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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. Might be worth a go Cnet ps any news on Duxford?
  2. has discovered that its not adviseable to dogfight with 50% prop pitch :)

  3. Have a good time M8 (trendy text speak) and many more
  4. I thought it would be best to get FC2 to see how interested I am with jet stuff and it arrived today (thats my Chrizzy present sorted) Map Manual and DVD If I find I am enjoying it then A10C will be purchased soon. As for FC3 READ this I think that I will be busy downloading patches and stuff Christmas Day (Wifey wont be too impressed)
  5. I own Lock On V1.02 at the moment and am thinking of getting either FC2 or A10C. If I got FC2 would I be able to join any A10c games with the Dogz or would I have to go the whole HOG and get A10C (and spend months trying to remember what order to press the buttons and what buttons to press)
  6. I am going to copy my UP3rc4 folder tomorrow so I can test a couple of missions when the full version is out
  7. This year's Holiday Inn arrangement thing was brilliant... If we could have that again... would be pretty darn nice... I agree
  8. I used to go to the drags a lot in the late 60s and through the 70s. The sound and the smell of the big cars was fantastic. The Uk only had a few Top Fuel and funnies and they ran about a second slower that the US cars but still very impressive to see.
  9. I think that on the zero the iron sight pops up the the reflector sight is damaged.
  10. Hi, quick list Select all engines toggle engine (start/stop) Manual gear up & down for Wildcats and others toggle wing fold toggle arrester hook dive brakes center track IR nav lights supercharger up supercharger down padlock enemy ground (very handy if your eyesight isnt as good as it should be) drop tanks I am sure that there are some more it might be worth getting a Saitek Pro gamer control pad it gives another 20 buttons more if you use the modes. Place them where it suits you, but it can be hard to remember which button does what
  11. I cant even imagine what -35 feels like
  12. has just returned from Bonney Scotland

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Crash


      2 nights in Edinburger mmmmm Edinburgeres. :)

    3. Flyboy583


      I have been in the UK for 13 years and have never been to Scotland... Crash was it as good as I have heard?? And what about the Whiskey?? mmmmm

    4. Crash


      Whisky is very nice :) The scenery is great and the roads are pretty quiet. Might do an extensive tour next yer.

  13. Now that the dates are known, any update?, and is JP coming or able to get a deal?
  14. is looking forward to Duxford 2012

  15. Just converted one of Poltavas Bodenplatte missions SAS. It took all day to work out how to do the separate briefs Would be good for a 2 minutes to action bash
  16. You might like to get a polo or T shirt from Jabo Enterprises I think that uniform is compulsory at airshows
  17. I thought that mine would but it didnt So I bought this Its very big and might have an issue if you have tall memory (I did and had to cut off the top of my heatsink)
  18. Worrying the sheep isnt allowed Nothing about worrying the Dogz though
  19. likes the red and white chevy Nomad

  20. Crash

    Free Track

    Hi, I know that a couple of dogz have used it and I think there is a how to build thread where here. General feeling is not quite as good as TrackIR, not as easy to set up as TrackIR, but it does work and it is CHEAP
  21. [Ok SSD are very expensive and if I will not get any real benefit, a faster SATA drive makes sense Should I be looking at a SATA 3 drive? How about this.. http://www.dabs.com/products/samsung-2tb-spinpoint-ecogreen-f4eg-sata3-32mb-hard-drive-74TD.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=product+search&utm_content=Q200 2TB for £60 I think the reality I am not that bothered about fast loading... as long as it does not take as long as my Commodore 64, I don't mind Hi, I have just bought on of these seems to work fine also just bought this graphics card the 560 version is also recommended.
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