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1. DDz Quorum
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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. Installed it, no issues there.
  2. It works. They forgot to put in 'Default Sounds' as an option... too bad. (Please help me to remind to switch off my microphone the next time I'm in an up3-ed 110...)
  3. Just wanted to add that me having downloaded 25% of the pack does not mean it's got the first quarter of the pack... The way torrents work is that they try and grab each and every part they can get their hands on while downloading, and sharing each and every part they've grabbed that way. For all I know is I may have downloaded one complete new Jet aircraft, or four separate quarters of four new Jets...
  4. I forgot to set a limit to my upload on the torrent... and so posting here and browsing the internet has become a challenge for me... it's got about 25% downloaded now, but the upload kinda messes up my connection... oh well... (it states it's got 14 hours to go now... no ...13... no ....12... yeah, it's kinda unsteady .... lol) So, what I meant to say: I agree with mayhem, others are currently downloading bits and bytes from that 25% (nearly 26% now) that my torrent is complete...
  5. Torrent 10% downloaded... some 4 hours to go ...
  6. It's tomorrow now... are we there yet?
  7. Hm, we might suggest to the makers of TS that next to that 'Whisper' thingy, we need a 'Shout' function... or right click a TS user, select 'Wake Up!' and a loud beep is being played...
  8. This is an old pic, in the meantime I've added some more buttons... There's a total of 6 sliders, three of them for trim. They work, but level flight... still can't get that under control... White thing top left is throttle (up-down), the red thingy right behind is for flaps (goes left-right), black one to the right of that is for proppitch. (up-down) The red one to its right is the elevator trim. Below that, the red one (left-right) is aileron trim, to the left (left-right) is rudder trim. (Directions are as-you-view the picture, IRL the throttle and pitch levers rather move fore and aft.) The truly amazing thing of this box is that it actually works, and I only have to open it up maybe once a year to fix a loose wire...
  9. Oh, the suspense... can't bear it... 63 days!
  10. I'd so be so very dead and killed and stuff so very quickly if I'd ever get my butt on one of those... Be careful man... enjoy it, but be careful...
  11. Thank you Jedi, good times, I've learnt a lot of Cloddies' ins and outs tonight!
  12. Great build! Here's a thought: put some extra object in the pics, so one can really see its size... (I've ordered a 1/32 110 night fighter... dunno when I'll get around to build it... 1/24 Mossie is still in its box, as are several other 1/32 sets...Thinkin' of getting me a 1/32 Swordfish...)
  13. Looks very promising! One question: Is that Map in UP2.01? (Can't seem to find it... ) Is it in a separate mod? If so, how to get it / install it?
  14. Thanks for that Arthur! (Yeah, well... "if."... in Sept '44, ... if they had landed their paratroopers directly near Arnhem bridge instead of miles from it... ) Oh well... it's all like water-bridge now aint 'it?
  15. From april 29th to May 8th 1945, allied bombers dropped food parcels over the then still German occupied part of the Netherlands... (Converted from 8mm film, no audio.)
  16. Thanks Sir, and U 2! I'll be mostly at home... I hope... and basically do nothing... have no plans for this weekend... might do something unplanned, but that's about all ...
  17. Does run much better on a 64bit OS/DX10, indeed! Still did see errors like this in the log: System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException (0x80004005): External component has thrown an exception.
  18. Me thinks it's time to have some standard procedure for this. Not something as simple as it is now. There should be more to it. A questionnaire perhaps. A simple one, but still one. Something like: 1. Why do you like sheep? A. Less than a dozen B. Nearly a dozen C. A dozen C. More than a dozen 2. What is your age? A. Yes B. No C. Maybe Yeah, way too silly, sorry. We're all welcome, everyone of us!
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