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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Can you put a link to patching this for a Steam version? Is there any difference in patching? I haven't gotten into it yet - pretty steep control setup curve, and I haven't been interested yet... I wouldn't mind a go once in awhile. I'm going to try to get a couple of hours in on weekends again.....see you, chaps!
  2. Dang! A bit too far away for a day trip..... Got to go to the Lancaster museum in Nanton 2 weekends ago, though. Model competition - my youngest won silver for his 1/35 scale NATO AVGP Cougar, the vehicle I used in the army. His first ever competition, and the little bugger wins a prize!
  3. Just returned from a trip down to Kalispell for the weekend, and thought I'd post some pics! A motorbiker's dream - 13 miles of this! Me and the missus on the Middle Fork of the Flathead River, near Columbia Falls, Montana.
  4. Love that plane. So.................ingenious. One of Camm's bets moments.....
  5. Rattler

    Christmas Cat

    We have four of the little suckers. They agree that they'de rather kill me than allow that to be done to them. They're under/in the tree right now, plotting my imminent demise.....
  6. I remember that news item. Raised quite a stir......
  7. Stupidity knows no bounds......
  8. Holy shit! Kelly actually flew? Wait a minute, who am I to talk..... I'll be up in Edmonton mid-October for a convention, Kelly. I'll try to get around to see you!
  9. Very, very nice, mate! I have to look for one of those masks.....wonder if they do JU-88 squiggle patterns?
  10. Just a "little" bike..... 2005 Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa
  11. That looks good, mate. Nice scratch work!
  12. Nice bikes, Dave. Have you seen my new one? It's my daily driver right now.....missus has the old Honda Hurricane. And this was my 1st car, almost identical except without the T-roof. Same colour, too. I ended up putting my brother's 1986 Mustang GT motor in it (4 bbl vice the '82's 2 bbl), and a set of the 10 hole mag wheels on it. Ran very nicely.
  13. Probably an overpriced version of Elmer's, then!
  14. Very nice, Jabo! @Mick - I only use white glue (Elmers, or such) for the canopies. It's plenty strong, and has no vapours, It also fills gaps nicely, and dries clear. I wouldn't recommend regular liquid cement or ACC - both have vapours, as you've mentioned, and will craze clear parts. No good.
  15. Very nice cockpit, mate. You need more white light for taking the pics, though. Trumpeter sure makes some nice kits. I have a Canadian Leopard 2 on the go from them. Looking forward to seeing more of this, and also spurs me to get onto mine!!
  16. I'm surprised. Only 192 parts for a 1/24 scale? My Tamiya Spitfire has over 500...... Looks like a nice kit though. Wood go nicely with my Mosquito, if I can find room for it.....
  17. I hope that you take notes of these, so that they can be corrected and re-packaged! We understand that there always will be some issues, FT. Thanks for hosting!
  18. Smudgy as in clear buffing? Or smoked colouring? If it's just clear abrasions, you can dip it in Future floor wax. It clears up imperfections every time. Not sure what it's called in the UK. I use it as a airbrush clearcoat after the paint is done as well. [edit] - I understand the product is called "Klear" in the UK?? http://www.andysmodels.me.uk/models/Hasegawa_F14A_006.htm Technique described on a Hasegawa F-14 Tomcat.....
  19. Very nice pics, Dave! Neat to have a museum like that nearby.
  20. Nice job, Dave. It's a really nice bird, that Lightning! No overwing ferry tanks?
  21. Rattler

    Rattler's backyard

    From the album: Rattler's Random Pics

    My view out the backyard. Lots of green-spaces around Lethbridge, and walking/bike paths. 22 deg. C today.
  22. Rattler

    Rattler's Random Pics

    Just some stuff from my life.
  23. Rattler

    IMG 7743

    @Sweper - no. AFAIK, they don't make a production turbo version for North America. It's just fine with 197hp. About 155hp at the rear tire. Lots of nice roads down in Southern Alberta to stretch it out.....
  24. Rattler

    T110E5 Prov Firing

    From the album: Rattler's Random Pics

    Firing from cover on an assault battle in my T110E5 heavy tank
  25. Rattler

    IMG 7743

    From the album: Rattler's Random Pics

    Me on my baby, the day after I bough it.
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