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Everything posted by Sid

  1. I use a Saitek/Logitech X52Pro hotas and it can be switched between three separate programmable modes 'on the fly'. This gives me over 90 switches/key options, very useful I think.
  2. For the gyro sight and for the adjustable fixed sight eg. Hurricane, I use a hat switch on the stick to give me 4 - way adjustment - range increase/decrease and base increase/decrease. I set the range to whatever my convergence is set to, currently 300yds/300m, and the base to a generic 40ft/13m. I use 300yds at the moment because of the extra amount of ground strafing being carried out and 40ft is roughly the wingspan of fighter aircraft - I rarely change this in flight. Setting 300yds also gives me a bit more built in lead on those pesky AI aircraft that so love to get into turn fights.
  3. Perhaps you could host it Crasheroni and those that want to take part can download it
  4. Motorbikin'....Dat Dah....motorbikin'....Dat Dah..... Recce sounds good
  5. Morning chaps Taking into account lots of things Painless and me will be staying at the Red Lion Rothwell on the Friday and Saturday. There is still one twin room left for £130 (£65 per night shared between two) for BOTH nights, breakfast £8 extra. This is a pub called the Red Lion (traditional for us as Dogz) 8 miles from Sywell and is on the outskirts of Kettering. We looked on other booking sites and they were showing no availability but Booking.com is showing one twin room at the moment and there are still a few family rooms available for not much more....!!! Edit: There are 2 Indian and 1 Thai restaurants in the same street as the Red Lion
  6. What is this Crasheroni? Any piccies?
  7. Hello I have attached a piccie showing the tank controls I have set up on my X52Pro hotas. Other than those I haven't found anything else I wanted mapped except for the engine start/stop horn which are on the keyboard and the mouse is still used for the Sherman commander .50 cal. . If anyone else would like to share their controls or has something else they consider necessary for tank usage please post Cheerzen
  8. I use one of the 4 way hats on the joystick. It doesn't save them even if I restart the same mission.
  9. I have looked in the .cfg files in the game to see if I can set it with my convergence and preferable wingspan as default so I don't have to adjust it every time. Can't see it anywhere so I'm assuming it's inaccessible.
  10. Hawker Hurricane Mk.II Engine: Merlin XX Time limit RPM Boost (high gear) Max cruising - 2,650 +7 Climb power 1 hour 2,850 +9 Combat 5 min 3,000 +12 (+14) Combat (+14 boost loadout) 5 min 3,000 +14 (+16) Temperatures Temps Rated Max Water 65-125 C 135 C Oil 15-90 C 105 C Recommended speeds Take-off Glideslope Landing (10°) Stall Flaps Km/h 150-180 150-180 115-135 132-155 193 Mph 93-111 93-111 71-83 82-96 120 Operation features · The engine is equipped with a two-stage mechanical supercharger that should be manually switched at 13,000ft (4,000 m). · Engine is equipped with an automatic mixture control that maintains optimal mixture. · The water radiator and oil radiator shutters are operated manually by adjusting the radiator shutters. · The landing flaps have hydraulic actuators and can be extended at an angle of 80 degrees. The speed with extended flaps is limited to 120 mph. · Airplane has differential pneumatic wheel brakes with shared control lever, meaning that if the brake lever needs to be used in conjunction with the rudder pedals to turn when taxiing. · The airplane is equipped with upper and lower formation lights that can be turned on simultaneously or independently. · When bombs are installed, there is a salvo controller with two settings: Single or drop two bombs. · When rockets are installed, there is a salvo controller with three settings: Single, two, and four rockets in a salvo. This information can be got from the IL2 forum here and is useful until the photo replacement information here is updated. Cheerzen
  11. I had to read your post a few times Friar... I use TrackIR. The tank position views for gunners are similar to manning aircraft gunner positions. There are 4 keys for aircraft: 1. Man a position.... LCtrlC Swap between crew positions 2. Take control of the guns...T Unlock the gun and use the simplified sighting system 3. Nestle into the gunsight...LShtT Gun is unlocked, get your eye next to the sight for more accurate shots 4. Turret position...LShtC Aircraft like the Ju88 and Pe2 have more than 1 gun available in a crew position, this allows you to jump from 1 gun to another in the same position. These are basically similar in tank crew positions: 1. Man a position.....LCtrlC In this situation, the gunner position. Default view is either looking through a visor or the sight but with no gun movement 2. Take control of the guns...T The main gun is unlocked and you can move it. You see a basic sight or a sight with the triangles. 3. Nestle into the gunsight...LShtT Panzer 4 and later German tanks available in 'Tank Crew' give you a better sight, earlier tanks don't do anything with this mapping. In the Panzer 3 and T34s you are the gunner and commander. If you open the hatch by using the 'Open canopy' mapping and go outside you are now in effect away from the main gun but can still fire it if you have taken control of the gun although going outside can cancel gun control....perhaps this is what you are eluding to. If you want to look around ie. come away from the gunsight then you have to let go of control of the gun by pressing T. This should allow you to look around in VR and TrackIR. I tried it in Quick mission and could see the AI tanks on my side and the enemy. I don't know anything about image culling or the other terms you found, I use the default settings and visualise where I am in the tank, inside, outside, using sight or not. I couldn't recreate what you found. I think that using the default mappings and trying them with individual tanks will get the familiarity needed.
  12. Interesting....fun and destruction in a completely different way...
  13. Aeroplane Heaven and Justflight have some lovely looking aircraft. Wonder how many will eventually be for 2020 release?
  14. Hi all. This topic has been chatted about a few times and others, like me, have got a successful method of starting these jet engines. This post is for those that haven't had a go and would like to. It is a very satisfying aircraft to start and fly and can be great fun. Because I couldn't grasp the method from the videos available online I found the easiest way to learn the procedure was to make an ingame .TRK video of the procedure being carried out on autostart conditions. The AI did everything in the order it is meant to be done, I then copied it. The post below describing the start procedure is a copy of the Word document in the attached zip file and the video is a screen recording of the .TRK file in the zip file so you could choose either way of using the information here, from the post or from the zip file. If you use the documents in the zip file please read the accompanying README within.....!! Before trying to start the engines There are only two extra buttons to map, the two engine igniters. I have got them on my throttle because for me it makes it easier to hold them in whilst moving the throttle. If you wanted you could double map them with piston engine buttons eg. boost or supercharger because the 262 doesn't have either so they won't interfere with eachother. It is important to select the 'Fuel regulator valve' in the 'Modifications' section during your aircraft loadout selection, this prevents flameouts on startup and flying but it won't prevent flameouts if you move the throttle too much at some speeds and angles of attack. Have a read of the aircraft performance sheets for this info, this post is for cold starting on the ground. An attached piccie shows the Pilot and AI controls, located on the left hand side of the cockpit. Another one shows the two scales on the RPM gauges situated on the top right of the panel. The inner scale shows Low RPM, the outer scale High RPM. The text below accompanies the attached video. I have included the time (in italics, 00.00.00) the pilot actions listed below happen in the video and additionally you could follow the pointer. Starting procedure Don’t forget to select the ‘Fuel regulator valve’ when selecting aircraft loadout! As can be seen in the relevant attached piccie below I have separate engine start buttons and I don't need to select/deselect engines 1 or 2/select all engines during the procedure. If you want, as with any twin/triple engine aircraft you can use E if that is your chosen method of engine starting. However, the 262 is different because pressing E will start engine 1 procedure but will only go as far as taking the turbine to 1000rpm on the low RPM gauge, it will then wait for the pilot to carry out the rest of the start procedure by using the individual engine igniters as mentioned above EDIT or by using RShft E, a mapping that operates both igniters at the same time END EDIT and by moving the throttle correctly. Once engine 1 has started it will move on to engine 2. Also worth noting is that once engine 1 has started and is idling you can move your joystick throttle back to fully closed so that you are ready to move it forward for engine 2 start procedure. Moving it back has no effect on the aircraft throttle. I assume this is the same for those pilots who have separate throttle control...I don’t have separate throttles because to me it overcomplicates things. The main points are (pilot actions are in bold type): 1. (00.00.06) Press engine 1 start. 2. (00.00.35) Watch low RPM (inner scale) rise to 1000rpm. At 1000rpm press and hold down engine 1 igniter. 3. (00.00.58) Low rpm needle rises to 2000rpm, then drops to zero. Important....Note fuel lever next to throttle moves forward to the first slot. Move throttle lever forward so that it's pawl engages and keeps lever open slightly.....don't do this until the fuel lever has moved and do it immediately fuel lever is in it’s slot and, in reality, you don’t have to move it as slowly as in the video. Release engine igniter button. 4. Close throttle fully. Engine should idle at 3000 rpm (outer scale) and as an indicator jet pipe temp should be at 600 degrees (gauge situated below RPM gauge). 5. Repeat for engine 2. I hope this helps. Cheerzen 262 Jumo start procedure.zip
  15. Sid

    Blue 262 Red 5

    Version 1.0.0


    I started to make a night fighter camo scheme for a 262 but thought that it looks good in all light blue before the camo swirls were added.
  16. Morning Tbone, welcome I will have to say that it was an AI P38 but I had a low turn fight with it whilst flying a 262 Thursday morning during our regular Old Git's session. The tangle got slow and the P38 couldn't turn inside me so when it levelled out temporarily to stop flopping around I managed to tag it. It couldn't compete after that and I managed to tag it again in a turn causing it to go in. Lucky probably but completely unexpected....Ain't that right Painless....
  17. I could suggest the U2Vs...a bit quirky but an absolute blast when flown as a free for all and equipped with forward firing machine gun, rear gunner and wockets!!! Aw sod it....get the U2Vs!!
  18. Well, you 402 boys should take precautions to avoid the Clap and keep your internal claiming to yourselves.....the delights of Charleroi are well known to 485, Cecille du Coqsucquer is a FIRM favourite with 485 and could show you 402 LIMPOS a thing or two....but, no need, 485 are here
  19. Will be there, running a tad late this evening. Been playing cars on the xbox with grandson Alex so eating tea
  20. Version 1.0.0


    A 110 G2 of 6/ZG 1 in the scheme it had in Sicily and on moving to Brest in France 1943. There aren't many different schemes for the G2, the more interesting ones are G4s, the radar equipped version, but I don't want to go there as they had a different nose and were equipped with the four antennae sticking out of it. One thing you see when skinning or taking screenies is the level of detail there is in the aircraft....the muzzle on the belly gun is really good :)....hence the close up.
  21. Version 1.0.0


    Bf110E2 used in Operation Donnerkeil, the air component of Operation Cerberus (the Channel Dash of Scharnhost, Gneisenau and Prinz Eugen) February, 1942. Upper surfaces overpainted with RLM72 (Dark Sea Green) for over-water operations.
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