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Posts posted by DD_Fenrir

  1. Ok gents, first thanks for attending.

    Second, for some reason the plan to record the session for eventual upload did not go to plan; tech issues, got to do some more figuring out with shadowplay and VR to get the format and sound working properly.

    Third, we only managed to cover the Beyond Visual Range (BVR) aspects of radar use - in hindsight, I was perhaps a little optimistic of covering all those options in an hour, but no great loss, we'll cover the Within Visual Range (WVR)/Air Combat Manoeuvering (ACM)  modes next time.

    To summarise, we looked at:

    • RWS (Range While Search) Mode
    • TWS/LTWS (Track While Scan/Latent Track While Scan) Mode
    • STT (Single Target Track) Mode

    If you have any further questions or require clarifications, then please put them in this thread. I will address them as promptly as I can.

    Lastly, I would welcome any feedback you guys have; ultimately these sessions are designed to help you - if you aren't learning something then then I'm doing something wrong, so please say what I can do to improve the situation.

    Cheers guys.




    • Thanks 1
  2. Ladies, gents and those of a non-binary gender persuasion,

    This coming Monday July 29th at 2230BST, I will be hosting the first of my After-hours DCS Training Sessions, starting with Radar Modes, to give you guys a better understanding of what they are for, when to use them and what limitations they have. 

    Primarily for F-14, F-15 & F/A-18 though some of content will be applicable to MiG-29, Su27/33, J-11 and M2000c and to a lesser extent the F-5.

    I will create a specific mission for this task which I send to FT and ask him very politely if you would mind loading to our DCS server for hosting for the occasion.

    I will endeavor to record the session for upload to youtube for those wanting but unable to attend to benefit.

    What you need to do before you start is at the very least be familiar your particular key mappings/cockpit switchology for (and assign if necessary)

    • RWS (Range While Search) Mode (F-15C & F/A18C)
    • TWS/LTWS (Track While Scan/Latent Track While Scan) Mode (F-15C & F/A18C)
    • STT (Single Target Track) Mode - often noted as lock target
    • PAL (Pilot Automatic Lock) Mode (F-14 only)
    • Pilot Lock On Mode/Boresight (F-14 only)
    • VSL (Vertical Acquisition) Modes


  3. 2 hours ago, Painless said:

    We should run a competition to see who can get the worst fuel economy sir !

    A Japanese 3.7l V6 vs an American 5.0l V8?


    Think you've lost that competition before Dad runs out of fuel trying to get to the Start line!

    • Haha 2
  4. Hello Doggy DCSers!

    New DCS update to stable release. Nothing ground breaking, just a lot of little fixes and tweaks to various modules.

    No fix for Spitfire gunsight randomly failing yet... grrrrrr!


    DCS World

    DCS: Fw 190A-8 Introduced to Steam

    DCS World
    • Map coordinates in status bar doesn't changes after format change until user moves mouse fixed.
    • Sound system. Reworked voice allocation to properly handle lots of close objects.
    • Options. Tooltips in cockpit will be set by local options, not server.
    • P-51D and Spitfire don't have a "Customized Cockpit options" - fixed.
    • Removed gigantic bow waves appear at maximum vessel speed.
    • ME. Sound and Message are not played when using trigger "Text/Message for coalitions" - fixed.
    • Added new item 'Wake Turbulence' in Mission Editor (as a checkbox in Mission Options) and in serverlist window (in Server Options box).
    • ME. Cannot move wingmen position when set to ground start - fixed.
    • ME. Added Mach speed in the aircraft group panel. You can set the aircraft speed via either the true speed or the Mach.
    • Tunguska missile has no smoke trail - fixed.
    • Restored the models of Russian railroad cars.
    • Aircraft AI. Added accounting of tyre damage when calculating the point of contact with surface.
    • No parking available error on ships/FARPs - fixed.
    • ME. Restored working of the action "Sound to Country" in triggers.
    • Small water explosions from guns will not produce visible shock wave effect.
    • HUD filter doesn't works when droplets are visible - fixed.
    • Gun-sight Glass disappears with rain - fixed.
    • Aircraft AI will feel the rocking deck of the ship on landing.
    • Fixed cropped radio menu list.

    • Removed GBU-16 x 3 from loadout menu (Bombs do not fit on the Racks)
    • Designating a target will save the position as a steerpoint (targetpoint)
    • Steerpoint navigation has been improved
    • Steerpoints (waypoint, mark point, target point) can now be designated as targets
    • Steerpoints and their offsets will change to a diamond if designated as targets
    • Steerpoint offset bug fixed
    • TACAN and TACAN offset navigation bugs fixed.
    • EHSD page bug fixes.
    • TACAN library enabled (5 TACAN stations data is loaded based on selected map).
    • EHSD Data page: TACAN information display is fixed.
    • Added training MIssion 15: dumb iron bombs

    • Fixed Polish Skin

    DCS Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3 LLC
    • Resaved instant missions to fix texture errors on pilot harnesses.

    DCS C-101 by AvioDev
    • Completed ES localization.
    • Several fixes to EN localization.
    • Updated CN localization.
    • Added synchronization of TARSYN and Flight Director to multicrew (EB only).

    DCS AJS37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations
    • Fixed issue with bombs in CCIP mode might not release if you used another mode prior.
    • Thrust reverser now kicks up snow.
    • Change to PLAN sight so it takes the aircrafts climb angle into account. Corrected radar ranging.
    • Fixed bomb solutions for CCIP and PLAN.
    • Fix to C++ assert warning when selecting cartridges that are created for another map.

    DCS F/A-18C Hornet
    • Added on/off fuse on AGM-154C
    • AGM-154 EFUZ set OFF still causes weapon to detonate - fixed.
    • Added new single mission 'Patriot Express' for the Normandy map.
    • Aircraft explodes if player took control form AI by ALT+J pressing - fixed.
    • Corrected collision model.
    • Minor changes in the external sound of afterburner and distant sounds of the F18 aircraft engine.
    • Ground & Sea units received via datalink will not show as air contacts on the SA page.
    • BRU-41a sequencer fails to drop multi BDU-33 - fixed.
    • It is now possible to add negative elevation data on the HSI

    DCS UH-1H
    • Co-pilot flexi sight jitters when used with trackIR - fixed.

    Flaming Cliffs
    • Su-27. FAB-250 loadouts changed to more realistic.
    • Restored working of the switch route points or airfields LCtrl+~ combo.

    DCS F-14B by Heatblur Simulations
    • Fixed potential CTD when TCS scans an object without a 3D model
    • Fixed Jester doing only one action when asked to perform a series of actions of the same type
    • Fixed negative values (formatted as large positive 32bit integer) showing up for TID contacts' altitude
    • Fixed bad limiter input on fuel probe yaw moment
    • Fixed Jester radio tune and similar commands
    • Fix to Jester stuck in the TCS mode (no TID repeater bug)
    • Fixed CMS readiness not syncing properly in multicrew
    • Fix for the F-5 being displayed as 'U' on the RWR
    • Make time less relative (multiplayer clock fix)
    • Small fix to Jester missile detection
    • Fixed AI Wings swept forward on spawn
    • Adjusted AI oversweep collision model
    • Kneeling and launch bar fixes for the AI
    • Fixed nose gear strut collapsing on touchdown for the AI
    • Fixed broken gear animations
    • Retweaked some lights intensity
    • Potential fix to right engine not starting after damage bug
    • Reduced drag in turning situations
    • Reduced rudder roll power from 15-40 units AOA
    • Added more nose down at high ct with flaps up
    • Reduced pitch rate damping overall, but increased pitch rate damping with flaps
    • Reduced pitch with power effect at high Ct
    • Reduced drag vs pitch rate at high alpha
    • Tweaked pitch rate damper fade out at high AOA
    • Increased lift vs pitch rate
    • Added pitch acceleration based damping and AOA rate pitch damping
    • Added narrow limit on pitch rate damper and increased strength
    • Adjusted Phugoid Damping
    • Added slight extra nose down moment with power/flaps up
    • Fix to pitch oscillation induced blackout issue


  5. Awaiting the fix to the F-14 Jester/radar bug introduced in the last patch to commence the radar training. Might be a while yet.

    Any systems unrelated to A2A engagements and radar you guys might like to cover? Air to Ground terminology? Carrier ops? WW2 dive bombing?

  6. Gents, there's further issues with the F-14 in this release; Jester seems to refuse to switch the radar on after takeoff with hot-start aircraft in Multiplayer. If you wish to use the Tomcat on our dedicated server and you don't have a buddy to be your RIO, you're going to have to start cold and dark and do a full INS alignment if you wish to go Air-to-Air at mid-long ranges. PAL lock mode still works for engagements <15nm.

    Beta fix is due for 03/07/19 but as for those using the Stable, we're looking at a another week or more.

    Another brilliant bug allowed through to Stable release by ED.... 

  7. Well ED have pulled a prize cock-up and pushed an OpenBeta to stable with unresolved bug which has a pretty profound affect on our multiplayer server.

    Any AI which depends on "visual" methods to engage - so all ww2, Korean era aircraft and non-radar equipped modern jets plus any ground units that would normally fire at you using the traditional mk.I eyeball will now now longer engage if the server/host is using the no-render option.

    As ours is.

    I have made some pretty forthright remonstrations to ED over at their forums regarding this. In the meantime I don't know what else to suggest; either push our DS to the render version (is that possible?) or obliged to have someone host like the bad old days.

  8. Curves my man, custom curves. Partiularly on your pitch axis:

    The Spitfire is unlike any other Warbird in that the power of the elevator authority is such that, according to the NACA report, you need only move it 3/4" (19mm) from neutral to reach critical AoA. Compare that to the full fore and aft range of deflection of the entire control column and then apply a similar scaling percentage wise to your home joystick and you start to see the problem.

    Attempting to fly it on a 0% curve and a traditional PC gaming joystick of only 20-30cm length is artificially difficult as the displacement covered by that range to critical AoA is going to be in the range of 5-6mm. Ergo making small corrections in pitch for gunnery and landing are harder than in reality and are more likely to result in the virtual pilot over controlling and in turn overcorrecting. Even a standard curve of 15-25% isn't really gonna alter that very narrow margin much.

    You're gonna need something a bit special:

    Go to Adjust Controls

    Spitfire LFIX Sim> Axis Commands

    Find the "Pitch" control row and single click the cell with the axis binding in it.

    Now select the "Axis tune" button that has been activated.

    New window with the control curve screen now available.

    Leave deadzone at 0

    Leave Saturation X at 100

    Leave Saturation Y at 100

    Leave curvature at 0

    Select "User Curve" option check-box

    Now input following values: 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,24,50,100

    Click "OK"

    Aileron and Rudder do to your normal, happy, mustang-esque favourite settings.



  9. Crikey! Another monster patch ladies & gents... this one took almost two hours for me to D/L to the OpenBeta last week so I recommend you commence the update ASAP to avoid a disappointing wait trying to join tomorrows DCS session.

    Big notes: Fw 190A-8 baby!!!

    Plus, a huge slew of Tomcat tweaks. 

    An issue with HARMs going rogue and deciding they'd rather target some thing other than what you fired at fixed....(phew!)

    The JSOW is gonna be a fun little toy for you Hornet drivers also.

    Spitfire Rudder Trim has increased resolution for each button input - so for those of you with rudder trim on a hat switch or keyboard, each click will give you finer control of the rudder trim, allowing more precise trimming of the rudder

    Plus, the ability to now map the P-51s Gear Down/Gear Up to two separate switches will help those of us who regularly bimble along with the gear down thinking we've raised it cos we hit the raise gear switch that works in every other damn a/c....!




    DCS World

    Introduced DCS: Fw 190 A-8 by Eagle Dynamics

    DCS World
    • ME. Corrected overlapping texts in the route panel.
    • ME. After deselecting a group, focus will not remains in last used text box.
    • ME. Added support for 1024x1024 pixel briefing images.
    • Video rendering. Eliminated the memory leaks.
    • Corrected parachute animation during ejection from ground level.
    • AI aircraft taxi. Obstacle detour mechanism adjusted.
    • Add keybinding for "sound on/off" option to all ED modules.
    • Ground AI. Vehicles without moving turret will be rotate own hull for gun aiming.
    • Radio altimeter now detect ships. Flying over the ship, the radio altimeter will show the altitude to the deck, not to the sea surface.
    • ME. Fixed GUI Error when use task FAC for group placed from template.
    • MP. Timeout settings are now forced by the server, network speed setting is automatic.
    • MP. Reworked network transport for better handling of a large number of units. Note: Network protocol has changed!
    • Sound. New sonic boom effect.
    • China Asset Pack. Add ZBD-04A IFV.
    • AGM-88. Seeker suddenly changed target in flight - fixed.
    • Aircraft carrier landing lights now on when clouds > 9.
    • Fixed fog visibility calculation at 0 height.
    • Option for scaling font in radio menu and messages added to System options, Scale Option to change the font size of top left/right messages.
    • Improved net synchronization of canopy animation.
    • ME. Corrected AI advanced actions behaviour when the coalition has been changed
    • Radio menu cutoff in VR has been fixed
    • Fixed F10 map coordinates having low precision in special mode
    • Sochi 761 kHz beacon is now correct on the F10 map

    DCS F/A-18C
    • Corrections to Russian Early Access Hornet manual.
    • Fixed JDAM range circles are out of display area.
    • Hidden in ME units will not be visible on SA page.
    • HARMS now will not switch targets after launch.
    • AGM-88 rocket effects now properly aligned with model.
    • Updated and corrected radar warning receiver and HARM threat identification codes.
    • PRECISE coordinate entry added to HSI
    • Added FEDS cue to A/A gun in SIM mode
    • Added BATR cue to A/A gun HUD
    • Updated french Hornet manual.
    • Incorrect TD box movement on HUD in LTWS mode fixed.
    • Added AGM-154A JSOW
    • Added Multi-Sensor Integration (MSI) mode for Latent Track While Scan (LTWS) radar sub-mode.
    • Added BRU-55A/A dual smart weapon rack.
    • Loft option on SMS page now works correctly for the AIM-7
    • SA page declutter options added
    • HSI WPT coordinates format fixed for PRECISE mode

    Flaming Cliffs 3
    • Su-27. Missing/damaged airbrake will do not work.
    • MiG-29. Addition of Chinese manual.
    • MiG-29C. Fixed failure of damper.

    DCS A-10C
    • Yaw trim will not operates with Yaw SAS disengaged.

    DCS Bf 109 K-4
    • Added new missions for Caucasus map

    DCS P-51 Mustang
    • P-51D and TF-51D. Added provision for direct gear control, On and Off.

    DCS Yak-52
    • Added new failure of flaps sounds.
    • Added bang to flaps mechanical failure.
    • Added canopy synchronization in the multiplayer

    DCS UH-1H
    • AI door gunner will not try to shoot through buildings to hit a target.
    • Added cockpit door synchronization in multiplayer

    DCS Ka-50 Black Shark
    • Fixed cockpit door slammed in closing
    • Inverted animation of rotors AoA by pedals.
    • ABRIS. Fixed insane calendar dates.

    DCS Combined Arms
    • Vehicles gun position are now synchronous to the server and client.
    • Fixed rearm time for Hawk.
    • Added reload time stinger for M6 Linebacker.
    • Fixed ignoring of targets after reloading Hawk.
    • Fixed AI tank destroyer not turning hull for attack (WW2).
    • Fixed units driving through buildings.
    • Fixed different speed shells SPG on server and client (if player take control after AI fired on small distance).
    • Fixed incorrect aiming AI Strela-10 in some positions.

    DCS AJS37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations
    • Many new bindings added especially by integrating FunkyFranks bindings mod. Missing
    • bindings for some devices added and duplicate/red bindings corrected.
    • Fixed issue with Bx waypoints (and other special waypoints) not getting recognized as such
    • when loaded from custom cartridge.
    • Corrected RR bombing symbology on radar and Rb04 radar sight.
    • Fix so ring on radar now stays after a A1 SPA (M-recon) fix.
    • Slight accuracy improvement to bombing.

    • Kneeboard has been enabled
    • Bomb release order fixed
    • SITE bombsight enabled
    • Dashed lines for CCIP and SITE bombsight
    • HUD color fix
    • CCIP update (WiP); CCIP is now limited. Cross won't go below the HUD bottom.
    • UFC ALT Function is now fully functional:
      - GPWS can be enabled/temporarily disabled
      - Pull Up Cue (PUC) can be enabled/disabled
      - Low Altitude Warning can be set.
      - Radar Altimeter can be turned On/Off
      - Selection of RADALT and GPS for Ground Level determination is enabled.

    DCS C-101 by AvioDev
    • Fixed excessive aerodynamic drag of smoke system.
    • Added jettisoning disconnection functionality of PYLONS and TOTAL. EJECTION-SELECTION circuit breakers of armament panel in the C-101CC.
    • Added weaponry fuses disconnection by means of PYLONS and TOTAL. EJECTION-SELECTION circuit breakers in C-101CC.
    • Fixed some EB and CC cockpit labels which appeared blank in EN and ES localizations.
    • Fixed labels for breakers of weapons pylons outer, mid and inner (left wing are the lower. ones and right wing are the upper ones).
    • Fixed Squelch Switch label.
    • Fixed engine anti-ice push-button input.
    • Omitted video recorder inputs.
    • Fixed several duplicate input issues.
    • Updated CN localization.
    • Updated EN localization.
    • Completed ES localization.
    • Fixed Albedo of cockpit structure texture, EB only.

    DCS Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3 LLC
    • Corrected description.luas for the missing texture of the harness.
    • Fixed ambient occlusion for the instrument panel.
    • Fixed the front pilot's patch alpha channel.

    DCS F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations
    • Quickstart missions: Caucasus: Free Flight tanker orbit fixed, Persian Gulf: Alert 5 readded
    • Fixed Mak79 MK-83 loadout on right rear station.
    • Mission fixes (AI radio and triggers) with voice overs from forum user “beppe_goodoldrebel”: Bear Intercept, Iran Flogger Faceoff, Tomcat Meets Foxhound, MiG-28 Furball - thank you!
    • Fixed Iran Reactor Strike and Trench Run Reactor Strike missions (added target waypoints in target area)
    • Fixed M61 and AIM-9 tutorial missions
    • Added SP and COOP missions “Operation Timber - Paving the Way” and “Night Hunter”
    • Fixed SAMs engaging with multiple subsystems not triggering the launch warning when the missile guiding subsystem wasn't the first strongest lobe of the tracking subsystems.
    • RWR threat library changed to R9D4: added HAWK CWAR, Blindfire (BF) and Rapier launcher (RP).
    • Renamed TCS roughnet map
    • Added Fictional Chromecat Homage skin (“the developer’s delight”)
    • Added B-side for tape player
    • Enabled CRS selector in AWL/PCD
    • Fixed some flap input bugs
    • Fixed flap axis range
    • Fixed flaps blowback bug
    • Added AFCS SAS channel toggle switches
    • Fixed some more key binding categorizations
    • Fixed some command categorizations
    • Added close jester menu bindable command
    • Ensure SEAM LOCK lamp lights up in LTS test even without sidewinder present
    • Ensure COLLISION lamp is lit during LTS test
    • Fix typo in keybinds: Enviroment -> Environment
    • Added some inertia to the turn and slip ball
    • Rearranged Iceman relative heading menu entries
    • When fenced in, Jester uses CMS mode switch position selected from the menu
    • Fixed Jester menu category icon being displayed for disabled options
    • Fixed Jester close menu while incapacitated
    • Jester menu fixed in VR
    • Jester will no longer give lost lock callout during dogfights
    • Improved missile announcement logic for Jester
    • Jester was sent to a fast typing course - waypoint entering speed has been improved
    • INS GO NOW reworked - it displays the type of alignment which would be used with GO NOW.
    • GO NOW should enter AHRS/AM if COARSE alignment is not achieved (previously IMU/AM).
    • Jester will interrupt entering the waypoints and switch to INS when the requested alignment option is reached; he will continue entering the rest of the waypoints after "ready to taxi"
    • Fixed current waypoint initialization for missions with no waypoints set.
    • It should no longer require to select another waypoint before selecting WP1
    • Ensure STT lock is lost when radar is disabled
    • Added new auto tune test conditions
    • Fix for Jester being unable to re-align the INS after landing
    • Jester now sets correct ARC-182 modulation when using "Tune ATC"
    • Jester menu options can be selected with the ICS PTT when using 'OPEN MENU: RADIO MENU KEY FOLLOWED BY PTT (SRS PRIORITY)'.
    • When using "OPEN MENU: RADIO MENU KEY FOLLOWED BY PTT (SRS PRIORITY)", the menu will hide only with a valid radio option selected or when the radio menu key is pressed again, but it won't hide with any PTT.
    • The minimum ICS volume exported to SRS is set to 0.2 - this emulates ability to communicate without intercom
    • Added custom viewport for Jester menu. Use "F14_JESTER_MENU" in your MonitorSetup file.
    • When "F14_JESTER_MENU" is not set, it defaults to "GU_MAIN_VIEWPORT"
    • Added special option to repeat RIO weapon type wheel on TID (VR readability vs realism.)
    • Added special option to require weapon selector press between OFF and GUN (disabled per default)
    • Corrected main menu sound files: fixes non looping soundtrack & black screen on exit
    • Added SUU-25 to RIO weapons roller
    • NEW: JESTER now uses RWS and ground stabilize if asked for.
    • Ground stab can auto recenter after a preselect time,
    • Jester can switch back to TWS automatically if needed
    • Jester uses wider scan pattern in RWS mode
    • Fixed radar pattern resetting to center in multiplayer/multicrew when changing modes
    • Some tweaks to phoenix PN and lofting params
    • Temporarily disabled automatic TWS MAN to AUTO mode change on phoenix launch pending TWS-AUTO final implementation
    • Ensure TWS missile tracking only goes to radar targets
    • Fix LZ showing on TID when vel vector is disabled on toggle button
    • Fixed countermeasures programs being initiated (one release pulse) with power set to OFF
    • Fix for time-to-impact not showing on TID for STT phoenix shots
    • Engine performance tuning
    • Fixed trim speed ramp-in
    • Adjusted pitch and phugoid damping
    • Adjusted rudder roll power at high AOA
    • Adjusted pitch with power effects
    • Adjusted drag in turning situations
    • Adjusted lift in turning situations
    • Adjust pitch trim ramp-in speed
    • Fixed nozzle position bug when losing oil pressure
    • Decreased max afterburner fuel flow above 55k feet
    • Added slight yaw moment due to fuel probe deployment
    • Fixed AP not being able to engage when using FFB stick
    Known Issue: Afterburners are invisible.

    DCS MIG-19 by RAZBAM
    • Corrected G-suit parameter.
    • Corrected AI FM min and max g limit.
    • Corrected AI FM max range.
    • Updated AI FM aerodynamic tables.
    • Updated AI FM engine tables.
    • Corrected damage shape name to actual file name and added wing damage shape.
    • Corrected various engine related damage responses.
    • Corrected various flight control related damage responses.
    • Throttle logic corrected to design basic aircraft.
    • Wheel braking effectiveness reduced to closer match data.
    • UV Lights enabled.
    • Instruments backlight enabled.
    • Flood lights updated - All sights updated.
    • ASP-5N Sight depression control updated. Depression values now affects all sights modes even when caged.
    • Cockpit knobs and dials will no longer spin forever.
    • Model altitude indicator and variometer behavior in transonic.
    • Stores failure, structural limits implemented.
    • Corrected timing for fuel starvation when inverted.
    • Added engine failure when below military power and at very high altitude.
    • Engine off induced drag behavior.
    • “Crime and Punishment” - 10 mission campaign by Baltic Dragon.

    DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3 LLC
    • Fixed distance indication for gun in radar mode (distance must be equal or less than 2000m for indication).
    • Improved inputs for ASP axis-based controls (rotaries).
    • Improved ASP LAUNCH light logic when attacking radar-locked targets (airborne or ground based).
    • Improved reticle size scaling.
    • Fixed emergency jettison switches to being clickable.
    • Fixed flaps reset switch going under control box when pushed.
    • Fixed SOD mode knob rotation range.
    • Fixed SPS launch button.
    • Fixed white flood light knob rotation.
    • Fixed air pressure gauge bezel's UVs.
    • Added liveries' description.lua custom arg command for bort numbers.
    Note: This is not the full major cockpit update. These small fixes are brought over from it for testing. These updates did not make the previous patch. We apologize for the inconvenience.


    Spitfire IX The Big Show campaign by Reflected Simulations
    Revised the mission goals to ensure progression.
    Fw 190 D-9 in some missions replaced with new Fw 190 A-8.

    M-2000C Red Flag campaign by Baltic Dragon,
    Mission 15: added safeguard for Gazelles - they will now be destroyed and won't break mission by getting damaged.

    Memory of the Hero Campaign by Stone Sky.
    Mission 10 - reworked trigger of helicopter disruption in the end of the mission.
    Mission 12 - reworked the points system and the analysis of additional triggers in radiomenu F10.

    Enemy Within 3.0 campaign by Baltic Dragon.
    Mission 1: fixed an issue where MANPADS would fall through the roof into the building and be unable to shoot, thus blocking mission progress.

    L-39 Kursant campaign.
    Corrected mistakes in a mission briefings of stage 7.

    A-10C AAT Campaign by Mapple Flag.
    AAT10 - Changed loadout to use IR MAVs only.

    A-10C TTQ Campaign by Mapple Flag.
    TAC14 - Changed helicopter altitude to avoid tree crash.

    P-51D The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations.
    Fw 190 D-9 in some missions replaced with new Fw 190 A-8.

    CA Frontlines - Georgia Campaign.
    Added Chinese localisation.

    P-51D Charnwood Campaign by B&W.
    Updated missions.

    Spitfire IX Epsom Campaign by B&W.
    Updated missions and docs.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. Ok, good to know.

    So I'm thinking of a provisional syllabus starting with the following:

    1. Air to Air Radar Modes (general principles, all applicable aircraft)
    2. Fox 1 Air to Air Missile Employment - Semi-active Radar Homing (SARH) - F-14, F-15, F/A-18, M2000C, MiG-29, Su-27, SU-33, J-11
    3. Fox 2 Air to Air Missile Employment - Infra Red (IR) - A-4, AV-8, A-10, F-5, F-14, F-15, F/A-18, M2000C, Viggen, MiG-19, MiG-21, MiG-29, Su-25, Su-27, Su-33, J-11
    4. Fox 3 Air to Air Missile Employment - Semi-active Radar Homing (ARH) - F-14, F-15, F/A-18, MiG-29S, J-11
    5. Guns Guns Guns!
    6. Radar Warning Receiver - Western Aircraft
    7. Radar Warning Receiver - Russian Aircraft
    8. Missile Evasion - Air to Air
    9. Missile Evasion - Surface to Air
    • Like 2
  11. Chaps, given that most event nights wrap up at 2230BST/GMT would you a) feel comfortable with and b) be interested in doing 1 hour specialist training lessons in certain aspects of DCS systems/aircraft/tactics on a non DCS night after activities with the designated sim have wrapped up?

    I was thinking I could make a little class up and those who can attend do, but we record the class for upload to youtube at a later time so any non-attendees can still benefit.

    That way we could perhaps concentrate the DCS night on more co-op style play and do dedicated training on select subjects on these "after hours" periods.

    • Thanks 1
  12. Some of you DCS jet dudes/dudettes - particularly those of you new to the world of operations scented with AVTUR - will no doubt be somewhat puzzled by some of the codewords and acronyms bandied about.

    These form part of the Multiservice tactical brevity code - a standard series of codewords used by the US/NATO, these are terms that are homogenised so that everyone knows what's going on and what information is being imparted. Or, at least, that's the idea...

    List is here:


    Get swotting!

    Ones' you'll hear commonly:

    Tactical control format providing target bearing, range, altitude, and aspect, relative to a friendly aircraft.
    Friendly air-launched anti-ship missile (ASM) (for example, Harpoon, Exocet, or Penguin missiles).
    Buddy lock
    Locked to a known friendly aircraft; normally a response to a spike or buddy spike call and accompanied with position/heading/altitude.
    Buddy spike
    Friendly aircraft(s) air-to-air indication on radar warning receiver (RWR); to be followed by position, heading, and altitude.
    An established point from which the position of an object can be referenced; made by cardinal/range or digital format.
    1. No radar contacts on aircraft of interest.
    2. No visible battle damage
    3. Aircraft not carrying external stores.


    Cleared hot
    Ordnance release is authorized.
    1. Attack geometry will result in a pass or rollout behind the target.
    2. On a leg of the combat air patrol (CAP) pointed away from the anticipated threats.
    3. Group( s) heading away from friendly aircraft.


    To maneuver beyond the range of a missile; implies illuminating target at radar gimbal limits in a beyond visual range engagement.
    Radar contact is lost. (Termination of track plotting is not warranted.)
    Aircraft is in a defensive position and maneuvering with reference to an active threat.
    Fox one
    Indicates launch of a semi-active radar-guided missile (such as the AIM-7 Sparrow).[1]
    Fox two
    Indicates launch of an infrared-guided missile (such as the AIM-9 Sidewinder).[1]
    Fox three
    Indicates launch of an active radar-guided missile (such as the AIM-120 AMRAAM and AIM-54 Phoenix).[1]
    Fox four
    Historical term indicating air-to-air or air-to-surface cannon fire. The term in current usage is Guns, Guns, Guns.[2]
    Laser on
    Directive to start laser designation.
    Final radar lock-on; sort is not assumed. (BRAA/direction)
    Lost contact
    Radar contact lost. (drop track is recommended.)
    Lost lock
    Loss of radar/IR lock-on (advisory).
    Launch of friendly active radar homing missile, such as the AIM-120, without radar guidance from the launch aircraft. The missile will rely on its own radar to find a target and will generally track the first target it sees.
    Launch of friendly anti-radiation missile (such as AGM-88 HARM, ALARM).
    Friendly aircraft leaving contrails.
    1. Information that friendlies and targets have arrived in the same visual arena.
    2. Call indicating radar returns have come together.


    Indicates radar warning receiver (RWR) ground threat displayed followed by clock position and type. (type/direction)
    Electronic radar jamming. (On air interdiction (AI) radar, electronic deceptive jamming.)
    Radar warning receiver (RWR) indication of AI radar in search. Add clock position/azimuth and radar type, if known.
    No radar warning receiver (RWR) indications.
    All aspect missile defensive maneuver to place threat radar/missile on the beam (directly perpendicular). Modern pulse-doppler radars remove ground clutter by filtering out returns from stationary objects; putting the threat on the beam permits the defending aircraft to be confused with ground returns and hence disappear from the threat radar. As missiles guide by creating a direct intercept course, this is also used to reduce the missile's speed and thus its ability to maneuver if radar lock is maintained.
    Release of laser-guided bomb or bombs
    Provide tactical situation status pertinent to mission.
    Informative call that an active radar-guided missile (such as AIM-120, AIM-54, Meteor) is at active range and no longer requires radar input from launch aircraft.
    Amount of time aircraft can remain on station.
    1. Informative call of a contact that has suddenly appeared inside of meld/CCR/briefed range. 2. Criteria used as a self-defense method, within the ROE, to protect friendly air defense elements from hostile aircraft.
    Two or more groups separated primarily in distance along the same bearing.
    Indicates a radar lock-on to unknown aircraft; a request for a buddy spike (position/heading/altitude) reply from friendly aircraft meeting these parameters (to prevent friendly fire).
    Friendly air-to-ground missile launch.
    Informative call from wingman/element indicating the return to briefed formation position.
    SAM (direction)
    Visual acquisition of a SAM (surface-air missile) or SAM launch; should include position.
    One weave, a single crossing of flight paths; maneuver to adjust/regain formation parameters.
    Aircraft is out of or unable to employ active radar missiles.
    Directive to turn on/off anti-collision lights.
    RWR indication of an AI threat in track, launch, or unknown mode; include bearing, clock position, and threat type, if known.
    1. (A/A) Target hit with expended munition.
    2. (A/G) Weapons impact in lethal area of target


    Sighting of a target, bandit, bogey, or enemy position; opposite of no joy.
    Hostile antiship missile (ASM).
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  13. Hi Dave,

    My suggestion was more of starting point for discussion and to generate positive/negative feedback than as a full-proof solution.

    What I suggest is that we volunteer/nominate 4 representatives to hash out in a private TS committee, each having chosen their first preference a different Sim.

    We'll each pour over the results and try to come to some sort of a consensus.

    If the Dogz approve of this course of action, then I'll try to organise a gathering this week.

    I volunteer to be the DCS rep.

    I would nominate the following members:

    Sid for GBS

    FT for CloD

    Jabo for Il-2

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