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1. DDz Quorum
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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. The weather and countryside look beautiful even without the a/c! (Yeah, bit the a/c look like jets don't they? Jets... meeh ...) Anyways, me thinks it looks like you had a good time out there!
  2. When was the last time you've seen it work? Good to see you got it all up and running again!
  3. Some success, received an email today.... Thank you for your suggestion Arjen we will look into this. Kind regards DVD Enquiry Line
  4. Open cockpit, Bail out need to be placed where one can reach them easily, yet not too close to fold wings, drop arrestor hook ... Gears (Manual as well!) Map Engine selectors, and engine start. Bomb doors Drop tanks Drop ordnance Fire extinguisher Seat Position switch / pilot / gunner etc. ... ...
  5. Some two years ago (I guess) the bodnar board I use suddenly lost one axis, when I found out the brakes (on my rudder pedals, right one only) stopped working. As it appeared, the bodnar board had simply lost one of its axis, as it (Y rotation) was gone from the Game Controllers screens. I even removed the wiring to the board, and still it was not there. Today I was re-calibrating all the axis on the board (throttle, prop pitch, 3x trim, flaps, rudder) and ... there it was again! The Y Rotation, and it works! Wierd. Never seen HW fix itself after being broken... Oh well...
  6. It's not just for DF server. We also got our forums, the Vault. Teamspeak. Would not know how much would be saved / not spent by giving up the dedicated server... I'll try and ask Rog.
  7. Well, this thread already works... 72% is where we are at now...
  8. As for the notifications, maybe check your junk mail folder? 4.12.2m is the way to go, though you will still need the HSFX 7 installation.. As for swastika's: once you've installed HSFX 7.02 completely, it will be available via Jsgme... no need for any old seperate Mod... (Except for one, the G11) Try considering clicking that link in post #3.... and follow the instructions in there to get up to speed...
  9. Here's what I got,I5-2500k@3.3Ghz, GTX580 1.5GB For some config/tuning tips, mainly the last bit, under , gives you a nice setup for info windows, the info that is of the useful type. Link to a Post by Fruitbat
  10. Got a reply from the BBC... they advised me to contact the commercial branch, BBC Worldwide, which I did...
  11. Okay, ChkMods has been fixed, it's fully operational again!
  12. Deputy, ignore my link for now, as it appears CheckMods is not working at all at the moment. Looking into it... Sorry!
  13. Welcome back! See this if you run into trouble: Installing Hsfx 7 - The Easy Way
  14. Yeah, that's basically a copy of a video recording, the same stuff I already created for myself... I want it being published by the ones who have broadcast it!
  15. To fix the KB2505438 issue, download and install KB2454826, though this one should be in W7 SP1. It is an old one: "Article ID: 2505438 - Last Review: December 26, 2012 - Revision: 7.0" Are you running W7 without SP 1? This KB could have an ill effect on CloD... The KB2847204 is an update for Internet Explorer 8 and 9 ... wierd that it should have that effect. Can't find either one of these on my system... but I am using Auto on the Updates...
  16. Mission-Parts list now 17 in total: DD-P-109's-From-Thames-To-Audembert.mis DD-P-109's-NorthSee-To-Manston.mis DD-P-109-FreeHunt-OverChannel.mis DD-P-110-Attack-Southampton.mis DD-P-110s-Attack-Dover-Castle.mis DD-P-Blenheims-Beaufighters-Attack-Shipping.mis DD-P-Blenheims-From-PaddockWoods-To-Calais.mis DD-P-BR20M-From-Poperinge-To-Hawkinge.mis DD-P-Do17-109-Ambleteuse-To-Folkstone.mis DD-P-Dorniers-From-Hazebrouck-To-Manston.mis DD-P-Dorniers-To-Lympne.mis DD-P-He111-Bf109-Oye-Plage-To-Manston.mis DD-P-JU88's-From-Poperinge-To-Lympne.mis DD-P-Ship-leaves-Ramsgate-for-Dover.mis DD-P-Spits-Folkstone-To-Manston-Channel.mis DD-P-Stuka-110-Framzelle-to-Dover.mis DD-P-Wellingtons-Hurricanes.mis Please add your stuff: here's a template on which you can work, load it in the FMB, Save it, using a different name, addd your flights/targets and upload back here! Simples! Easy! DD-P-Template.mis
  17. - Set of 15 mission-parts now rotate randomly, but equally, meaning: once a mission-part has been loaded, it will not be used the next time a part is loaded. It will only be used again after all other 14 have been used. So, it will no longer that out of four spawns, three of 'm were the same mission part.
  18. - Gunner skills of HE-111 formation toned down. - Launching of flights now somewhere in between 5 and 15 minutes, used to be 20 to 40.
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