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Everything posted by Sid

  1. Sid

    win7 ftw

    And I'll bet you have porridge with water and salt.... :)
  2. Really, really good fun....!! I wouldn't want to see anything changed but, following feedback from others, will go with what you alter in order to make it more enjoyable for all. So: Keep: Settings as they were Remove: Nothing My comments from last night's 'after battle' chat: 1. Any icon over a tank will destroy any stealth or camouflage and any advantage created by the driver. 2. I think it is difficult to bomb a tank or strafe it and cause sufficient damage to destroy it. Air attacks on tanks last night generally broke tracks which resulted in the driver having to conduct repairs by switching the engine off and waiting a few minutes leaving him vulnerable to tank shots and air attack. I think bigger bombs may give a pilot more chance of damage or destruction of a tank but it is still reliant on hitting a tank or dropping closer. Cheerzen
  3. Lake District...one of my favourite places on the planet
  4. Nice to see it out again. I hadn't seen the aircrew before
  5. All works. Is it me or does the scenery look better after an update? Flew around Cornwall yesterday for an hour or so taking in the coastline and enjoyed it very much
  6. This morning's Old Gits' session was a good one for a lot of reasons and there were lots of learning points, particularly in tank fighting. We used the map from last night's Dogz session and most of the battle was close to, or within, wooded areas. What we found was that if the opposing tank was in open ground then it's icon was clearly visible provided the other tank had an unobstructed view of it. However, if one or both tanks were in amongst the trees then either tank's icon MAY be visible fully, partially or completely obscured by the trees. Even moving a tank MAY not cause the icon to appear in view again. This meant that close skirmishes happened without icons being seen by one or both of the tanks and a tank commander was reliant on his Mark 1 eyeball in identifying type, position, muzzle flash and fall of shot. This was also the case when skirmishing around buildings. Because of the above I am happy to have icons on but would not have F2 external view on.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    High Visibility skin for use as lead bombardier.
  8. Sid

    A20 firefighters

    Version 1.0.0


    Something different and colourful perhaps? The attached skins are A20s in semi historical colour schemes. The firefighting schemes were worn by F7F Tigercats flown by SisQ in California. The firefighters are an interesting project and make a real contrast to drab colours...the only thing missing is the fire retardant powder tank fitted underneath. A20s had a large belly fuel tank used for ferrying....maybe that will appear in an update.... A20B firefighter White.dds A20B firefighter Yellow.dds A20B firefighter Red White Black.dds
  9. A note from the 410th Bomb Group. The mission to bomb ground targets near to Rotterdam using A20s worked and resulted in a number of targets destroyed by Major Sid Viscous. There was only one technical issue and that was that no AI aircraft took off and joined me for the mission. The waypoints to the target from Eindhoven were nicely spaced and allowed for a reasonably steady climb to 14,200ft through the waypoints. Careful monitoring of engine temps was necessary to avoid overheating in the climb but it was perfectly doable as the rendezvous waypoint for the escorting P51s was a long way in to the target and, as hoped, I met them at the rendezvous as scheduled. The last legs were also spaced adequately for a high level bomb run if required however yesterday a low level run was carried out. As with previous low level attacks with P38s by the 402nd and 485th the flak can be just as lethal to an A20 and so in order to maintain airframes it is highly likely that I will be looking to carry out A20 missions from heights above 10,000ft. I picked up a fuel leak over the target but made it back well into Allied territory before having to carry out a successful dead stick belly landing 20km from base due to the fuel running out. Thanks for letting me try it out Tom, your work is always appreciated, and I would be more than happy to fly A20s in the campaign. On that point, I believe that there is the possibility of other flyers joining the 410th and Tom has no problem with me advertising this. If anyone should fancy a dab at high level bombing then you will be welcome in the 410th although as Tom said last night, transfers between units would need to be monitored in order to maintain viable P38 units. Cheerzen
  10. No stress FT.... I did uninstall....before the reinstall. Plodding away getting it back. Can't rush it
  11. Sod it. Reinstalling, haven't got much else on today....
  12. Has anyone found the reason for the game's failure to start? I believe it follows the latest Windows update to 20H2. On clicking the .exe I get the small blue turning circle for maybe 5 seconds and that's it. I have done a lot of searches and found things like, amongst other things, the game services App and the Community folder may be the culprit. However, there doesn't seem to be a fix other than reinstalling or maybe using the microsoft powershell utitity. I have two mods and there are activated via JSGME so it isn't my Community folder. Open to suggestions.
  13. In reality the X52 hotas system works fine with GBS, my setup is entirely Saitek/Logitech hardware with X52Pro, rudder pedals and 3 quadrants with Saitek/generic drivers. No Logitech software.
  14. On an X52 hotas the PS2 to PS2 cable connects the joystick to the throttle, there is then a cable with a USB connector from the throttle to the PC. I have seen posts on forums where peeps use just the throttle section of the hotas but not any where just the joystick is being used. Not to say it can't be done.
  15. Why do you want to bypass the throttle? Are you using another control for throttle?
  16. Hi TAG. I too use an X52 and have done for many years. I also had an issue with what you are describing a couple of years ago on a Saitek X52. I wasn't the only one that experienced it, I know of at least one other with a different stick, but it ended up not being a problem with the joystick. I am wracking my brains trying to remember how it was resolved but I can't put my finger on it. It may have been calibrating the stick within the stick software, replacing the drivers or starting again in game by backing up and deleting the 'input' folder from the 'data' folder. Next time the game is started it creates a new default 'input' folder so it is like starting from scratch. I will ask Painless as he was one of the others that had the issue. In case you want to try a different driver I have attached the original Saitek 64bit one I use along with the original Saitek SST software programme. My stick is a Logitech but the Saitek driver and software work absolutely fine with the stick and Windows 10 64bit. Edit: I spoke to painless and he fixed his issue he believes by adjusting the pitch curve in the game settings. Cheerzen Saitek_X52Pro_Flight_Controller_SD6_64.exe SST_Software_64_6_6_6_9.exe
  17. Absolutely...but if you're not there....you don't get one.....
  18. Well, if traffic queues may be a problem I will bring the Beast....I could always stick someone on the back, the tail fairing does come off....I have no issue with riding down the offside of queues
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