutes. Guaranteed more action! (Did it really need it? No, but, well, there's a war on, you know!)
  16. Do nót turn up the sound, as it will be annoying... watching it not so... http://www.zie.nl/video/opmerkelijk/Domste-piloten-ooit/m1fz4frfm8jn
  17. Yes! That's the best thing of living in a very flat country side, there's more room for them to show their beauty!
  18. Not big enough? You want the moon on a stick FT! This one must have blown your socks off! (...) Do the authorities have any idea of how many may still lie in all that lovely soft flood-plain. Your town and the railway bridge must have been on one of the main transport links from Germany into France. I would imagine we tried to bomb the shit outta' that bridge in the spring of '44? It's not really main transport to France, only like to the West of the Netherlands. From october '44 it got more and more attention from the air. There've been several surveys into how many are still there... Concluding that it could not really be determined.... Here's a pic of some craters: They are currently doing groundworks in the area, hence they found bomb #21, so that's like twenty more had been found, earlier on in these works, I think they started this project last year ...
  19. They've found another one of those bombs the Allies dropped to attempt to destroy the railbridge of my home town... (Mind you, the 'bang' is not really big, nor impressive)
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