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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. Dear friends, As you know, the long-awaited Tank Crew - Clash at Prokhorovka was released officially recently. This is a very important milestone in the development of the IL-2 Great Battles series even if it has deviated from the aviation theme a bit. However, those of you who read our Dev Blog regularly know that the tank project development contributed to the aircraft features immensely. And while today's Dev Blog is dedicated to tanks, in the near future all the aircraft in the series will benefit from both things we'll tell you about (3-dimensional visualization of the terrain unevenness and graphics effects improvements). First, though, we'd like to show you the new Tank Crew promotion trailer created by =HH=Pauk. It showcases the main features we focused on with our partner Digital Forms during the development - operations of the realistically looking and accurately modeled combat vehicles on the real terrain that were recreated according to historical documents of the Prokhorovka battle and the events immediately before and after it. Taking into account the two bundled historical campaigns, it is a massive historical reconstruction of the tank actions in that area. Here it goes: It is well-known that we continue the improvement of our modules long after their official release dates, that's why we keep them in one 'package', so all the modules shared the newest benefits of the sim core. In the next update, you'll see the terrain roughness that previously was modeled physically and affected the tank movement is now visible and have a realistic size and layout. This also affects the aircraft in case of an emergency landing in a field. The second addition is the set of newly developed gunfire visual effects for the detailed tanks - their guns and machine guns. Before all the gunfire effects looked similar, but now they'll differ depending on the muzzle brake and the power of the gun. We plan to do the same for the aircraft guns of the planes in development and later on for the previously released ones. This video demonstrates the new effects better than many words can: Enjoy! The Sturmovik Team
  2. Have you seen this reply to your question Colin? https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/67255-icon-options-is-this-possible-plane-icon-only-nothing-for-tanks/?do=findComment&comment=1028915
  3. Just had a play with it. Is there an auto mode like the 46 version or do you have to wait until the target is in the crosshairs before dropping? Forget that just watched the Requiem video
  4. Hello and welcome. We are running a campaign on Sunday so if you can fly the P-38 and want to join in read this tread. Always happy to help new recruits.
  5. I hope that I can join this time Friar Either would be good for me.
  6. Jolly good show I didnt have a great mission last night. We turned south to do some mud moving and I copped a flak hit on the way there. Luckily although it was handling badly and spilling fuel I managed to land at an allied airfield without mishap. I might be ok for tomorrow morning
  7. I will be there. I will give my install a good test this afternoon. Good luck Mick
  8. I wish. Graphics card and VR headset upgrade on hold until supply issues are sorted. And I have still to put the overclock back up to 5Ghz.
  9. Yes but windows put it back! So far its behaving itself but time will tell.
  10. I was going to mention this but you beat me to it Colin
  11. I had to roll back to a back up point after 20Hwhateveritwas. Who would have thought that a Widows update would break things
  12. Glad it went well. I was looking forward to this but due to a missing file I couldnt join the server. I have reinstalled (after backing my input folder I nearly forgot to do that) and I am now running checkskinsz, so as to be ready for the campaign on Tuesday.
  13. As TC is being released on Friday if you are thinking about buying do it now as the price goes up
  14. Navigation is hard in VR with no hardcopy map to look at, but driving about using externals is a bit "gamey" to me. Icons on doubley so. What do you think Friar?
  15. I think icons on and external views allowed might make it a touch easy to spot traps and sneak attacks.
  16. Dear Friends, We know that the Battle of Normandy pre-order customers are eagerly waiting for its planes to arrive. It's understandable, but in spite of our team keeping the development rate at a very high level, creating an aircraft with the fidelity worthy of our simulation from scratch is very time consuming and labor intensive. The main bulk of the Normandy planes list will arrive next year. However, some of the planes that are based on the previous ones will arrive sooner. We have already released the P-47D-22 'Razorback' and as soon as next week another one will arrive - the German Bf 109 G-6 Late fighter with an enlarged tail and additional modifications which are characteristic for the year 1944. This includes the MW-50 water-methanol injection system and an improved cockpit canopy - the 'Erla Haube'. Being part of the 109 family, this fighter also has very good flying characteristics and powerful weaponry. The MW-50 allows increasing the power near the deck from 1480 to 1800 HP, increasing the maximum speed from 528 to 573 km/h. Of course, the engine power increase also improves the turn radius and climb rate which are invaluable in a dogfight. This late G-6 variant could also carry the WGR.21 heavy unguided rockets in jettisonable underwing launchers. Lufties will be happy, YET another 109!
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