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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. Finally, just when I thought I was gonna have to break off, Pooka makes a deflection attack, and apparently scars the pilot so badly (if anyone knows who it is, let me know) that he finally breaks off....Klinger, you owe Pooka a thankyou beer. Somewhere in this furball, I realized that Klinger had somehow come around and took up position a few meters off my wing, before taking off after his tormenter. Even the damaged Mobius joins in the fray....hell, he's still got one good engine. I was so busy trying to kill this guy that I didnt realize that whole fracking Luftwaffe was chasing this guy from the same angle. Somebody's cannon fire FINALLY contacted, removing a wing. I think it was Klinger's shot, and I think it was an AI Spit.....a mighty good one. Suddenly, I saw a vapor trail far above me trying to escape....it was the evil Canadian slaver BG, fleeing at speed with no ailerons. So I hit boost and took off after him. I climbed after him with Delta7 tagging along. I thought my 335 would handily catch up wiht the Spit, but, um, I was kinda........WRONG about that. As soon as Id start to close, he would turn, and I couldnt match the turn without falling outta the sky. Even when I got him lined up, he was way outta range. As always, the Canadian Spit pilot went into the sun, making it even harder for me to follow him, much less get a bead on him. Damn. I kept hoping against hope that an ancient legend would kick in, since the last guy I heard of flying that close to the sun had the wax holding his wings togher melt. He just kept avoiding me, evading quite skillfully. I finally did catch up laterally, and he was actually in 30mm range, but he was above me. No way I could get my guns to bear. I could only look up thru my canopy and curse all things Canadian....damn damn damn.
  2. This episode of K-9 dogfights is like a video game....only more frustrating. THis was the epic high alt dogfight where he outclimbed my Arrow in his alien enhanced Spit with 9000 F-ing pounds of nitro injection or some such crap. Ive been having alot of problems with this site just locking up on me and not letting me post etc lately, so if htis gets interupted, just check back later and maybe i can finish it.
  3. Not bad for an hour. YOud get some kinda medal for that. I hope you can fly with us some more soon, as Ive been sparse a bit lately to. I need help promoting the cause of the forces of evil, and those damn Canadian robber barrons in UFO spits keep outclimbing me.
  4. Well, if htey dont stop making idiotic retro active laws that use the constitution as toilet paper, Im liable to participate, at least in the state of Ga. Now where is mah grey uniform and mah horse?
  5. Yeah, I was kinda impressed with that alien tech. Damn, and I thought my 335 was gonna have that spit for breakfeast. I couldnt f-ing believe how that thing kept climbing; I would almost get in range, but couldnt get my nose high enough to get a bead. Then he would start turning in that Klingon bird of prey, and I would take forever to catch up. I was boiling over those DB engines the whole damn time. Man that was almost as frustrating as it was fun.
  6. well hell, I didnt even know they were compatible. I always thought that for max effectiveness/minimun hassle that your stick and peddles needed to be of the same mfg. Well duh.
  7. Um, Ok, Ill bite. I understand it also has the UFO that crashed at Roswell NM in 47, included so we can do Foo Fighter misns. I bet the flight model is porked. Instantaneous acceleration fromn 0 to mach 20 in .5 second instead of the more realistic .7 second. As we used to say at Lockheed Ga when I worked there....' if you havent heard a rumor by the end of day, START one.'
  8. Ok, now Im wondering what the hell B16enk had up here. One must keep in mind that the artistry aspect is somewhat different from the erotic aspect, though I have a great appreciation for both. The most successful photogs are the ones who have you wishing for just a bit more angle on a shot....whether anyone wants to admit it or not. The frustration level that is just short of granting what the viewer wants is the most sought after effect.........and as Ive told some chicks, if you believe in the here after,
  9. Id say happy B-day, but Britney just filed for divorce from Kevin, so Im busy watching the news reports....im just too devastated to celebrate. Boo hoo...
  10. *Woo hoo...chicks, boobs, and hooters (yeah, I know that's redundant), is surely the makings for a great party. Bring on the booze.....for the chicks.
  11. Yeah, Painless is a bit devious and ruthless (he IS of the Brit empire y'know). We watched him take on the whole luftwaffe one day single handed, and he was outnumbered about 8 to 1, and I dont mean AI. Watch thine back when he is airborne and not on your side.
  12. Heh heh.....good to see everyone has thier priorities straight. Hey
  13. OK, Im missing something....I still havent seen a rotor on top......I thought they were just cool looking ultralight types. An auto gyro would be neat though. As for the chick, thanx....very good photography etc......especially the etc.
  14. heh heh. very dramatic. Thats some incredible stuff there. I guess it just shows how tuff US planes are compared to the Krautwaffe, huh? Wait a second.....I fly those damn things at least 60% of the time Im online. FOUL !! NOT FAIR !!
  15. Damn. This is alot of work. A whole lotta work. Very impressive.
  16. One cannot help but notice htat this seems to happen most frequently to the guys who operate the servers we all use for teamspeak etc......hmm. I blame Bill Gates.......I think he should meet the fate he met in the SouthPark movie. BLAM!!
  17. Since it's the biggest campus on the whole F-ing planet, its got plenty of scenery....too much to get to in one day. She would make the worse slum in Atlanta look good though...... There is only about a 30 min period at sunset when the sun provides this incredible light, so photogs have to turn into Cmdr Data and move like an android to get the shots in while it lasts. She could lean on my fence anyday.....hell, Id build her one. Here is the real reason I got into photography.....it's the only way I could get chicks to look at me with this hungry look. Hubba hubba. Did I tell you that her name is......Fallon? Now that's a neat name for a broad. How'd ya like to intro your gf to people with that name......"high, this is my squeeze - Fallon". Well, this is all for now. If Im able to do anything with these muses in anything slinkier before it gets really cold, Ill post them. The things I do for my comrades in arms.
  18. For those of you who like girls.....and liked Lauren's pix (the blonde I posted last that I photographed a couple of weeks ago).....I shot her slightly older sister this past Saturday and almost was late flying with my Hellhounds buds as a result. I noticed she had this tobogan on, and She tried to tell me she was from France, but when she took out a whole six pack of beer and opened them all at once, I was suspicous. Then when she started guzzling from them all while eating shredded fiberglass, I realized where she was from.........the planet REMULACK!! She was a CONEHEAD (twilight zone theme plays in background). Ok, If you are too young or from across the pond, you may not remember the original Saturday night live.....but these aliens are really here!! And I thought it was just a comedy routine Dan Akroid thought up. Then she did something that really alarmed me, as I remember the aliens on the ' War of the Worlds' TV series ate flowers sometimes while in Human bodies....... Then she got in front of this wooden wall when the wind started blowing a bit (was a bit cool) and I began to contemplate the genetic compatibility of carbon based humans and silicon based coneheads....... Then she reached for her tobogan and I thought she was going to play 'toss the sensure ring' with me.....but I was wrong. She just took it off and out falls this bucket of the brightest blonde hair Ive ever seen. Then she gave me this.....look. I thought for a moment I was having another zipper based wardrobe malfunction, but I realized that she is just one sultry chick. With that head of hair and those expressions, she had no bad angles, which I think we can all agree on.......even the Canadians. (gimme a beer, eh?) We had started out a bit earlier when it was a tad warmer.....it's cool when they bring several things to wear, though I wish I had come across these guys in the summer when less was more. And here she is marveling and contemplating the fact that she is being imaged by the world renowned photographer who also happens to be a second Lt in the elite Hellhounds fighter squadron. Though absence of heat no longer promotes slinky clothes like mini skirts and shorts, it does compensate wiht the effects of fall, and the Berry college campus is a great place for
  19. Hardy har.....rest assured that I was fully dressed, as you saw what happens when I forget to re zip sometimes in my previous post about this chick (like anyone actually believed that)....they just go nuts. Yeah, right. I hust hope she loosens up enough to let me get some skirt - dress etc type shots. I think she will, as Ive always usually been successful at making them comfy. As far as wild asses go, the chick I posted as my offering to appease you all last (the brunette in the micro mini skirt) was a true uninhibited vixen. This chick was a dancer in Atlanta when she was a teenager using a fake ID (she's 23 in this pic). She was a waitress when i shot that set, and was always interesting to shoot. Those are kinda rare though. Ill post some of the blonde's sister that I take this saturday.
  20. That is so bloody typical, but I must point out that the worse offenders in this country about this kind of crap are the lousy judges. They have the authority and the law to stop this crap before it costs the tax payers a damn thing or screws up anyones life. And Ill shut up now......but 95% of judges and 98% of prosecutors are worse crooks than Al Capone, mainly concerned with re-election - and they couldnt get away with it if damn sorry ass lawyers didnt let them in favor of doing this kind of crap. I hope this AH makes a good girl friend for some guy named Mongo.
  21. LMAO...heh heh. This is why posting this stuff is so gratifying.....you guys are a riot. All of your comments are
  22. Cool.....who the hell won anyway? I cant find a word about it. Did you guys defend the squadron honor while I was cavorting around photographing an airshow and a blonde?
  23. Here's a shot of 'Sister Wendy' a few yrs ago....taken from her application for the Frior's order (I took this photo as part of my tithing to the order). Happy F-ing birthday.
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