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Everything posted by MadTrooper

  1. WOW, this is quite amazing ! Thanks for sharing that story.
  2. Your welcome Skypup and also you can use different switches as well to do the job. Whatever you want
  3. You can do it also by using a small free program called SVMapper. For example, flipping swith up = G for toggle gear; turning same flip swith off = G again. By turning the same switch ON and OFF the gear will fold and deploy.
  4. HI Flyboy, SVMapper is a (Free) PC controller utility to assign commands to controller inputs. It can handle inputs from multiple controllers. I use it and it works really well. There is a download link here: http://thommos.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=MostPopular Give it a try. Its also pretty simple to setup. MT
  5. If you want to know what you new PC can deliver, install Rise of Flight. And its FREE MT
  6. Yes but I had it ON and windows was showing me that I had only 2 cores :/ I'll try what you said (the OCCT). Thank You very much Fruitbat. MT
  7. HI, I went into the BIOS and diseabled Hyperthreading. Now I get this: Its says that I have now 4 cores, 4 logical Processors but the Ressource manager shows me only 3 cores but I guess it is because it count CPU 0 as one so 0,1,2 and 3 would be 4 cores. Why can't I see the 8 x cores like Fruitbat and Propnut ? In the BIOS I did not see anything about turning ON Cores individually. Thanks Guys ! MT
  8. HI Guys, thanks for the replies. David, this is what I get on my system I'll try the Bios and see... How I fond out, I went and cliked on Start / All Programs / Accessories / System Tools and then System Information. Leaving the curser on System Summary, look on the info on the Processor on the right. Thanks again. MT
  9. HI, I have just noticed looking at my system information that win7 sais that I have 2 Cores and 4 logical processors. Can someone tell me if it is correct ? I always thought that the i7 920 had 4 Cores. Thank you! MT
  10. Great Stuff Fruitbat. Thank you very much !! It will be very useful. MT
  11. Very Cool!! Thanks for sharing BluBear.
  12. That video is awsome. thanks for Sharing bluBear. MT
  13. Hey Fruitbat, It has improved that is for sure. I have flown one single mission this afternoon to test it out but for me, it is still a bit laggy, I get some stuttering and when on the ground the aircraft is still turning and other stuff. Its going to get there eventually. MT
  14. WOW this is excellent work David. I know somebody that will be happry Mario
  15. I wish I could go but its too far for me. I hope some of you will be able to attend. http://www.vbairshow.com/
  16. Hey nice find BleuBear, This is great stuff !! MT
  17. Welcome to the pound JoeBob Glad to have you with us !! MT
  18. I don't have permission to upload skin file ? can someone help please, they are in .dds format. Thanks MT
  19. BUMP ! This Sunday Sept 4th same timings.
  20. Hey Mayhem, When I was stationned in Lahr Germany (Airfield) in the late 70s, the Royal Canadian Airforce had F104 and they would come in all the time from Baden Baden along with some German F104. They would called them "widow makers" in those times. It was fun to watch them take off and land and taxi right were we were working.
  21. Thanks Guys, We really appreciate your support. Tribunus, just PM me or Mayhem with inputs about what you would like to have on your skin and we'll do it. Not a problem. Thanks. Mt
  22. I agree, it was a lot of fun and Thank you again for doing this Zoi. I will definately look to participate in any other campaign you might be running. MT
  23. Hey propnut, thanks for the heads up. I got the Original RO so 20% off sounds good for me It will be an excellent first person shooter thats for sure. The graphics will be awsome and what I will like the most is driving and crew commanding Tanks MT
  24. It sounds good Zoi. I"ll try to make it. Thanks.
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