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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. He didn't drop it at alt? Would've been a nice airstart ...
  2. Cool, great idea! By looking at Google Earth, something like Hale county looks green enough and flat enough for my taste ... go for it!
  3. B-25 engine start, just stationary stuff, watch engine #1 at around 2:20, http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=o1i0Jepi_9g
  4. If all else fails, download and run (as administrator once, when on Windows 7) the latest CheckMods ... Link to ChkMods in the Vault.
  5. Fueltank mounted in fuselage: Crew now coloured up: (Added some extra lighting effect to the second picture, using a led lamp...)
  6. Samsung is nice and good, but those go kaputt ... sometimes in the end, sometimes sooner... And, yes there could be quality/image differences, but mostly they are only visible if you have the types sitting side by side, showing the same image ) I'm with Flyboy, if budget is tight, if a cheaper alternative is good enough....
  7. Thanks very much guys! I'm kinda glad you hadn't
  8. Commentator says: 'It was left to Lee Proudfoot to close the show, bringing his Spitfire in for a final run (...)' So, me thinks not Ray... unless... you mean in one of the other aircraft?
  9. W00t... ! He takes that Spit ridiculously low .... (Is this where got your "final leg behaviour" from?) Fine bit of footage!
  10. A fine challenge on that fire/water bomber, lovely!
  11. Good show Shark! Nice paintjob on J-EJ.... Though on the series.... KLOB, DORF, JEJ? Sounds a lot like some text balloons on special type of comics?
  12. Yes Mick, basically yes, as it makes me so happy! So happy there's only one Arthur, only one Painless, and only one game ...
  13. Yeah, I can imagine you'd hate to see it go Colin@Crash ... it is #4 on the list, so... we may get away with still using it... most on the list is of non-technical/non-installation related, all behavorial items... These are suggestions, and up for debate... )
  14. Ever since we've been using 4.11.1m / HSFX6 with its new bomb fusing, we've seen several weird issues when on low level bombing runs, like bombs not exploding at all, or exploding too early. Weird visual stuff, like 'I did not see your bombs drop' or .... and so on. Some extensive testing by Sweper and me has shown that most of these weird issues are explainable, and -which is more important- preventable. Conclusions: A. Long Delay fuse setting is not perfect: For example, setting it to 4 seconds will set it for 4x500lbs bombs , but not for the 1000lbs bomb when that is used as a combined load. The 1000lbs will have a minimum drop alt of 193m, and will explode on impact (0.24s). B. Default fuse settings are now directly related to aircraft type / load out combination: They will be reset to a default when the next mission is loaded! You can no longer assume it is set at your favorite value, ie. it no longer works the same way as your weapon convergence settings or your Rocket Delay setting! C. BombBayDoors mod works, but causes (visual) issues if not used by the host and all clients in the same way. If one with non-automatic doors pushes the bomb drop button while his doors are still closed, he will not drop a bomb, but a client with automatic doors will see a bomb being dropped, hit, and explode. Suggestions (In order of importance / relevance) 1- Do not use 'Long delay' bomb fuse setting. 2- As fuse timing is now related to the type of load-out, make sure you check and verify your delay settings for each and every mission. For instance, the default timing for 4x500lb in a Mosquito VI, is 1 second. Yes, one second, and that can get you killed! 3- Best we all use the same delay settings and load out on a bomb run, and coordinate the attack, so we will not get surprised by sudden and unexpected explosions and blasts... 4- Bombaydoors=0 should be added to the [mods] section of your conf.ini, so we all are using the same setting. This setting is the default of 4.11.1m, so in fact we are disabling this mod in HSFX6. For immersion purposes you are allowed to press a dummy button, and call out 'Bomb bay doors open' on comms ;-)
  15. May have come across the reason why one would appear to be blown to bits by ones own bombs, while one certainly has set a long delay... Look here: This is in a B25J-1NA, 1944, 4x500lbs 1x1000lbs loadout. Long Delay, 5 seconds. Yes, Long Delay, 5 seconds. Look at the timings for the 1000lbs-er, what do you think will happen when you drop it? When will it go ' BOOM ' ? And, it will be the first one dropped. Guaranteed short mission, yes. Scary, aint it? Good news is, it's the same for 4.11.1m stock, and HSFX 6.0.16. Have tried A20G, with 1000lbs 2x500lbs, and there too, the delay does not get set for the 1000lbs-er. Have not seen it happen when using Low Level delay. So, this may not be a bug at all, it's just to prevent us from being so silly to be trying to try and drop such a heavy load from that low a level. Then again, Long Delay is only available when the 1000lbs-er is being used. Why would it be if it does not work ie. does not account the setting for that bomb? Could it still be intentional? I dunno, and I'm pretty tired and fed up with testing this. Oh, while testing, found a true bug, but it's in its form not relevant for us, though it does show the bomb fuzing code is not at all error-free : HSFX, Expert mode. (Does not occur in 4.11.1m) Load a dogfight map, set Bomb Fuzes diff. to Off. Get into the B25J-1NA-1944 (haven't tested others), take load out 4x500lbs, 1x1000lbs. Set delay at 5 seconds. Press Apply, back to brief Press Arming, look at delay: 5 sec. Press Apply, back to brief Press Arming, look at delay: 0 sec. !!!! But, this is with fuzes off, and we're not using that one, that way... so, not relevant. (I had hoped by going back to the no-fuzes difficulty, we may revent running into this suicide bomb timing, but when there's this kind of an error in it... never mind) Effin mods... effin' game... to bad there is no other... Yeah, I know, should post this up at 242, but ... my registration confirmation there still hasn't materialised.
  16. For 1/48th me thinks the instrument panel looks very good... or is it the photo ? Torps are good, they go 'BOOM' !
  17. File Name: Dogfight-with-AI-HSFX.zip File Submitter: FoolTrottel File Submitted: 11 Oct 2012 File Category: Missions Set of 6 Dogfight warmup missions, with AI aircraft. Click here to download this file
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