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Posts posted by DD_Fenrir

  1. Hey Gravy, DCS is certainly one of our addictions!

    Welcome to the kennel/pound/madhouse. 😜

    We fly DCS thwice a week, Mondays is currently a general activities night, half training half combat ops in both jets and props (whatever takes your mood) in our dedicated DF server and Thursday is when some masochistic types go and partake in an online WW2 PVE campaign under the guise of 443 squadron with some other squads whilst the rest practice their current torture of choice in our DF server.

  2. In these times where many of us are stuck indoors or isolated in a workplace and in need of some measure of aviation based distraction but videos may be a no-no because of work, I can heartily recommend you guys visit  The Fighter Pilot Podcast. 


    While DCS jet flyers might find it particularly relevant to what they do, the fact is that there's a wealth of info, entertainment and some great stories here, it is well worth a listen. I will post some personal highlight episodes below. I hope you get as much enjoyment from these (and some relief from the oppressiveness of current events) as I have.


  3. At last! Let's hope the majority of the performance/Carrier Ops/Netcode issues are mitigated if not wholesale solved by this patch.


    Warning! - it's 4GB... :tongue9:



    DCS World

    Hydra 70 rocket. Adjusted drag, corrected motor data. The rocket began to fly a little slower
    MP. Stennis. Can't start from 3rd cat - fixed
    AIM-7, AIM-120, R-27, R-77 missiles. Loft and HOJ trajectories on the net clients will be closer to the host (delivery aircraft) trajectory
    Leader Vehicle. Move crash - fixed
    Get Target State For Car crash - fixed
    AIM-120. Fixed bug where loft trajectory was dependent on missile heading
    MP. Fixed occasional crash at artillery fire
    Some memory leaks in the terrain sources were fixed
    Crash when AI helicopters collect troops - fixed
    Wake turbulence damages aircraft on the ground - fixed
    Helicopter AI wingman taxi bug with script - fixed
    MP. Missiles flying underground & into Space - fixed
    Aircraft repair under hard cover will not creates problem - fixed.

    DCS C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev
    Seat movement sound correctly stops now when reaching max position, if moving it from one end to the other
    Adjusted reset speed of accelerometer needles according to real behaviour
    Implemented safety pin of canopy fracturing handle
    Modified fracturing handle
    Ejection mode selection lever is now functional: by default, it ejects instructor and then pilot, but can be switched off to allow for independent ejection
    Fixed ejection pin state initialization at cold start
    Both ejection seat handle pin and canopy fracturing handle pin store now in their corresponding compartment, map box or soft Velcro case
    Fixed erroneous cabin pressure value at altitude. Behaviour for large differences of pressure is also modified
    1020 Hz radio test tone is heard now again
    Fixed external lights initialization
    Added Ejection Seat Priority Lever ON/OFF control input
    Clickable cockpit is now conforming to DCS standards. Both C-101 EB and C-101CC
    Corrected Generator OFF position when using control input, it now correctly sets to OFF
    Solved longitudinal stability problems. The airplane now behaves correctly in flight (good stability) and during takeoff and landing. No more issues with nose down tendency after landing and nose up "jumping" after takeoff
    Left console interior red light in the rear cockpit does not deploy the emergency gear extension handle any more
    Fixed emergency fuel korry button light that was not illuminating when pressed
    Fixed C-101CC trim. It now has a correct range of +6.5 and -2.0
    Landing lights will now be in taxi position when starting on runway
    Dimmers brightness decreases now when rotating clockwise, when rotated completely the light will go off
    Removed Mk-84 from the C-101CC inventory and removed BR-500 from center pylons, those weapons exceed the maximum authorized weight that may be carried by the underwing pylons

    DCS Mirage 2000c by RAZBAM
    Added Head to VR Pilot's Shadow


    Radar HOTAS "TDC CENTER" changed to "TDC DEPRESS (Lock Target)". Its unique function is to lock AA targets
    Radar HOTAS "STT/TWS Toggle (Target Lock)" changed to "STT/TWS Toggle"
    With a locked AA target: toggles between STT/TWS tracking modes (same as before)
    With the radar on SCAN and no locked AA target, it selects the default lock mode for AA targets: STT or TWS. The default lock mode can be overridden by the toggle switch but upon target unlock will go back to its default
    Guns default firing mode: TOT and PAR either in AA or CAS. Mode will reset to default when deselecting the weapon
    Rockets default firing mode: TOT. Mode will reset to default when deselecting the weapon
    S530D Salvo mode is disabled
    Default switches position when starting in the air:
    Radar Altimeter is active (Switches in M and H respectively)
    Radar is on EM mode
    DDM is OFF (if it is mounted)
    DDM (IR Missile detector) is now unmounted and OFF by default
    FBW "too slow" sound logic updated
    AP "Gong" Sound logic updated
    AP Roll limit updated
    AP Track Index behavior fixed
    Display Changes:

    S530D SVI Brackets have been deleted. They do not exist in the M-2000C
    S530D G and D are now circled all the time. They indicate that the missile seeker head is locked on the target
    Radar TDC is now available in SIL and EM modes
    TWS/STT (PID/PIC) lock mode legend is now visible at all times in both SIL and EM modes. It indicates the radar default lock mode (with no locked target) or the current target lock mode
    CCRP Target cross "+" has been deleted. This is a M-2000D feature only

    DCS: AJS-37 by Heatblur Simulations
    Reverted Rb75 FM
    Fixed radar screen brightness setting not having any effect in B-scope mode
    Wrath of Thunder mission 6: fixed mission complete logic
    Fixed RAT sync in multiplayer
    Tweaked engine smokiness
    Tweaked zero alpha pitch moment at slower speeds

    DCS F-14B by Heatblur Simulations
    NEW! Added TID AVIA page (displaying AoA, Vertical velocity, ILS and ACLS), enabling the RIO to closely monitor landing procedures and assist the pilot with pattern work
    Fix for radar ground stabilization at high roll angles
    Fix for radar range scale reverting to 200NM during P-SEARCH HCU acquisition in multicrew
    Fix for RWS contacts on TID timing out too soon in a 1-bar scan
    Added COMM1_FREQ and COMM2_FREQ params exported to lua scripts for ARC-159 and ARC-182 radios (for example to be used with “cockpit param” in mission editor)
    Fix for AB lighting at too high of a throttle position
    Improvements to pilot stick travel animation
    Added afterburner markers on controls indicator
    Removed debug carrier glideslope on controls indicator
    Added FFB trim checkbox option for more realistic trim operation feel while using a FFB joystick (works if ANY non-vJoy FFB device is detected!)
    More realistic FFB travel with trim actuator movement
    Adjusted compressor stall spool dynamics
    Fine tuning of pitch axis handling qualities

    DCS JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations
    Fixed flipped Laser/LSS code issue
    Fixed CTD caused by flush DL dbg info
    Fixed ext light special binding
    Fixed SD-10 to SPT wont LOFT
    Fixed TOT speed indicator for on-time arrival (NAV, or AG with WPT as SPI)
    Fixed channel copy issue (from 30~59 to 1~29)
    Added AG Modes show TOT speed indicator
    Allow unbalanced fuel tank loadout (FM improved)

    DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3 LLC
    Longitudinal stability model improved
    Suspension model improved
    AI aircraft SFM model improved to more closely comply with “human” model, most notably in terms of previous AoA differences for comparative performances
    Positions of fire and smoke effects corrected to comply with visual damage
    Some audio-visual effects fixes, such are corrected F2 RPM indication for afterburner regimes, IR signature on afterburner, etc
    First stage of code cleanup: part of the code optimized for faster execution and less memory use. Next stage in progress
    Corrected inverted animation of PRMG localizer needle on NPP instrument

    DCS F-18C by ED
    Added FLIR Pointing Modes (HUD Pointing Modes/Snowplow Pointing Mode/Velocity Vector Slaved (VVSLV) Mode)
    Radar sometimes doesn't see targets in multiplayer - Fixed
    Fixed A/A gunsight foresight cue/Adjusted A/A gunsight funnel
    Port Side Navigation Light Stays on - Fixed
    Added canopy and MFD reflections options

    DCS F-16C by ED
    Fixed Dogfight Mode ( Redone Attitude Awareness Arc/Add DLZ for dogfight/Remove silence radar mode in dogfight switch/Correct ACM BORE HUD indication/Added MFD/Add DLZ on FCR page)
    Search targets on FCR screen have velocity vectors instead of Hotlines - Fixed
    Missing Lock Lines - Fixed
    No LOFT for AIM-120 - Fixed
    FCR AA Declutter toggles by short depressing COMM Sw inboard for less than 0.5 sec
    Improved EEGS mode (Adjusted T symbol,1 and 9g pipper/Adjusted A/A gunsight funnel Level 3 to 4 transition dynamics (now a bit smoother)/T-symbol out-of-plane maneuver lines maximum length was limited)
    Horizon line seems too high on Persian Gulf Map - Fixed
    F-16 has no option to send flight to tanker in radio menu - Fixed
    Add Canopy Color Option
    Added canopy and MFD reflections options
    UFC training mission inaccuracies - Fixed
    Cockpit Warning lights material tuned
    Add livery for FS - 13/14/22/23/55/77/79/179/480/522
    Add bort number
    Radar STT automatic range scale adjustment does not work if STT was entered from TWS

    DCS Fw 190A-8 by ED
    Major updates for cooling and oil systems
    Start-up procedures and priming were tuned for proper use in different weather conditions
    Fixes for propeller governor
    Engine sounds update
    Destroyed tail no longer has multiple tails
    Training missions update
    Training with bombs is added
    Update for start-up and take-off training
    Added W.Gr.21 rockets and corresponding control panel in the cockpit
    Added all currently existing german bombs to the arsenal
    AB 250 cluster bomb with SD 10A submunition
    AB 250 cluster bomb with SD 2 submunition
    AB 500 cluster bomb with SD 10A submunition
    SC 50
    SC 250 J
    SC 250 L2
    SC 500 J
    SC 500 L2
    SD 250 Stg
    SD 500 A
    Added provision for the fuel tank
    300 liters fuel tank added
    Windscreen glass color edited
    New skins added to the game
    Manual update with information about bombs and rockets

    DCS Bf 109K-4 by ED
    Major sounds update

    DCS Fw 190D-9 by ED
    W.Gr.21 rockets were remade as separate models so they could be ripped off while hitting the ground

    DCS L-39 Albatros by ED
    In the case when the aircraft is controlled by a player in the back seat and is thrown out of the server for some reason, control passes to the first player

    Flaming Cliffs 3 by ED
    Su-27. Multiplayer data link ghost contacts - fixed
    F-15C. Instant Action Persian Gulf F15C Free flight over West Dubai. Increased start speed to 0.8M to prevent stall conditions

    DCS Black Shark 2 by ED
    Increased time to idle working of first engine for correct start second engine in the cold conditions
    Fixed a bug that broke the display of the message "AIRCRAFT READY"
    Corrected mirror images inside the cockpit
    The Standby Compass (the one on the overhead) fails to show directions from 180° to 360° - fixed

    F-5E Aggressors BFM Campaign, F-5E Aggressors ACM Campaign, F-15C Aggressors BFM Campaign and F/A-18C Aggressors BFM Campaign by Mapple Flag:

    Updated some units to current models
    Removed unused units and replaced them with static models
    Corrected parking positions to match 2.5.6 changes
    DCS BS2 Republic Campaign:

    Minor changes in missions Despair, Party, Cleanup
    The Enemy Within 3.0 Campaign by baltic Dragon:

    Mission 2. Fixed missing encounters / chatter in Zone Delta if player didn't stop the convoy in Charlie
    Mission 17. Fixed problem with the convoy carrying HVA refusing to move
    Mission 21. Updated Predator's callsign (Popeye instead of Pontiac in remarks page)


  4. Negative Nick, the current F-16 variant is the C (block 50) in USAF service and all variants of the F-16 have been known by their pilot and engineer community (and by extension the rest of the military) as Vipers

    The USAF (and to some regard the US Navy) have always held the official names for their aircraft in a poor light, and nearly all were spurned, with the various communities christening their airframes with their own unique sobriquet; in some regards just as a pilot earns his callsign as a nickname, so too the aircraft were awarded their own unique names by the pilots and crews that flew them.


    A-1 Skyraider - "Spad"

    A-4 Skyhawk - "Scooter"

    A-7 Corsair II - "SLUF"

    A-10 Thunderbolt II - "Warthog"

    SR-71 Blackbird - "Sled"

    B-1 Lancer - "Bone"

    E-2 Hawkeye - "Hummer"

    UH-1 Iroquois - "Huey"


    The Viper nickname came two-fold

    1. Partially aesthetic - from the LERXes that resembled the hoods of a cobra

    2. When the F-16 was first introduced "Battlestar Gallactica" was on TV - the flight stick of the good-guy ships, the colonial Vipers, was almost identical to the F-16; given this and the almost space age nature of the FBW controls and the remarkable performance of the early light F-16s, their pilots would joke that they were going to fly their "Viper".


  5. Reflected (imho the best DCS Mustang skinner out there) has updated all of his P-51 skins to make the most of new shaders and rendering technology available and they look better than ever! Go find them here chaps: 


  6. OpenBeta users rejoice! Lots to chew on here gents:


    for the TL;DR crowd, F/A-18 gunsight now improved, F-16C finally gets proper gun-pipper, lots of small improvements to F-14, M2000, Harrier, Viggen, C-101and the JF-17.

    A biggy is an improvement to night lighting overall, with many fixes for both the Normandy and Persian Gulf maps an added bonus.


    Could be a biggy, so those on limited connections: be warned!

    • Thanks 1
  7. Use the AoA indexer (the three light cluster on the left wind shield frame with the amber ring between a green or red chevron) to tell you if you are "on speed". If you have the amber ring this gives you your appropriate AoA of 8 degrees. Green chevrons is too slow, red too fast.

    The issue here is, that while you require 8 degrees AoA, the glideslope is 3.5; ergo you need to ensure that your nose is pointed 4.5 degrees above the horizon on your approach. 

    It sounds to me, Arthur, that while your AoA is ok your nose is too low ref the horizon - you'll need to set the nose higher to give you the correct glideslope. Bear in mind to the knock on effect to your engine power - because you're essentially falling less quickly you'll require a touch more power to hold "on speed" at this new attitude.

  8. So you've been practising and lately your finding that you can land your shiny little DCS Hornet (or not so little Tomcat) on the good ol' Stennis 9 out of ten attempts , not always pretty but generally safe - you must be getting pretty good eh? Might even have had a shot at passing real life US Navy carrier quals, hmmm?

    If you have jumped on the DCS: Supercarrier bandwagon and pre-purchased this exciting looking addition to DCS: World, then be prepared to re-programme your technique for getting aboard 'the boat' and to have your carrier landing skills tested even further.

    "Why?!?!" I hear you cry in disbelief, " it's a carrier, the same sub-class of USS Nimitz as we have just with shiny new textures, toys and deck crew!"

    True. It's also got a brand new feature to DCS carrier ops. It's called the burble. 

    Sounds cute enough. I can almost hear you thinking: "Something with that innocuous a name surely couldn't cause me that much grief?"


    What is the burble?

    To paraphrase the AOPA webpage:


    The burble is a pocket of disturbed air behind the carrier’s island, the tall superstructure that houses the bridge...[an aircraft] enters the burble in the final seconds before touchdown

    And the Fighter Pilot Podcast website:


    The increased and, subsequently, decreased lift an aircraft experiences as it approaches an aircraft carrier for landing as a result of the relative wind as it flows around and off the ship.

    Still, no biggie right? Again I can hear your thoughts: "Bit of rough air in the final stages of approach - can't be that bad?"

    Well if your definition of 'not that bad' is first a patch of rapidly rising air that will cause you to balloon out of glideslope (and over every last wire!) unless you chop throttle - to idle - followed immediately by the exact opposite, a patch of descending air that will try and throw you into the ramp well short of the wires and can require a  solid burst of full military power to control the sudden descent rate (remembering your engines were spooling down to idle because of the updraft you received a second earlier) then my friend you are an uncustomarily unflappable customer,  cool as a cucumber in ray-bans and a darn sight more imperturbable than I.

    Be prepared gents....



  9. Gentlemen, this will be a modern jet focused campaign.

    We will fly as part of the Western Allies/NATO forces against AI controlled aggressors.

    Planning a schedule of one Monday a month (so approx. every 4 weeks) to allow me to build and tailor each mission and give people time to prep for each.

    I have flexibility to allow for whatever aircraft you want to fly for a given mission, or if you want to fly a certain type throughout the campaign then that should be doable too.

    The first mission will require a mix of CAP, CAS and some CSAR - 2 or 3 Huey/Hip drivers needed!

    Please sign up below and state what aircraft type(s) you would like to fly during the campaign.


  10. Welcome the Caucasus, specifically, Georgia.

    Why are we here? Good question.

    8 months ago a mining operation in the South central region, not far from the Armenian border near a town called Patara Darbazi discovered very large deposits of highly valuable metals; Rhodium, Platinum, Ruthenium, Rhenium, Iridium and some Gold have been discovered in quantities that indicate that this source has the potential to rival some of the world’s largest producers.

    These metals are VERY highly prized, essential to the production of electronics and avionics and the discovery has already boosted Georgia’s economic status. If the projected quantities are realised, then Georgia potentially becomes a major player in the supply of precious metals to the world electronics industry and a primary economic power in the Black Sea region.

    Sufficed to say, this has caught the attention of a certain neighbouring former superpower. Russia will be eyeing this situation with a combination of covetousness, resentment and concern.

    Since the Russo-Georgian war of 2008, relations between the two countries can be described - at best - as strained, with Russia’s official recognition (and tacit support) of the two Georgian secessive states of Abkhazia (to the West) and South Ossetia (North central region) not assisting matters. After the war Georgia received limited assistance from NATO and the U.S., primarily focussed around keeping some form of peace in the region. Georgia’s economy has not previously allowed it the ability to build up the military forces it would like, to both subdue the separatists and feel confident of repelling any Russian military involvement that action against the separatist states would inevitably attract.

    However, that equation just changed.

    With its new-found mineral wealth and the concurrent ability to now purchase significant levels of modern Military Equipment, Georgia could unwittingly (or otherwise) escalate the situation in-region, by either initiating conflicts with the secession states or by presenting such a perceived threat to Russia that it pre-emptively takes military action.

    Adding potential fuel to this rather inflammable cocktail is Russia’s recent behaviour in the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. The former Warsaw Pact states are understandably wary of their former Puppetmaster at this time, and Georgia – only too aware of its recent history with Russia - more than most.

    In an effort to promote peace and stability in the region, the US and some of its NATO partners are actively offering assistance to the Georgian government (for some recompense, naturally) and this includes advisory, training, logistics and the supply (for purchase, naturally) of military hardware.

    The geopolitically savvy of you may also recognise the ulterior motives of this move. Firstly, through US and NATO influence we could potentially limit any Georgian military action on the secessive states and secondly send a message to Russia that further territorial intimidations or annexations are not viewed favourably by the Western alliances and, with forces in theatre, dissuade them from such actions.

    Whether this action is actually a cynical exercise by the Western alliance to exploit economic benefits from the relationship with Georgia and its new-found mineral wealth and, by doing so, inject even more Western interference into an area historically regarded by Russia as being part its sphere of influence – and thus perhaps adding yet more fuel to the volatile situation - depends on how pessimistic you are...

  11. Hi chaps!

    443 Campaign is still on hold as Wiggy rebuilds the template in the latest game version in an effort to side step some of the issues with Flak and AI a/c not engaging.

    So once again the 443 flyers will be descending en masses on the Storm of War server. Non-443 chaps are more than welcome to come join us, we will be using SRS if you have it but I'll try to be available in TS also.

  12. Hi chaps.

    We had planned an F/A-18 Air to Air Radar session this eve - it is still on but I am first obliged to partake in a 443 OTU instructor session for an hour or so. F/A-18 fun will begin at 2100GMT or thereabouts.

    Those taking part in the Hornet radar session will need to have the following controls bound, or at least know where to find them on the keyboard:


    Radar Antenna Elevation UP (or Radar Antenna Elevation AXIS)

    Radar Antenna Elevation DOWN (or Radar Antenna Elevation AXIS)

    Throttle Designator Controller UP

    Throttle Designator Controller DOWN

    Throttle Designator Controller LEFT

    Throttle Designator Controller RIGHT

    Throttle Designator Controller DEPRESS

    Sensor Select Switch UP

    Sensor Select Switch DOWN

    Sensor Select Switch LEFT

    Sensor Select Switch RIGHT

    Nose Wheel Steering/Undesignate Button

    Weapons Select: AMRAAM

    Weapons Select: Sparrow

    Weapons Select: Sidewinder

    Weapons Select: Guns


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