I know control setups are a very personal thing and it depends very much on what gear you have but I am starting this post in case someone finds it useful....
As always, any setup should be seen as a work in progress and is subject to change because of the new key mappings that come along with new aircraft. I think the GBS controls setup is doing well at the moment because of the number of key mappings that can be combined eg. many of the aircraft cooling systems can be combined, like cowl flaps, water rads and oil rads on one mapping. One thing I have found very useful over time is to keep as many, if not all, of the key mappings as default and add extra in the columns next to the default keys available in the settings.
I have an all-Saitek setup. It works for me. X52 Pro, rudder pedals and 4 quadrants. The X52 has 3 modes. I use the first one for flying, second for tank crew and third for miscellaneous. There is some overlap with key mappings because some tank crew mappings also activate aircraft systems eg. tank visor/periscope controls are the same mappings as the AR234 dive bombing settings - I don't think it's an issue because I don't imagine we will need to setup a Tiger or a Sherman to dive bomb anything.....although, Dogz being Dogz! The dive bombing settings are being used more now because the Me410 will also use them in some way as more sights and systems are introduced into the game.
I have one Saitek profile for each of the pieces of equipment in GBS except the rudder pedals, that doesn't need one.
I have attached an uncluttered piccie of the equipment setup and the settings for GBS and Tank Crew (second page only used) as documents. If nothing else, it could serve as a guide as to what can be combined etc.
Current 4 quadrant GBS controls.docx Current GBS Tank controls.docx