indeed, that will work....
Heres the post i made awhile back about using beacons, was buried in a thread so might be worth reposting here,
Ok, here's how to use the beacons.
first map the keys for next beacon and previous in controls, then add this line to your conf.ini in the [game] section,
I don't think i can explain it much better than this, from the 4.10 readme,
To find the codes for the available carriers, press tab, In this example, if you want the lexington use the next beacon key until beacon ID is AM
Once you've selected the beacon, every 30 secs your pick this up,
In this example the carrier is on a heading between 180-210 degrees from me.
any questions?
oh, i cleaned up the pic from the readme to print out and use, might find it useful, i do!